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Early Islamic Artefacts

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1 Early Islamic Artefacts
UKS2 Topic: Early Islamic Civilisation Block C: Trade and Travel Session 4 Early Islamic Artefacts © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 Glazed oil lamp with drip-catcher body, 9.5cm tall (genie not included!): CE 12th Century

3 Green glazed oil lamp with drip-catcher body,
Green glazed oil lamp with drip-catcher body, 9.5cm tall: CE 12th Century

4 Oil lamp with Islamic religious inscriptions, 9.5cm long:
CE 7-8th Century

5 Early Islamic ceramic lidded ‘pyxis’ with bronze ring, 9cm tall: CE 7-11th Century

6 ‘Pilgrim flask’, nearly spherical, 10cm diameter:
Early first millennium

7 Early Islamic textile fragment embroidered with fine geometric patterning, 6.5 x 15cm:
CE 8-12th Century

8 ‘Wooden block stamp’, carved with two facing antelopes and Arabic inscriptions, 20 x 16 x 5.5cm: CE c.12th Century

9 Bronze lion, 6cm tall: CE c.12th Century

10 Umayyad dynasty (CE 661-750) silver coins
Umayyad dynasty (CE ) silver coins

11 44cm tall: Umayyad period (CE 661-750)
Ceramic jar, decorated with interlocking circles containing scale-like patterns and stylised vegetal and geometric motifs, 44cm tall: Umayyad period (CE )

12 Glass goblet with metallic lustre, decorated with vertical and horizontal lines formed of dots creating stylised vegetal motifs and bands of circular geometric patterns, 11cm tall: CE

13 Decorated glass beaker: CE c. 1330

14 Syria or Egypt: CE 14th Century
Decorated glass vase, Syria or Egypt: CE 14th Century

15 Condiment dish, 35cm wide: CE 9th Century

16 Spain (probably Granada): CE 14-15th Century
Gold beaded necklace, Spain (probably Granada): CE 14-15th Century

17 http://www. discoverislamicart. org/database_item. php
Gold bracelets, decorated with filigree and superimposed coils, Egypt: CE 11th Century

18 Carved bone distaffs, Castle of Mértola, S. Portugal: CE 11th Century
Carved bone distaffs, Castle of Mértola, S. Portugal: CE 11th Century A distaff is a stick or spindle onto which wool or flax is wound for spinning.

19 Spain (probably Cordoba), 7.5cm tall: CE 10th Century
Ceramic inkwell, Spain (probably Cordoba), 7.5cm tall: CE 10th Century

20 Cordoba, Spain, 15.5cm diameter: CE 1026–1027
Astrolabe, Cordoba, Spain, 15.5cm diameter: CE 1026–1027 The astrolabe is a very ancient astronomical computer used for solving problems relating to time and the position of the Sun and stars in the sky. A typical old astrolabe was made of brass and was about 15 cm (6 inches) in diameter, although much larger and smaller ones were made. They were typically used for finding the time of day or of a celestial event.

21 UKS2 Topic: Early Islamic Civilisation Block C: Trade and Travel
Session 4 Example Sketches © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

22 Those first sketches…

23 An idea of shape and texture only...

24 Impressions of shapes, but very little detail…
Impressions of shapes, but very little detail…

25 See how little detail there is in the sketch?
no facial features; little idea where she is or what she is doing.


27 Charcoal used to capture texture, light and reflection.

28 ‘Thumbnail’ sketches quickly explore multiple representations of the same idea ...

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