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How to tell if the product is still good

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1 How to tell if the product is still good
Food Product Dating How to tell if the product is still good

2 What is Food Product Dating
Open Dating Open Dating is when a meat/poultry establishment dates product with a date format readily understood by the consumer May 5/16/17 Closed Dating Closed dating is when the establishment dates product with a code that tells the manufacturer when the product was produced

3 Are Dates Required Federal Law only requires dates on infant formula.
For Meat, Poultry and Egg products, FSIS allows dates as long as they are truthful and not misleading The date must be immediately adjacent to a phrase explaining the meaning “Best if Used By:”

4 Food Safety or Food Quality
Dates are added to a product to assist retailers and consumers in deciding when food is of the best quality Some establishments will use it for lotting also This is always dependent upon proper handling throughout the distribution chain

5 Where does the date come from?
Establishments determine the dates that they will put on their product, based upon several factors Packaging materials Formulations In House testing Anticipated distribution chain

6 Date Labeling Phrases Best if Used By/Before Sell By Use By
Product will have best flavor or quality before this date Sell By Tells store how long to display product Use By Last recommended for use while at peak quality

7 What does FSIS recommend
Best If Used By USDA estimates 30% of food sold in US is wasted at the retail and consumer levels Much of this is due to the misunderstanding of the dates on the labels The phrase “Best if Used By” has been shown to best convey the meaning of this being related to quality

8 Safety after the Date Passes
If the product passes the date printed during home storage, product is still safe and wholesome if handled properly until the time of spoilage. Spoilage organisms will decharacterize product resulting in off flavor, off odor and/or change in appearance.

9 Can Food be donated after date?
Yes Product quality may deteriorate after use by/sell by date, but product is still wholesome if handled properly. Check for signs of spoilage.

10 Dating on Infant Formula
Dates found on infant formula are mandated by Federal Law. Do not use baby formula that is past it’s use by date. Product may still be safe, but nutrient value may have deteriorated.

11 What about Can Codes Can codes are generally closed dated.
Meant for tracking production lots. If “Best if used by” date appears, that generally indicates best flavor, as product flavors will fade over time. Discard any dented, rusted, or swollen cans. High Acid foods (tomatoes and fruits) will keep months Low Acid foods will keep 2-5 years.

12 Dates on Egg Cartons Dates on eggs will represent the date they were packed (Julian date of the year) If “Sell by” is on egg carton with a USDA Shield, it is no more than 30 days after packing. Eggs should be refrigerated below 45°F.

13 Proper Food Handling Any food, if mishandled during production, shipping, storage can result in the product dates being meaningless. Proper handling is critical to ensure safety of the food. “When in doubt, throw it out.”

14 Any Questions?

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