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Introduction and Overview

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1 Introduction and Overview
UNCTAD, World Bank and IMF Workshop Geneva, February

2 MTDS Overview

3 What is debt management?
“Public debt management is the process of establishing and implementing a strategy for managing debt to achieve the government’s financing, risk, cost objectives and other goals, such as developing the domestic debt market” -Guidelines for Public Debt Management: IMF/World Bank, 2001

4 Debt Management matters for development
Accessing finance Ensures resources available for public investment needs Managing cost Influences availability of resources for other priorities Debt Management Managing risk Influences the realism of Government budgets and plans Developing domestic debt markets Influences development of the financial sector and broader costs and access to finance

5 MTDS is one part of a complex picture
Debt management and debt sustainability Debt management DeMPA (process) MTDS (debt composition) Long term debt sustainability DSF (debt level)

6 Debt Management is Distinct From Fiscal Policy
Debt Sustainability Analysis Required primary balance for sustainability Medium-Term Debt Strategy Cost and risk of different financing options – with a given primary balance Fiscal Policy Debt Management Aggregate government spending and taxation Microeconomic impacts of tax and spending policies Structure of debt Cost and risks of debt portfolio

7 Debt Management is Distinct From Fiscal Policy
Cost and risk of debt portfolio Fiscal Policy Debt Management Aggregate government spending and taxation Microeconomic impacts of tax and spending policies Structure of debt Cost and risks of debt portfolio Fiscal Risks Primary balance and financing need

8 A document outlining how the Government will achieve it’s financing goals while achieving an appropriate balance between cost and risk, and supporting secondary objectives such as development of the domestic debt market. - Analytically informed, typically including quantitative benchmarks or targets

9 IMF/World Bank Guidance Note
A document outlining how the Government will achieve it’s financing goals while achieving an appropriate balance between cost and risk, and supporting secondary objectives such as development of the domestic debt market. - Analytically informed, typically including quantitative benchmarks or targets IMF/World Bank Guidance Note Inputs Macro assumptions Shock scenarios Existing debt portfolio Strategies for new borrowing The Analytical Tool Iterative simulations within an excel-based model Outputs Cost and risk of existing strategy Cost and risk estimates of potential alternative debt strategies

10 Output Analysis Interest and exchange rate scenarios
Potential financing strategies Financing Need Existing debt Analysis Output Size and composition of debt stocks and flows Cost and risk indicators Redemption profile

11 8 Steps of MTDS

12 The 8 Steps One Two Three Four Objectives and scope of the strategy
Cost and risk of existing debt Three Potential sources of finance Four Medium-term macro-policy and market environment Five Broad structural factors and risks Six Analysis of alternative debt management strategies Seven Review with fiscal, monetary and market authorities Eight Propose and approve strategy Broad structural factors and risks Analysis of alternative debt management strategies Review with fiscal, monetary and market authorities Propose and approve strategy

13 Step 1: Objectives & Scope
Identify main objectives for public debt management and the scope of the medium term debt management strategy Outputs Description of the overall objectives for public debt management Definition of the types of debt to be covered by the strategy

14 Step 2: Costs and Risks of Existing Debt
Objectives Outputs Identify current debt management strategy Detailed information on outstanding debt Identify outstanding debt and its composition Debt servicing profile of outstanding debt Calculate basic cost and market risk indicators Description of main portfolio risks

15 Step 3: Potential Instruments and Characteristics
Objective Identify potential sources of finance, their financial characteristics including cost and risk parameters Output List existing and potential instruments, domestic and external. Describe financial characteristics Evaluation of the potential of annual borrowing in each instrument Discussion/ranking of the instruments based on cost/risk characteristics

16 Step 4: Macro and Market Environment
Objectives Identify baseline projections for key fiscal and monetary policy variables, market rates, mains, and the relevant constraints and implications for MTDS formulation Output Baseline projections for key fiscal, monetary policy and market variables A clear and comprehensive set of country specific risk scenarios to be tested

17 Step 5: Review Key Longer-Term Structural Factors
Objective Review structural factors that will potentially influence the desired direction of the MTDS over the longer-term Output Identify long-run structural factors that the MTDS should take into account Commodity price vulnerability Macro vulnerabilities created by the debt composition Change in access to concessional financing as income levels grow

18 Step 6: Analysis of Strategies
Objectives Identify and analyze possible debt management strategies, assess performance, and chose preferred debt management strategies Outputs Comparison of feasible debt compositions, identifying preferences relative to objectives Comparison of cost and cost-range implications of debt management strategies Identify the preferred, and a few alternative strategies

19 Step 7: Review with Other Agencies
Objectives Ensure that relevant feedback from the strategies identified is provided by the fiscal and monetary policy authorities Review the potential debt market implications of the strategies Output A clear assessment that the candidate strategies are consistent with fiscal and monetary policies, maintaining debt sustainability, and in line with plans for market development

20 Step 8: Propose and Approve the Strategy
Objective Present the preferred and alternative strategies to the highest responsible authority Propose the preferred strategy for approval Output A document describing the preferred strategy, as well as a few alternatives (“MTDS report”) A clear description of the key associated costs and risks, and relationship with the broad objectives

21 Dissemination and Implementation

22 Dissemination is vital
Commitment Gain commitment of key stakeholders Ensures consistency in ongoing DM decision making Ensures market understanding of Government intent Certainty and Confidence Dissemination Establishes benchmark against which to evaluate outcomes Accountability Improves the quality of the debate Strengthens analysis and (consequently) improves outcomes Analysis

23 MTDS implemented through borrowing plan
Specific instruments and timeframes Market Development Strategy

24 Implementation will highlight key bottlenecks
Shallow domestic debt markets Weaknesses in primary market operations Potential conflicts with monetary policy framework Limited availability of concessional financing

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