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Dealing with the Auto Enrolment Challenge Colin Walker Independent Financial Adviser Keegan & Pennykid Tel: 0131 225 6005 E-mail:

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with the Auto Enrolment Challenge Colin Walker Independent Financial Adviser Keegan & Pennykid Tel: 0131 225 6005 E-mail:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with the Auto Enrolment Challenge Colin Walker Independent Financial Adviser
Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

2 What The Changes In Pension Provision Mean For You?
What is Auto Enrolment? What is happening and when? When do I have to have my scheme in place? When is my Staging Date? Who is eligible for Automatic Enrolment Preparing for Automatic Enrolment

3 What The Changes In Pension Provision Mean For You?
Employer Responsibilities Employee Communications Non Compliance & Inducement Fines What makes a Scheme “Qualifying” Salary Exchange Freedom & Choice Our Role QUESTIONS!

4 What is Auto Enrolment? New legislation relating to Workplace Pensions requires employers to automatically enrol specific groups of their workers into a pension scheme. The implementation date of your auto enrolment pension scheme was determined by the number of employees you had on 1 April 2012.

5 What is Happening And When?
Auto Enrolment October February 2018 Staging date depends on employer size, but can be brought forward Employer must enrol eligible employees (job holders into Qualifying Scheme) Provide information to all employees Eventually Employer required to pay 3% & Employee 5% of qualifying earnings (minimum 8% overall) Register with TPR and keep records The full basic State Pension in is £ a week for a single person. Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

6 When do I have to have my scheme in place? Employer Staging Dates
Employer size Auto-enrolment staging date PAYE scheme size Staging date 120,000 or more 1 October 2012 50, ,999 1 November 2012 30,000-49,999 1 January 2013 20,000-29,999 1 February 2013 10,000-19,999 1 March 2013 6,000-9,999 1 April 2013 4,100-5,999 1 May 2013 4,000-4,099 1 June 2013 3,000-3,999 1 July 2013 2,000-2,999 1 August 2013 1,250-1,999 1 September 2013 800-1,249 1 October 2013 1 November 2013 1 January 2014 1 February 2014 April 2014 to 1 April 2015 Test tranche <30 Employees April 2015 to 30 June 2015 30-49 Employees August 2015 to 1 October 2015 Less than 30 Employees January 2016 t0 1 April 2017 New Employers May 2017 to 1 February 2018 The rules for staging within each size grouping have still to be confirmed. Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

7 When is my Staging Date? The Pensions regulator website You will need your PAYE reference to find out your Staging Date.

8 Who is eligible for Automatic Enrolment?
Assessing and categorising the workforce 2015/2016 levels Qualifying Earnings Age < £5,824 £5,824 - £10,000 > £10,000 16-21 Entitled Worker Non-eligible jobholder 22-SPA Eligible jobholder SPA-75 Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

9 Current Earnings Thresholds 2015-2016
Pay Reference Period Annual 1 week Fortnight 4 weeks 1 month 1 quarter Bi-annual Lower level of qualifying earnings  £5,824 £112  £224 £448 £486 £1,456 £2,912 Earnings trigger for automatic enrolment  £10,000 £192  £384 £768 £833 £2,499 £4,998 Upper level of qualifying earnings  £42,385 £815 £1,631 £3,261 £3,532 £10,597 £21,193

10 Preparing for Automatic Enrolment
Employer-no scheme Employer-with scheme Find out Staging Date Assess the workforce Determine earning definitions Calculate costs Consider scheme type Communicate to workers Plan implementation Enrol eligible job holders Register with TPR & keep records Contribute to workers pensions Find out Staging Date Assess the workforce Review/determine earnings definitions Calculate Costs Review existing Scheme Consider scheme type Communicate changes/terms to workers Plan implementation Enrol eligible job holders Register with TPR & keep records Contribute to workers pensions Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

11 Employer Responsibilities
Select a pension scheme provider Assessment of workers pre staging, at staging, ongoing Run opt-out / opt-in process and communications 3 year re-enrolment cycle Issuance of statutory postponement notices Issuance of statutory joining letters Record keeping for The Pensions Regulator requirements Reporting Submission of pension contribution information Administer refunds Let’s remind ourselves of what an employer actually has to do. Do they realise just how much work is involved?

12 Employee Communications
Advising the ‘assessed workforce’ about Automatic Enrolment process Set time limits Advise employees of their right to ‘opt-out’ Tell them how they may be affected (changes if an existing member, what it means for those not already a member) Must be in writing, can include - gather/provide addresses

13 Additional Requirements
All Employers will have additional regulatory requirements Employers prohibited from incentivising opt outs Register with TPR to show they are meeting their duties (TPR will write to all Employers) Payments will be monitored by Administrators or Scheme Trustees who need to report failures Must keep records for 6 years Must retain Opt in & Opt Out notices for 4 years Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

14 Non Compliance & Inducement Fines
Fixed fine - if employer doesn't comply, the regulator issues warning and a fine of £400. Daily fine - where the employer continues to break the regulations, there will be a fine for each day, with the penalty increasing until the company complies. Daily amount depends on the number of the employees: Where the employer induces employees to opt-out: Number of Employees Daily Non Compliance Fine 500 + £10,000 £5,000 £2,500 5 - 49 £500 1 - 4 £50 Number of Employees Daily Inducement Fine 250 + £5,000 £2,500 5 - 49 £1,500 1 - 4 £1,000

15 Contributions – Phasing In
Based on Qualifying Band Earnings Steady State Defined contribution 1% employee contribution 3% employee contribution 5% employee contribution Defined contribution 1% employer contribution 2% employer contribution 3% employer contribution Staging period October April 2018 6 April 2019 Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

16 Qualifying status-defined contribution schemes – statutory minimums
Qualifying earnings approach based on band of earnings Minimum contributions requirements phase in rates* Date Employer Jobholder Total From staging date to 05/04/2018 1% 2% 06/04/20189to 05/04/2019 3% 5% 06/04/2019onwards 8% Qualifying earnings: earnings of more than £5,824 and up to and including £42,385 (for tax year 2015/16) * The jobholder contribution includes tax relief, where applicable and the table assumes that the employer pays only the minimum contribution (as detailed in the employer contribution column) Considerations: qualifying earnings basis may be the lowest cost option most existing schemes work on basic salary this may be more onerous to administer This information is based on our understanding of current legislation, taxation law and HM Revenue & Customs practice, which may change. The value of any tax relief depends on the individual circumstances of the investor.

17 Qualifying status-defined contribution schemes
Alternative quality requirements based on pensionable earnings from first £1 Minimum contributions requirements-phase in rates* Dates Staging to 05/04/ /04/18 to 05/04/ /04/19 onwards Tier 1*1 (% based on pensionable earnings Total = 3% of which 2% is employer contribution Total = 6% of which 3% is employer contribution Total = 9% of which 4% is employer contribution Tier 2*1,2 Total = 2% of which 1% is employer contribution Total = 5% Total = 8% Tier 3*3 Total = 7% *1 Pensionable earnings must be at least equal to the jobholder’s basic pay *2 The total pensionable earnings of all relevant jobholders (in aggregate) to whom this tier applies must constitute at least 85% of their aggregate total earnings. *3 All earnings must be pensionable.

18 What makes a Scheme “Qualifying”
Does it permit Automatic Enrolment? Are employees enrolled automatically within 3 months of joining? Does the scheme have a “Default” investment option? Recognising the likely characteristics & needs of employees Appropriate balance between risk & return Glide path to safer assets as retirement approaches Does it meet one of the minimum contribution tests? Does it have an opting out facility? Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

19 Dealing with the Auto Enrolment Challenge
Who should you use? Existing or New Scheme! No Guarantee your existing provider will offer you an Automatic enrolment Scheme! So who offers what?

20 What are the choices? Existing scheme already in place?
Is it a Qualifying Workplace Pension Scheme? Will the provider allow the employer to use it for auto enrolment? Employer likely to need Independent financial advice NEST Public service obligation to accept all employers 100% self serve Traditional pension provider e.g. Standard Life, Scottish Widows Will they accept the employer? Will they accept all of the workers? How much time/notice do they need? What will it cost? Auto Enrolment provider e.g. NOW: Pensions There are several options open to your clients, depending on whether they already have a pension scheme in place or are starting one for the first time. If they already have a scheme they need to take action as soon as possible, asking the existing provider the above questions. Or move to one of the 3 other options – NEST (the quasi-government solution), a traditional provider or a new AE provider (like NOW: Pensions).

21 Types of Scheme? Chosen scheme must operate automatic enrolment - no member decisions or actions Adjust existing Group Personal Pension or Occupational Pension? Or set up new scheme? Different solutions for employees – min contributions for some, higher for others? Combined GPP and NEST, NOW: Pensions, The People’s Pension solution? Lower earners, highly transitional employees go to one of the alternative providers, others to GPP

22 Alternative Providers
Scheme DC occupational scheme Trustee corporation Administration Tata Charges 0.3% AMC Charge on contributions of 1.8% Decumulation Self-service decision Focused choice – panel of providers Investment Choice of funds from Cautious to Balanced/High risk (Employee Contributions deducted Net of Basic Rate Tax and invested Net of Tax Relief)

23 Alternative Providers
Scheme DC occupational scheme Trustee corporation Administration JLT Charges 0.3% AMC Administration charge of £1.50 per member per month (£0.30 per month for members earning under £18,000 until 2017 £ VAT per month Employer Fee Decumulation Three actively managed fund components providing Life Styling Investment Diversified Growth Fund, a Retirement Protection Fund and a Cash Protection Fund Alternative Providers Pensions

24 Alternative Providers
Scheme DC occupational scheme Trustee corporation Administration In house Charges 0.5% AMC £ One off payment via an IFA £ One off direct Decumulation 15 year glidepath Investment All funds are managed by Legal & General Investment Management, the largest provider of passive tracker funds in the UK Alternative Providers

25 What is salary Exchange?
Arrangement between the Organisation and employee to give up part of their future earnings (salary) in return for a non-cash benefit The non-cash benefit is a contribution by the Employer to the Employee’s pension plan Reduced earnings means reduced liability to income tax and National Insurance Nominal Salary can be used – other employee benefits Why only 6%? Note: all views expressed in relation to salary and bonus sacrifice are based on our understanding of the procedures adopted by an Organisation, and current taxation law and HM Revenue & Customs practice, which may change. 25

26 Freedom & Choice Pre April 2015 from the age of 55 you could
Tax-free Lump Sum of 25%, and either Purchase an Annuity Enter Drawdown Delay taking income

27 Freedom & Choice From 6th April 2015 Tax-Free Cash (TFC) of 25%
Purchase an Annuity Enter Drawdown Take the Residual fund, after TFC, as a further lump sum but pay Marginal rate of Income tax Use of Personal Allowance

28 Freedom & Choice Flexi-Access Drawdown (FAD)
Capped Drawdown – no new plans from April/convert Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS) New Rules For Lifetime Annuities

29 Our Role Provide you with Pension Scheme options
Recommend a suitable Pension Scheme for both you and your employees Run Group and/or One to One Meetings with your employees Offer advice to employees in respect of previous pensions Our fees are based on the work involved, not one size fits all No automatic ongoing charges

30 Useful Links & Numbers The Pensions Regulator –

31 CONTACT DETAILS Colin Walker Keegan & Pennykid (Insurance Brokers) Ltd 50 Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 3NS Tel: Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

32 Questions Keegan & Pennykid Tel: Website:

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