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Emily Hipps, Development & Communications Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Emily Hipps, Development & Communications Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emily Hipps, Development & Communications Coordinator
The Refugee Journey Emily Hipps, Development & Communications Coordinator

2 Who are Refugees?


4 Forced to Flee

5 Surprise: You and your family are leaving for Canada in 5 minutes. You will be walking.

6 Karen Refugees Escaping from Burma

7 DADAAB Refugee Camp in Kenya

8 DADAAB 460,000 Refugees

9 How many refugees are there in the world?

10 more than 21 Million Refugees Worldwide

11 Refugee Options: Stay in camp Repatriate Third country resettlement

12 Refugee Warehousing 1 year? 5 years? 8 years? 17 years?



15 Families Reunited

16 Aşağıdaki formu doldurunuz
Isim: _____________________ Soyad: __________________ Cep Numara: _____________________________ _________________________________________ Numara Sokak Şehir

17 Please complete the following form:
First Name: _____________________ Last Name: __________________ Cell number: ___________________________ _________________________________________ House number Street City

18 Refugee RESETTLEMENT Contracted Services (90 days)
Housing and furnishings Health screenings Cultural orientation Enrollment in school Social Security and Public Benefits Additional Services Employment services Refugee Mentor Program Bus Buddy Extended case management


20 What is the future of refugee resettlement?

21 Other Institute Programs
Immigration Services Anti-Human Trafficking Unaccompanied Minors Mental Health Services English For Work Classes General Employment Services Hospitality Careers Pathway Medical Careers Pathway College Readiness Academy

22 Advocate. Donate. Volunteer.
How You Can Help: Advocate. Donate. Volunteer.

23 Questions? Give me a call, shoot me an , message the Institute on Facebook. Emily Hipps x 304

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