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Key Stage 1 Assessment.

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1 Key Stage 1 Assessment

2 KS1 SATs 2017 Aims: To introduce the KS1 assessment arrangements for 2017 To discuss examples of questions To explain how we administer the tests to young children


4 At the end of each Key Stage 1 the children are formally assessed in Maths and Reading.
SPaG is assessed within writing which is teacher assessed. A spelling and grammar test which is not statutory is used informally. This is the second year assessing against the new framework.

5 KS1 tests are a statutory requirement.
The results are used to inform our teacher assessment. Our teacher assessment is based on the children’s progress and attainment in class throughout the year.

6 The tests are administered throughout May.
TIMINGS The tests are administered throughout May. The tests are carried out in our classrooms. They are timetabled into our normal weekly planning. We keep to normal classroom practice. We do not say the ‘S’ (‘SATs’) word!!!

7 The Reading Tests There are two reading papers that can be based on fiction, non-fiction or poetry texts: Paper 1 – Reading prompt and answer booklet. - 20 marks in 30 minutes. Paper 2 – Separate reading and answer booklet. - 20 marks in 40 minutes.


9 “What do you want?” said the king.
“I want my wife.” “Well, you shan’t have her!” “Then,” said the blackbird, “you and I are at war.” He began to beat his drum: rat-tat-tat. The king laughed to his servants. “Take this cheeky bird to the hen-house and throw him in. The chickens will have pecked him to pieces by morning.” So the blackbird was locked inside the hen-house. Straightaway he called the fox, who came and snarled and snapped at the chickens who were terrified. All night they huddled in the corner, quivering and quaking. The next morning, there was the blackbird, marching backwards and forwards, beating his drum: rat-tat-tat. When the king heard that the blackbird was still alive, he was angry. “Tonight,” he shouted, “throw him in with the elephants – they’ll have trampled him to a pulp by morning!” So on the second night he was locked in the elephant compound. Straightaway he called the ants. Soon they were crawling up the elephants’ trunks and into their ears, tickling and stinging until the elephants lay on the ground, quivering and quaking and begging to be left alone! The next morning, there was the blackbird, beating his little drum: rat-tat-tat.

10 Multiple choice

11 Ranking and ordering

12 Matching and labelling

13 Find and copy / open-ended

14 The Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) Tests
These are not statutory. We use them informally to inform our teacher assessment of their independent spelling and grammar ability. There are two SPaG papers: Paper 1 – Spelling - 20 spellings worth 20 marks Paper 2 – Punctuation and Grammar - 20 marks in 20 minutes



17 The Maths PAPERS There are two Maths papers: Paper 1 – Arithmetic - 25 questions in 20 minutes Paper 2 – Reasoning - 35 marks in 35 minutes





22 How do we prepare the children?
Our daily and weekly planning is tailored to suit our children so that they are challenged and make good progress. Home learning consolidates key areas. Booster groups target particular areas. Practice tests and assessments take place from the second term in Year 2.

23 How do we prepare the children FOR MATHS?
Daily maths lessons which are based upon the prior learning of the children. We have a arithmetic challenges in the morning and focus on learning 2, 5 and 10 times tables as well as counting. We will now be introducing the 3 x table. Many of our tasks are based on a ‘reasoning’ style of questioning. Completion of sample Maths test papers from Term 3.

24 How do we prepare the children for Reading?
Guided reading sessions where discussion of the text is the focus. Reading focus tasks in literacy lessons including comprehension tasks. Completion of sample reading test papers. A focus on reading through library time, Bug Club, home reading, book corner discussions and whole class storytelling.

25 How are the tests marked?
Marking is completed by your child’s class teacher. Schools follow strict guidelines to ensure standards, consistency and security are maintained. Marking criteria is provided by the government. Teachers from schools across Kent meet to moderate judgements.

26 The new ‘expected standards’
Last year the Government published a new set of national ‘expected standards’ for the end of KS1. Many of the standards from Year 3 are now ‘expected’ at Year 2. We are working hard to ensure that we deliver an exciting and engaging child-friendly curriculum whilst meeting the demands of the expected standards.

27 Reporting the results The information provided by the tests and our teacher assessment is used to provide the Year 3 teaching staff with a good base upon which to build their learning. Test scores are in the form of a ‘scaled score’ with 100 representing a national expected score. Children will therefore achieve expected, above expected or below the expected level depending on how close their score is to 100.

28 How can you help AT HOME? Everything that you are already doing!
Daily reading and spelling. Supporting children to complete their home learning. Keep our secret! We will not communicate anything to the children about ‘tests’. It will feel like a normal month in school. Plenty of rest and sleep during the SATs weeks.

29 Specific activities to raise attainment in year 2
Defining words as you read Reading a wide range of books and reading to your child Spelling all common Year 1 and 2 words correctly Telling the time to at least 15 minutes Playing games to develop reasoning or maths like monopoly, chess, card games, Orchard Games Learning number bonds and times tables facts by heart Learning facts like ½ of 30 is 15, 1000g in 1kg, 60 minutes in an hour, days and months

30 Useful materials and links
A useful video outlining the procedures this year.

31 A very big thank you for your constant help and support with reading, home learning, spelling and with all the exciting things that are bought in to show us! Happy, confident, rested children will cope with the assessments with ease.

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