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Chapter 4: Cells 4.1 Intro to Cells; History; Microscopes Pg

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1 Chapter 4: Cells 4.1 Intro to Cells; History; Microscopes Pg. 51-53
Objective: I can explain how the cell theory came to be and identify which microscopes can best view which object by factors of 10.

2 Cell Theory 3 ideas All organisms made of 1 or more cells
Cells arise from preexisting cells Cell = smallest, most basic living thing Things to note: Where did first cell come from? Are viruses alive? This is a theory, which means… Proven with evidence, can be disproven

3 Cell Theory History Anton van Leeuwenhoek Made “1st” microscope
Robert Hooke Named/discovered cell Matthias Schleiden All plants made of cells Theodor Schwann All animals made of cells Robert Virchow Cells come from other cells

4 Visualizing cells: They’re tiny
Magnification: enlarging image size versus real size  wide range of sizes!


6 Visualizing cells: They’re tiny
Units  100 meters = 1 m 103 (1000) meters = 1 kilometer (km) 10-2 meters = 1 centimeter (cm) 10-3 meters = 1 millimeter (mm) 103 102 101 100 10-1 10-2 10-3

7 Visualizing cells: They’re tiny
Units  100 meters = 1 m 10-6 meters = 1 micrometer (µm) = micron 10-9 meters = 1 nanometer (nm) 10-10 meters = 1 Angstrom (Å) 10-6 10-9 102 101 100 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-10

8 Magnification: enlarge image
These two are related, but separate concepts Resolution: minimium distance two points can be apart and still see as two different points 10-6 10-9 102 101 100 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-10

9 Resolution Minimum distance 2 points can be apart and still see as 2 different points Higher resolution = can distinguish at smaller distances Based on wavelength of light Increase resolution with shorter wavelength

10 Microscopes Light microscope: uses light/lenses
What about magnification & resolution? Microscopes Light microscope: uses light/lenses Compound microscope: multiple lenses Electron microscope: uses electrons Scanning (SEM): scan outside Transmission (TEM): transmit inside Color?













23 Other Microscopic Images

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