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2 ~an indirect comparison using LIKE or AS.
____________ ~an indirect comparison using LIKE or AS. “My dad is like a bear in the morning.”

3 _____________ ~a direct comparison between two
very different things using IS or ARE. “My dad is a bear in the morning.”

4 ~Repetition of two or more CONSONANTS.
_______________ ~Repetition of two or more CONSONANTS. Karl Kessler kept the ketchup in the kitchen.

5 ~Giving human qualities to non-human objects.
________________ ~Giving human qualities to non-human objects. “The wind sang her mournful song through the falling leaves.”

6 _________________ ~use of carefully selected adjective or
sensory words that appeal to the senses. SIGHT: The rose is bright red. HEARING: It sounds like a chirping bird. SMELL: The air smells like smoke. TASTE : The taco tastes spicy, delicious.

7 ____________ “My mom has a green thumb!”
~phrase in which the meaning is different from its literal content. “My mom has a green thumb!”

8 ~sound words – “buzz”, “tick tock”, “On a mat I squished a pea,
_____________ ~sound words – “buzz”, “tick tock”, “fizz”, “zip” “On a mat I squished a pea, “pop” “squish.” SQUISH!

9 _______________ “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!”
~an exaggeration used for a literary effect such as emphasis, drama, or humor. “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!” “Yikes!”

10 Other Literary Terms Flashback - an interruption in the story’s sequence that takes the reader back to an earlier time Foreshadow- use of clues to suggest that something will happen later in the story (what’s coming up) Symbol – an object that represents and idea American flag stands for freedom Tone – the author’s attitude

11 ________________ ~an interruption in the plot sequence to
present an earlier scene or episode. As the woman sat at the window watching the children load the school bus, she remembered her first time riding a school bus many years ago.

12 ~providing hints about what may happen later in the story.
___________________________________________________ ~providing hints about what may happen later in the story. Alex cringed when the substitute announced, “Mrs. Topaz will be absent indefinitely.” “I wonder what’s going to happen now.....” “Mrs. Topaz will be absent indefinitely.”

13 _________________ A dove symbolizes peace.
~the use of an object or idea to represent something other than itself. A dove symbolizes peace.

14 ~the author’s attitude toward his or her subject and audience.
______________ ~the author’s attitude toward his or her subject and audience. Ask yourself, is the author involved or detached from the subject? How does he/she feel? Is he or she joking, serious, approving, angry?

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