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Puritans. Puritans Characters ACT I ACT II ACT III.

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2 Puritans

3 Characters





8 Puritans Characters Act I Act II Act III Act IV $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” is considered this type of literature.

10 What is a Sermon?

11 “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was written by this author.

12 Who is Jonathan Edwards?

13 The author of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was from this religious background.

14 What is Puritanism/Puritan?

15 “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” compares God’s anger to these three things.

16 What are: 1.) Great Waters 2.) A Great Flood 3.) A Bow and Arrow

17 The type of Government held by the Puritans in Salem.

18 What is a Theocracy?

19 This character was accused of witchcraft due to the death of Mr
This character was accused of witchcraft due to the death of Mr. Walcott’s pigs.

20 Who is Martha Corey?

21 This character has been to court 33 times.

22 Who is Giles Corey?

23 The authority on witchcraft.

24 Who is Rev. Hale?

25 Carries books that are “weighted with authority.”

26 Who is Rev. Hale?

27 Accuses Rebecca Nurse of killing her children.

28 Who is Ann Putnam?

29 Parris catches the girls doing this prior to Act I.

30 What is dancing in the woods?

31 First one accused of beings a witch in Act I.

32 Who is Tituba?

33 Goody Putnam blames this on witchcraft.

34 What is the death of her children?

35 Daily Double!!

36 Proctor’s chief complaint against Parris in Act I.

37 What is his preaching on fire and brimstone?

38 The first people named by Tituba as witches.

39 Who are Sarah Good and Sarah Osborn?

40 John Proctor says his house feels like this season.

41 What is Winter?

42 The news that Mary Warren brings from Salem.

43 What is more people in jail/Elizabeth accused of being a witch.

44 The gift given by Mary Warren to Elizabeth Proctor.

45 What is a poppet?

46 This is the commandment forgotten by Proctor.

47 What is Adultery?

48 Mary Warren fears this if she testifies in court at the end of Act II

49 What is Abigail will turn on her?

50 The person in charge of the court in Act III.

51 Who is Deputy Governor Danforth?

52 Elizabeth Proctor will not hang because of this.

53 What is Pregnancy?

54 The charge against Giles Corey.

55 What is Contempt of Court?

56 What does Elizabeth Proctor do to save her husband in Act III.

57 What is lie about his lechery?

58 The attacking creature Abigail said was sent by Mary Warren.

59 What is a Yellow Bird?

60 The setting of Act IV.

61 What is the Salem Jail.

62 Parris found this outside his door.

63 What is a dagger?

64 Hale urges Proctor to do this.

65 What is confess to witchcraft to save his life?

66 Abigail does this at the end of the play.

67 What is rob Parris and flee Salem?

68 The manner of death for Giles Corey.

69 What is Pressing?

70 Final Jeopardy Please get out a piece of paper, write down the name of your group members, group number, the point value that you will be wagering, and your answer to the following question

71 Final Jeopardy Arthur Miller writes The Crucible to really be about the Red Scare and McCarthyism. Therefore The Crucible is this type of literature.

72 What is an Allegory?

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