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What makes sin so terrible?

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2 What makes sin so terrible?
The Trumpets: What makes sin so terrible? Discuss – Consequences Broken fellowship/separation from God Holding power Romans 1:18-32

3 “This passage teaches us that God’s judgment is painful and terrifying and that only those whom God seals will be protected from His judgment. You can not keep the judgment of God from falling. You cannot protect yourself from it. You are not stronger than the scorpion sting of those locusts, and they are more scary to you than you are to them.” James Hamilton Jr., Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches

4 6th Trumpet Voice from the altar
Chapter 9: 6th Trumpet Voice from the altar Four angels from the Euphrates released Prepared – hour, day, month, year Purpose – kill a third of mankind Unleashed Calvary Voice from the Altar Altar – golden before God – as in 8:3 Whose voice? Prayers of Saints – problem = one singular voice Voice of angel with censer most likely Commands trumpet angel Only trumpet angel to be involved in the action Four Angels Released Who are the angels? Same as ones restraining in 7:1? Not likely, there four corners, here one location Good or bad? Most likely demonic – “Bound” – Death angels? The Great River Euphrates. One of the rivers of the Garden of Eden Eastern border of Israel River crossed by invaders – Babylonians, Assyrians, Medes & Persians Symbol of foreign invasion Prepared Specific time – one definite article for the list – specific time Speaks to God’s sovereign plan He has the time prepared Not a reason to calculate a time… Prepared – Perfect tense, passive voice – action with ongoing results, divine passive…waiting on God’s plan. Purpose Kill a third Today – Billion (google) = Billion dead. Catastrophic

5 6th Trumpet Mounted Troops = 200,000,000. Horses are the weapon.
Chapter 9: 6th Trumpet Mounted Troops = 200,000,000. Horses are the weapon. Lion’s head with fire, smoke, Sulphur. Tails had power to wound Mounted Troops 200 Million (10,000 x 10,000 x2) Demonic Calvary – similar to Joel 1,2 – locusts plague then an army China – 200 Million army? In that context – Roman army 125K active army, another 100K in reserve… This army dwarfs the largest of man’s power then. This army is not about its number, but its effect Horses Mounted troops only had colored breastplates – colors of fire, smoke, Sulphur Horses inflict the damage NOT NORMAL – nor are they descriptions of tanks and such. Lion’s Head Fire, smoke, and Sulphur are the killing agents Terrifying picture! Tails Power to wound as well Like serpents – ties to demonic

6 Rest of Mankind Unrepentant Did not give up idols and false worship
Chapter 9: Rest of Mankind Unrepentant Did not give up idols and false worship Did not refrain from sinful acts Unrepentant “Did Not Repent” – Greek = not even or refused Plagues – god’s of this world of no effect, God is most powerful Things of the world will not save them Demonic turn on them! Did not give up idols Absurdity of depravity Power of idolatry – false hope



9 “Nowhere will you find a more accurate picture of sinful humanity pressed to the extreme. One would think that the terrors of God’s wrath would bring rebels to their knees. Not so. Past the point of no return, they respond to greater punishment with increased rebellion. Such is sinful nature untouched and unmoved by the mercies of God.” Robert Mounce, The Book of Revelation * Terrible Judgment – Call to repent!

10 “What keeps people from Heaven
“What keeps people from Heaven? The worship of gods that cannot save, gods that cannot protect, gods that cannot satisfy, gods that cannot even see, hear, or walk. What keeps people from Heaven? Their love of meanness to other people- murder, magical manipulation, immorality, theft. God’s commands do not deny us good things. God’s commands protect us from evil. God is not holding something good from us by telling us not to murder; he wants us to love other people, not kill them. God is not keeping power from us by forbidding sorcery; he wants us to trust him as God. God is not withholding pleasure from us by telling us not to commit adultery, not to be sexually immoral; he wants us to enjoy pure, undefiled sexual fulfillment within the context of the covenant union of one man and one woman joined as one flesh…” * Terrible Judgment – Call to repent!

11 “…God is not relegating us to poverty by telling us not to steal; he wants us to have clear consciences, to be content with what he has given to us, and to know that he can and will meet all our needs. God is not withholding good from us; he is calling us to trust him. There is no greater fulfillment than that of knowing God. There is not greater joy than the joy of obeying God.” James M Hamilton Jr., Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches * Terrible Judgment – Call to repent!

12 Sin’s shiny seduction never rewards like it sells!
Takeaway Thought.


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