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Belief in the Angels The Cardinal Angels
So Allah (swt) has described Jibreel (as) as powerful and possessing high rank, and enjoying the unquestioning obedience of the other angels when he orders them to carry out Allah's Commands Allah describes him as being trustworthy, the one who delivers the Book of Revelations, he adds nothing to it, nor does he omit from it even one letter, but delivers it exactly as it is given to him by Allah. He is the greatest of all the ther angels and the leader over them. When Allah wants something done he tells Jabreel and he in turn gives the command to the other angels.
The Prophet Muhammad saw Jabreel in his original form on 2 occasions:
The first time was in Makkah, when he raised his head and saw him in the highest part of the sky, he had six hundred wings, each of them filling the horizon. The second occasion is described by Allah in His Words: " And indeed he [Muhammad] saw him [Jibreel] at a second descent [i.e. at another time] at Sidrut Al- Muntahaa2." (Qur'an53:13,14) " It is reported on the authority of Maalik Ibn Sa'sa'a, that the Prophet said on the night of his ascension to the heavens (Al-Mi'raaj) that, he travelled to the heavens in the company of Jibreel (as)." (Narrated by Bukhari)
Another arch angel is Mikaeel
Mikaeel is the angel who makes it rain. Whenever Allah wants it to rain, Makaeel does so.
There are also angels assigned to care for the fetus when it is in the womb:
It is reported on the authority of Ibn Mas'ud that the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: " Verily, each of you is created in the form of a drop of sperm in his mother's womb for forty days, then he is a clot for a similar period, then he is a lump of flesh (the size of a morsel) for a similar (period), then the angel is sent to breathe (human) spirit into him, then (the angel) is ordered to write down his share of livelihood, his appointed term (i.e. how long he will live), his actions and whether he will be miserable or happy." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
Also there are angles assigned to write down the good and bad deeds:
[Remember that] the two Receivers [recording angels] receive [each human being after he or she has attained the age of puberty], one sitting on the right and one sitting on the left [to note his or her actions]. Not a word does he [or she] but there is a watcher by him ready [to record it]." (Qur'an 50:17:18) Rakeeb and Ateed are their names. The one on the left records every misdeed. He however hesitates to write for some time in the hope that the individual will repent and seek forgiveness. Failing to repent, the angel reluctantly records a debit of l one point. The ratio is 10 to 1, which indicates the mercy of Allah. On the Day of Judgment these two Angels will present the individual with a copy of their records, being their good deeds and their bad deeds.
In addition there are angels assigned to protect the human from harm:
Allah (swt) has appointed them to preserve us from danger in this life, which He has written for us. In this world are many dangerous things: Predators (both human and animal) snakes, scorpions, tyrannical rulers, unjust people etc. But Allah (swt), in His infinite Mercy, has appointed for us protectors from amongst the angels. Allah (swt), the Almighty, the All-powerful: " For each [person] there are angels in succession, before and behind him, they guard him by the Command of Allah." (Qur'an 13:11)
There are also angles that walk the earth looking for believers gathered together remembering allah:
When they see such gatherings, they call to each other, saying: "Let us go to that which you love! [i.e. the remembrance of Allah]." Remembrance of Allah (swt) is of several types: * Recitation of the Qur'an, (ii) * Praying * Praising Allah * Seeking His forgiveness, * Attending classes of Islam These angels attend these gatherings
Also The Prophet told us:
Angels ascend to and descend from the heaven continuously, in turn, some by night and some by day; and all of them assemble together at the time of fajr and 'asr prayers. Then those who have stayed with you overnight ascend unto Allah (swt), Who asks them (and He knows the answer better than they): How have you left My slaves? They reply: We left them while they were praying and we came to them while they were praying. The narrator added: If any of you says: Aameen (during the prayer, at the end of the recitation of Surah Al-Faatihah), and the angels in heaven say the same, and the two sayings coincide, all his past sins will be forgiven." (Narrated by Bukhari)
Other Angels Responsibilities:
* To look after the Ocean *To look after the Rivers * To look after the Wind
Another arch angel is the Angel of Death
His job is to take the soul of the person when he or she dies. His name in unknown. Also there are angels that torture wrongdoers at the time of death: "If only you could see, when the angels take the souls of those who disbelieve, [the angels are] beating their faces and their backs." (Al-Anfaal), 50
There is also the angels of the grave
These angels are in charge of questioning the people in the grave. And they will show them heaven and hell while in their grave. One carries a bar in his hand and will use it to hit the person who answers the questions of the grave wrongly. They are described by the prophet in an authentic hadith as being black and blue in color and terrifying to see.
Also Another arch angel is Ridwan:
Ridwan is the custodian over Paradise
Then there is Harut and Marut
Are the two Angels who came down upon Babylon, warning the inhabitants of their evil ways. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): ". . . and such things as came down at Babylon to the angels Haaroot and Maaroot . . ." [al-Baqarah 2:102] ". . . and none can know the forces of your Lord, except He. And this is no other than a warning to mankind." [al-Muddaththir 74:31]
Other arch angels: Israeel and Israfeel who will blow the horn on day of Judgement Also some angels carry the throne of Allah: "Those (angels) who bear the Throne (of Allaah) and those around it glorify the praises of their Lord, and believe in Him, and ask forgiveness for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allaah) (saying): 'Our Lord! You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repent and follow Your way, and save them from the torment of the blazing Fire!'" [Ghaafir 40:7] And Malik is the Keeper over the Hell
There are other angels to and the heavens are filled with angels that bow and prostrate to Allah
There is not the space of a finger joint in the heavens, which is not filled by an angel, bowing and prostrating to Allah (swt). We love the angels, for they are the best advisors to mankind, recommending us to do good and abstain from evil, and they ask Allah's forgiveness for us.
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