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Oregon State University

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1 Oregon State University
A Methodology and Tools for the Prospective Identification of NextGen Human Factors Issues Ken Funk Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon, USA

2 NextGen: The Next Generation Air Transportation System
Goals: increase safety, security, capacity Key Capabilities Network-Enabled Information Access Performance-Based Operations and Services Weather Assimilated into Decision-Making Layered, Adaptive Security Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Services Aircraft Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) Equivalent Visual Operations (EVO) Super-Density Arrival/Departure Operations Some Flight Deck Changes Internet-like information services Access to a common weather picture Integration of weather information into flight deck decision making Negotiated four-dimensional aircraft trajectories Equivalent visual operations in low visibility conditions Delegated self-separation Equipment and procedures for super-density arrival and departure operations.

3 Human Factors Issues NextGen Flight Deck Human Factors Issue
a possible condition or situation related to flight deck operations in which normal pilot characteristics, capabilities, limitations, and tendencies are very likely to lead to significant problems with NextGen effectiveness, efficiency, or safety. NextGen (and related) Issue Identification Wiener (1989): "Glass Cockpit" Aircraft Williams, Holland,Tyler (2002): Capstone Program MITRE (2006): SafeFlight 21 Sheridan, Corker, & Nadler (2006a, 2006b): Human-Automation interaction in NGATS Funk, Mauro, & Barshi (2009): NextGen Flight Deck Human Factors Issues

4 Objectives Develop Issue Identification Methodology
Complementary, supplementary to other approaches Prospective Systematic Top-down, analytical Provide framework to organize issues by system function Offer recommendations for remediation Apply Methodology to NextGen Flight Deck

5 Human-Machine Systems Engineering Methodology (HMSEM) and Tools
Develop Functional Model IDEF0/AI0Win INav Analyze Tasks Identify Human Fallibilities HFIRDB Identify Potential Flight Crew Errors Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Identify General Issues Develop Requirements To Address Issues Results kept in HMSEM Workbook

6 Develop Functional Model Using IDEF0: Integrated DEFinition language 0

7 IDEF0 Model A253, Get traffic info using HSI/CDTI

8 IDEF0 Model A253, Get traffic info using HSI/CDTI (detail)

9 IDEF0 Model A253, Get traffic info using HSI/CDTI (detail)

10 INav Representation

11 Human-Machine Systems Engineering Methodology (HMSEM) and Tools
Develop Functional Model IDEF0/AI0Win INav Analyze Tasks Identify Human Fallibilities HFIRDB Identify Potential Flight Crew Errors Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Identify General Issues Develop Requirements To Address Issues Results kept in HMSEM Workbook

12 Analyze Tasks

13 Human-Machine Systems Engineering Methodology (HMSEM) and Tools
Develop Functional Model IDEF0/AI0Win INav Analyze Tasks Identify Human Fallibilities HFIRDB Identify Potential Flight Crew Errors Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Identify General Issues Develop Requirements To Address Issues Results kept in HMSEM Workbook

14 Identify Human Fallibilities
Wiener (1987) fallible humans + vulnerable system = error Human Fallibilities Identification and Remediation Database (HFIRDB) Compiled from Wickens & Hollands' (2000) Engineering Psychology and Human Performance, 2nd ed. Application to selected task: User-driven DB queries Reference task IDEF0 model, INav representation, Task Analysis results Select relevant human information processing stage(s) ⇾ possible human fallibility categories Choose from subset of human fallibility categories ⇾ conditions necessary for general fallibilities to be manifested Identify conditions that exist in task. ⇾ conditions necessary for specific fallibilities to be manifested Confirm task conditions ⇾ specific fallibilities that can be manifested Generate fallibilities set for FMEA in HMSEM Workbook

15 Human-Machine Systems Engineering Methodology (HMSEM) and Tools
Develop Functional Model IDEF0/AI0Win INav Analyze Tasks Identify Human Fallibilities HFIRDB Identify Potential Flight Crew Errors Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Identify General Issues Develop Requirements To Address Issues Results kept in HMSEM Workbook

16 Identify Potential Flight Crew Errors Using FMEA
Choose task for analysis. Review IDEF0 model, INav representation. Consider fallibilities from HFIRDB, other factors (from model) Identify potential failure modes (flight crew errors) For each failure mode/error, Identify possible consequences Estimate (1 [low] – 5 [high]): Severity of consequences Probability Nondetectability Compute Risk Priority Number RPN = S x P x N

17 Some Potential Errors Arising From Human Fallibilities and Flight Deck Vulnerabilities

18 Human-Machine Systems Engineering Methodology (HMSEM) and Tools
Develop Functional Model IDEF0/AI0Win INav Analyze Tasks Identify Human Fallibilities HFIRDB Identify Potential Flight Crew Errors Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Identify General Issues Develop Requirements To Address Issues Results kept in HMSEM Workbook

19 Identify General Issues

20 Human-Machine Systems Engineering Methodology (HMSEM) and Tools
Develop Functional Model IDEF0/AI0Win INav Analyze Tasks Identify Human Fallibilities HFIRDB Identify Potential Flight Crew Errors Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Identify General Issues Develop Requirements To Address Issues Results kept in HMSEM Workbook

21 Develop Requirements To Address Issues

22 Discussion HMSEM Strengths Prospective Systematic
Based on validated human factors knowledge Uses rich, functional modeling technique (IDEF0) IDEF0 model provides framework for organizing Human fallibilities Potential errors Recommended remediations HMSEM Limitations Time-consuming process Most tools in prototype form Still subject to analyst biases, limitations Current application NextGen flight deck) limited in scope, accuracy

23 Recommendations HMSEM Development Expand HFIRDB
Convert HMSEM Workbook to Database Application HMSEM Application Assemble team of SMEs, NextGen engineers, HFEs Refine & expand NextGen flight deck functional model Reconcile model with NextGen Enterprise Architecture models Use HMSEM to identify Human fallibilities Potential errors General issues Develop recommendations for Standards Design requirements

24 Human-Machine Systems Engineering Methodology (HMSEM) and Tools
Develop Functional Model IDEF0/AI0Win INav Analyze Tasks Identify Human Fallibilities HFIRDB Identify Potential Flight Crew Errors Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Identify General Issues Develop Requirements To Address Issues Results kept in HMSEM Workbook

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