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Lesson 1.3 Microscopic Organisms on Earth

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1 Lesson 1.3 Microscopic Organisms on Earth
Vocabulary Lesson 1.3 Microscopic Organisms on Earth

2 Compound Light Microscope

3 Compound Light Microscope
A microscope that uses two or more lenses and a light source to magnify objects

4 Objective Lens

5 Objective Lens The lens on the bottom of a microscope’s body tube

6 Ocular Lens

7 Ocular Lens The lens at the top of the microscope’s body tube, nearest the observer’s eye

8 Electron Microscope

9 Electron Microscope A powerful microscope that uses beams of electrons, rather than a light source, to magnify samples being observed

10 Prokaryotes

11 Prokaryotes An organism that has a simple cell structure without a nucleus in each cell

12 Eukaryotes

13 Eukaryotes An organism with a nucleus in each cell

14 Cyanobacteria

15 Cyanobacteria Prokaryotic producers that produced oxygen as a waste gas that made Earth inhabitable for other living things

16 Protist

17 Protist A single-celled, eukaryotic organism that cannot be clearly classified as animal or plant

18 Diatoms

19 Diatom A very small photosynthetic protist that lives in either salt water or fresh water

20 Dinoflagellate

21 Dinoflagellate A protist that has characteristics of both plants and animals

22 Protozoan

23 Protozoan A protist that has no cell walls and can find and eat food.

24 Flagella

25 Flagella Long, hair like structures that whip and lash to help flagellates swim

26 Parasites

27 Parasites An organism that feeds off and harms other organisms

28 Cilia

29 Cilia Small, hair like projections extending from the outsides of some protist’s cells used for movement and for capturing food

30 Food Vacuole

31 Food Vacuole A structure inside certain cells where food is stored

32 Pseudopods

33 Pseudopods A cell extension used by protist to move about and capture food; means “false foot”

34 Amoeba

35 Amoeba A protist, found in fresh water, salt water, and soil, that uses pseudopods to move and take in food

36 Created By: Paige Rogers, Carlie McMahon, & Annamarie Rodriguez
The End Created By: Paige Rogers, Carlie McMahon, & Annamarie Rodriguez

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