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2008 Outlook for U.S. Construction Activity Midyear Update

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1 2008 Outlook for U.S. Construction Activity Midyear Update
ENR-CURT Construction Business Forum St. Charles, MO – June 11, 2008 2008 Outlook for U.S. Construction Activity Midyear Update Robert Murray Vice President, Economic Affairs McGraw-Hill Construction

2 U.S. Construction Market Indicators
Total construction fell in 2007 – first decline in current dollars since 1991.

3 Major U.S. Construction Sectors (Starts)
Single Family Housing down sharply; Commercial Bldg. turning; Institutional Bldg. , Public Works still have some upward potential.

4 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture
The economy has slowed – and is close to recession.

5 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture
The pressure on prices has picked up.

6 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture
Both short-term and long-term rates have moved down. Also, Federal Reserve took aggressive steps in March to deal with latest stage of financial crisis. Stimulus Package includes:. Tax rebates Incentives for equipment purchases Steps to increase the funds available for mortgage lending. Aside from monetary policy, a $168 billion stimulus package was enacted on February 13. Pattern of GDP Annual Growth % % +2.5% (?)

7 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture
Tighter lending standards are a major constraint for 2008. More instances of tight credit conditions affecting large projects, such as Cosmopolitan Resort in Las Vegas Atlantic Yards in Brooklyn Other New York City projects Seattle development (Clise property)

8 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture
Federal budget restraint – ok for ’08, tougher climate in 2009. Supplemental Spending Bill for 2007 Additional funding for Corps of Engineers, base realignments, homeland security, rail and transit systems. Federal Spending for Fiscal 2008 Federal-aid highway program, up 5% Mass transit, up 5% Airport Improve. Grants, flat Corps of Engineers, down 2% EPA Water Infrastructure down 7% -- Clean Water SRF’s, down 35% GSA Construction, down 33% GSA renovations, down 16% DOD base realignment, up 29% Renewed focus on infrastructure following I-35 W bridge collapse in Minneapolis Fiscal 2009 – Bush Admin. Proposals Federal-aid highway program, down 4% Mass transit, up 7% Airport Improve. Grants, down 22% Corps of Engineers, down 18% EPA Water Infrastructure down 12% -- Clean Water SRF’s, down 21% DOD base realignment, up 26%

9 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture
State fiscal health now weakening. Current Status New York State – as example, funding boost still coming from $2.9 bil. bond measure passed in 2005. Also – ambitious capital programs of NY-NJ Port Authority, MTA But – budget picture has changed 21 States with Projected Budget Gaps for Fiscal Year 2009, including: Shortfall California $16.0 bil. New York bil. New Jersey bil. Florida bil. Ohio bil. November 2006 Elections California -- voters approved Prop. 1B -- $19.9 bil. for transportation, also $10.4 bil. for school facilities November 2007 Elections Texas – school const. measures passed. Washington State – voters rejected Proposition 1, which would have used tax hikes to fund transportation projects.

10 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture
Materials prices in 2007 had varied pattern. Shift from Is there more capacity coming on line? Yes. Is slower U.S. economy leading to less pressure on commodity prices? In some cases, yes. But, in 2008 investors are pushing commodity prices upward.

11 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture
Other building materials -- renewed concern over steel prices.

12 U.S. Macroeconomic Picture

13 U.S. Single Family Housing
Construction fell sharply in 2006 and 2007 after 2005 peak. Single Family Housing Starts million units +5% million units -18% million units -30%

14 U.S. Single Family Housing
Major negatives – falling prices, high inventories, tighter lending. Bank regulators have issued guidelines to banks for unconventional mortgages. Subprime lending turmoil is now affecting more traditional mortgage lending. (Fed. Res. Jan.’08 survey) Steps taken to improve funds available for mortgages -- will they help? Single Family Housing Starts million units -31%

15 U.S. Multifamily Housing
Construction relatively stable in 2006, weakened in Comprised of both apartments and condominiums. Helped by push for downtown redevelopment. Demographics supportive, especially from empty-nesters. Mid-decade strength has come from condominium development. Was attractive investment target, less so now – due to mounting concern about over-building of condos and diminished credit availability. Multifamily Housing ,000 units -3% ,000 units -14% ,000 units -22%

16 U.S. Multifamily Housing
Major metropolitan areas Multifamily Housing Top 10 Metros -- ranked by new dwelling units Year 2006, %ch 06/05 1. New York 2. Miami % 3. Chicago % 4. Los Angeles % 5. Dallas-Ft.Worth +26% 6. Washington DC -21% 7. Atlanta % 8. Orlando FL % 9. Seattle % 10. Houston % 12. Las Vegas % Year 2007, %ch 07/06 1. New York % 2. Chicago % 3. Washington DC +3% 4. Atlanta % 5. Seattle % 6. Houston % 7. Miami % 8. Los Angeles % 9. Orlando Fl % 10. Phoenix % 12. Las Vegas %

17 U.S. Commercial Bldgs. -- Stores
Construction in 2006 and 2007 still at very high level. Derived demand from housing market – definitely going up; but is it also true going down? Substantial building from five major players: Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowe’s Target, Kohl’s Impact of slowing retail sales; still, competitive retail landscape. Wal-Mart announcement on plans to scale back expansion. Move to smaller venues e.g., “lifestyle centers”. Store Construction msf -1% msf +1% msf -19% (msf = million of sq. ft.)

18 U.S. Commercial Bldgs.-- Hotels
Construction soared in 2006, more growth in 2007, down in 2008. Industry financials had strengthened: Occupancies in 2006 at 63.3%, vs. 63.1% in 2005. Revpar in 2006 up 7.5%. almost as strong as 8.5% in 2005. (Smith Travel Research) 2007 Revpar up 5.7%. In 2005: hotel/casino projects, and convention center- related hotels. In 2006 and 2007: broader expansion, more Las Vegas projects, convention center hotels, “condo” hotels Shorter “upcycle” this time? Hotels msf +67% msf % msf %

19 U.S. Commercial Bldgs. -- Offices
Construction upturn has been measured this time … Recovery re-established in 2006: activity stalled in 2005 as projects reassessed due to higher costs. Market fundamentals still relatively healthy, but now turning. office employment vacancy rates – suburban in 2008 Q1 up to 14.9%; downtown in 2008 Q1 eased to 10.2% In 2006 and 2007: several major high-rise projects reached groundbreaking, including: Goldman Sachs headquarters Freedom Tower 11 Times Square Early 2008: more NYC WTC – Towers 2, 3, 4 Office construction msf % msf % msf %

20 U.S. Commercial Bldgs. -- Offices
Office Building Factors No extensive overbuilding – Means downturn likely to be Measured, not precipitous.

21 U.S. Institutional -- Educational Bldgs.
School construction still strong, but losing some momentum. Primary, Jr. Highs % % High Schools % % Colleges/Univ % % Libraries % Laboratories % % Museums % % Comm. Colleges % % Vocational Schools +37% % Educational Buildings msf +5% msf -5% msf -1% Numerous states in recent years have passed school construction bond measures, especially California. Major universities have increased capital spending plans.

22 U.S. Institutional – Educational Bldgs.
College/University construction remains on upward track. Colleges, Univ.,Comm.Col. msf % msf % msf % Dormitories msf % msf +8% msf %

23 Educational Buildings Top 10 States -- ranked by sq. ft. of new starts
U.S. Institutional -- Educational Bldgs. Educational Buildings Top 10 States -- ranked by sq. ft. of new starts Year 2006, %ch 06/05 1. Texas % 2. Florida % 3. California % 4. Ohio % 5. Pennsylvania +61% 6. Georgia % 7. North Carolina +8% 8. Illinois % 9. Virginia % 10. Arizona % Year 2007, %ch 07/06 1. Texas % 2. Florida % 3. Georgia % 4. California % 5. Pennsylvania -24% 6. Ohio % 7. North Carolina -8% 8. New York % 9. Illinois % 10. Arizona %

24 U.S. Institutional -- Healthcare Buildings
Healthcare facilities reached new high in 2006, now settling back. Clinics/ Nursing Homes % Hospitals % % Ongoing need to replace aging facilities Hospital vs. outpatient clinic dynamic Closer scrutiny of finances Growth of the elderly population Healthcare Facilities msf +1% msf -8% msf -5%

25 U.S. Institutional Buildings
Public Buildings had strong 2007; Amusement category weakening again. 2007 Detention Facilities % Armories/Military % Courthouses % Police/Fire Stations % Post Offices % Total Public % Total Public % Total Public % 2007 Convention Centers % Sports Arenas % Theaters % Other (inc. theme parks) % Total Amuse. & Rec % Total Amuse. & Rec % Total Amuse. & Rec %

26 U.S. Manufacturing Buildings
Plant construction in sq. ft. lackluster, yet growth in dollar terms. Manufacturing Buildings msf % msf msf % Manufacturing Buildings $13.5 bil % $16.8 bil % $18.0 bil % Surge of ethanol plants in

27 U.S. Public Works -- Highways & Bridges
Highways and bridges advanced in ’06 and ‘07, with more growth ahead. SAFETEA-LU, with 2004 added, up 38% compared to TEA-21. Passage of SAFETEA-LU reduced uncertainty regarding long-term funding. Key concerns – higher costs reduced benefits of more funds; FHA price index up 21% in 2006. Renewed focus on infrastructure following I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis. Fiscal 2008 appropriations – federal-aid highway program up 5%, including added funding for bridge maintenance. Concern for 2009 – Highway Trust Fund shortfall. Highways, Bridges $50.9 billion +15% $53.4 billion % $56.3 billion %

28 U.S. Public Works -- Environmental
Environmental public works growing more slowly after recent surge. Fiscal 2008 – Bush proposals call for funding cuts; to be modified by Congress. Water Resources Bill – passed over Bush veto Various “gap” analyses point to aging infrastructure, and how current funding is coming up short. Environmental Public Works $33.4 billion +6% $36.8 billion +10% $38.4 billion +4%

29 U.S. Electric Utilities New electric utility starts holding close to level reached in 2006. Glut of power generation absorbed Projects started in have become operational Capacity utilization dropped from 95% in 2000 down to 85% in By summer of 2006 cap. utilization back up to 91%. Energy Bill -- tax incentives for oil and gas production, electric utilities, transmission lines, etc. Electric Utilities 2006 $16.2 billion +106% 2007 $13.6 billion % $15.6 billion +15%

30 U.S. Total Construction Starts for 2008
Billions of Dollars Total Construction % +13% +3% -9% % Single Family Housing % +12% -14% -26% -28% Multifamily Housing % +36% +2% -11% -20% Commercial Bldgs +14% +7% +28% +6% -8% Institutional Bldgs -1% +12% +11% +4% % Manufacturing Bldgs +17% +26% +33% +25% +7% Public Works +6% +9% +17% +7% % Electric Utilities -18% +8% +106% -16% %

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