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Lecture 6 Radiative Transition in Atoms, Molecules & Insulators/Semiconductors Read: FQ 4, FS 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 6 Radiative Transition in Atoms, Molecules & Insulators/Semiconductors Read: FQ 4, FS 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 6 Radiative Transition in Atoms, Molecules & Insulators/Semiconductors
Read: FQ 4, FS 3

2 Textbook 1: M. Fox “Optical Properties of Solids” (2nd ed, Oxford)
We’ll cover a good portion of FS + selected modern topics Online pdf (1st ed) seems to be available (google)

3 Textbook 2: M. Fox “Quantum Optics” (Oxford)
“FQ” We’ll cover part of FQ+suppl topics Available online from Purdue Library Website

4 Now move on to quantum (semiclassical)

5 Semiclassical Light-Matter interaction: Einstein Coefficients
(FQ Ch4/FS App-B) (Planck blackbody)

6 Radiative Transition Rates
Fermi Golden Rule (DOS of final state: light (photon) +matter [neglect if discrete]) X-polarized:

7 Selection Rules (even/odd) (orbital)
Question: when will spin change (delta ms) be allowed? [SOC? Magnetic, NMR? ]

8 Transition matrix element
Fluorescence phosphorescence “forbidden” transition Metastable state

9 Also can engineer DOS g to control transition rates!
cavity Photonic crystal (bandgap)/ Metamaterials

10 Molecules & molecular solids

11 Jablonski Diagram Singlet SO coupling Triplet Singlet

12 (3) 1Σ (2) 3Σ (2) 1Σ LIF (1) 3Σ excitation (X) 1Σ

13 Molecular Spectroscopy in a heat-pipe (7Li85Rb)
Cooling water Cooling water Heaters Laser LIF Rb 300 ̊C Li 550 ̊C Rb 300 ̊C λ-meter PMT Monochromator LIF (A) Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Laser (B) Excitation Spectroscopy

14 Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)
From low v’ levels of B 1Π state Korek et al., Chem Phys 256 1 Dutta et al., Chem Phys Lett (2011), doi: /j.cplett

15 Fluorescence from successively higher vib. (1) 1П states

16 Franck-Condon Overlap of Vibronic state

17 Photo-association laser

18 PA rate of 7Li near FR M.Junker et al., PRL 2008 a > 0 a < 0
I = 1.65 W/cm2 v’’ = 83 T ~ 10 mK ~104 a > 0 a < 0 v’’ = 84 v’’ = 83 v’’ = 82 M.Junker et al., PRL 2008

19 Why the zero? Rate depends on ground state wavefunction (Franck-Condon) 2S1/2 + 2P1/2 r v’’ Rc big f(Rc) R~ 2 E 2S1/2 + 2S1/2 small r Bohn and Julienne PRA 60, 414 (1999).

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