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Attracting & Retaining Talent

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Presentation on theme: "Attracting & Retaining Talent"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attracting & Retaining Talent
“The Next Great Employer Challenge” Nina Anderson Local Owner

2 The Upcoming Talent Wars
National scene – 2008 2015 How You Benefit From the Talen Wars (Even Without Changing Jobs) The Upcoming Talent Wars SHRM predicted 2014

3 Retention of Top Talent
80% of employees will consider a job change 40% will switch jobs Driven by dissatisfaction in current job During recession Lack of employer loyalty Post recession Lack of employee loyalty Most volatile job market in years SHRM predicted an Employment Crisis starting in 2013

4 Answer = Script the first 90 days
Most non-exempt positions turnover at 50% in the first six months The majority make the decision to leave in the first 30 days Answer = Script the first 90 days

5 The Great Generational Tsunami
77 million “Boomers” 50 million transitioning out of the workforce Replace by million “Millennials” Gen Xer’s squeezed on both ends

6 Are you prepared? Company culture Consider retooling
Social Media Policies Technology Consider retooling Zappos Yahoo Flap

7 Branding Your Recruiting
Create a job preview program Make your recruiting & interviewing the most memorable experience Treat the candidate as they have never been treated previously Give full preview of upcoming experience Utilize your best, fully engaged employees Progressive “Social Media” policies Beware of Social Media “intrusion” November 2015, You Tube Netflix Facebook Twitter Pinterest Ipad Xbox Tumblr Pandora

8 Formal Job Referral Program
Tie rewards to program success Establish a partnership relationship with your staffing providers Educational institutions Workforce Center Staffing sources CFO buy-in for CEO approval

9 Up to 80% of turnover can be attributed to poor hiring!
Candidates are well rehearsed 46% of resumes are falsified Re-write resumes for each position

10 Invest in Interviewer Training
The most common interview mistakes… Halo / Devil affect Too easy to focus on the wrong competencies Hire for experience vs. fit Wasting effort on the “traditional interview” Strengths / Weaknesses

11 The Cost of Bad Hires Up to 150% of first year salary!
How many $30,000+ mistakes can you afford?

12 Your Most Recent Great Hire
What are the specifics that distinguish them What behaviors do they excel at that your other do not Now you have identified behaviors and competencies needed for great hires! Ask your fully engaged to support the hiring process

13 Now You've Attracted Them… Retain Them!
How important is external customer service to your success? In order to excel at external customer service, we must first excel at internal customer service.

14 Employees First: Customers Second
Do you really know your employees? Through your own eyes vs. your supervisors eyes Time for employee opinion surveys Free online tools

15 CEO’s #1 Objective: Retention of Top Talent
An engaged workforce is critical for businesses to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace How does your organization define engagement?

16 67% of employees do not meet your definition of Engagement.
$300,000,000 (with a “B”) in lost productivity

17 Not managing the “Sleepwalkers!”
What is the #1 reason we lose a fully engaged employee? Not managing the “Sleepwalkers!” Exit interview that don’t work

18 Employers of choice must view retention as a process not as a program.
~ Everyday Culture

19 Your Silver Bullet to Retain Your Best
Hold supervisors accountable for retention Reward for achieving goals Must have ownership of team Hiring input To the employee, their supervisor is the company.

20 David & Goliath How does a small business compete with a mega corporation? Culture Identity Flexibility Ownership of Job Matching the candidates’ desires with job function

21 High Retention Employers of Choice Secret Weapon…

22 Mentors: Ordinary people achieving extraordinary success helping others Unofficial Programs Still Rule Must see as opportunity vs. assignment

23 The Top 2 Factors Impacting Employee Retention is:
Their relationship with their boss Employees still don't quit companies. Recognizing your best employees Who is the most important person in your life? Catch your best off guard What’s right call

24 Leaders at every level must avoid the: Three Signs of a Miserable Job
Anonymity Irrelevance Immeasurement

25 Take Full Advantage of Your Introductory Period
If they do not fully meet your expectation, Why keep pouring $$ down the drain You cannot fix attitude

26 Connecting With Millennials

27 Five Commandments of Generational Friendly Companies
Treat all their employees as they treat their customers Create workplace choices Operate from a sophisticated managment style Respect competence & initiative Nourish retention

28 Best wishes attracting & retaining talent in 2017!
Expressly Yours, Nina Anderson

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