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What is Development Education?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Development Education?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Participation and Leadership Laura Cahill WorldWise Global Schools

2 What is Development Education?

3 What is Development Education?
“an educational process aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of the rapidly changing, interdependent and unequal world in which we live. DE helps students to become global citizens who take action to transform the world we live for the better…” So.. It increases awareness about the root causes of local and global poverty and injustice and to find meaningful ways to take action for change

4 What is Development Education?

5 Active Teaching Methodologies
DE has the following key components: Knowledge + Skills + Values + Action! Active Teaching Methodologies Discussion, group work, role play, debate, project work, IT, organizing events

6 Development Education is….
Asking questions and developing critical thinking skills Acknowledging the complexity of global issues Revealing the global as part of everyday life Equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and values to participate Cross-curricular in nature

7 Development Education is not...
Too difficult for students to understand Mostly about other places and peoples Telling people what to think and do Providing simple solutions to complex issues Just about ‘raising money for charity’ An extra subject in a crowded curriculum

8 Development Education is not an additional subject, it is an ethos
Development Education is not an additional subject, it is an ethos. It is best implemented through a whole-school approach, involving everyone from learners themselves to the wider school community.

9 Whole School Approach to DE
1. Curricular 2. Extra-Curricular 3. Teacher Capacity & Engagement 4. Student Capacity & Engagement 5. School Leadership / Management 6. School Ethos/Policy/Governance 7. Respectful relationships within and beyond the school Whole School Approach to DE

10 7 Stamps: Curricular – DE integrated into junior and senior cycle and transition year– modules or thematic work, - Linked to curriculm planning in subjects – cross curricular - CSPE action projects Measuring and reporting on DE Extra curricular DE displays, assemblys Justice and rights based schools groups National DE PP iniatives Running Global Development Themed events NGO’s with DE focus Student Capacity Student led actions Student consulation – awareness raising – planning/decision making whole school approach to DE Collaborative learning – different subjects, year groups, schools – undertake shared projects Teacher Capacity Utilization of resources Numbers of teachers engaged DE CPD School leadership Board of management Integration of DE into existing school policies DE integrated into planning and evaluation Policy and Ethos Mission vision Formal policy on DE Parent conulstaion Parent consulation Sustainabile and ethical purchasing policy Resprectful relationships Communications Community action Network/cluster Partnership groups Environmental Impact

11 62 Schools Awarded last year!
WWGS Global Passport What is the WWGS Global Passport programme? It is a self-assessed, externally audited accreditation for Development Education for post-primary schools in the Republic of Ireland    Your overall score across all 7 stamps corresponds to one of three passports issued by WorldWise Global Schools:  A Citizen’s Passport – for schools that demonstrate an emerging engagement with DE A Diplomatic Passport – for schools that demonstrate an established engagement with DE, or A Special Passport – for schools that demonstrate an exceptional engagement with DE.  62 Schools Awarded last year! 97 in Total!

12 WWGS Website

13 Support Materials: WWGS Website

14 WWGS Global Passport How can I get involved?
Register Interest on the WorldWise Global Schools website or and we will send you an application form WWGS provide support on applying. This Year’s Deadline is 28th of February to be awarded at the WWGS Annual Conference at Croke Park on the 27th of April, 2017.

15 Grant Call 2016 for SCHOOLS Application opens: March 2017
Deadline for applications: April 2017 How much can our school apply for? Starter /Emerging Schools – schools that are relatively new to development education and/or new to engaging with WWGS – are eligible to apply for grants of up to €600. Established Schools – schools that are experienced in development education and previously engaged with WWGS – are eligible to apply for grants of up to €2,000.

16 Student Capacity

17 Why do you engage Young People in DE
Empowering to work towards a more fair and just world - Capitalises on immense energy, creativity and and ideas of young people while giving them a rightful place at the decision making table! Increasing global awareness of need to engage young people constructively in economic and social development - Young people are creating change Youth Leadership not only benefits young people themselves but has a positive impact on their community and wider society

18 What is meaningful action?
Goes beneath the surface Explores the root causes Engages structures Is innovative Is empowering Connects people Works in solidarity (not charity)

19 Global Goals – Worlds Largest lesson
Global Framework for students to engage with, and take action on ...

20 Global Goals – Worlds Largest lesson

21 Youth Participation

22 Activity Youth Participation can be at a variety of levels In pairs:
Review the Ladder of Participation and read the examples for the youth sector Give an example of a specific activity in your school that relates to each of the rungs of the ladder Each pair to feedback to the whole group. Discuss the various factors which influence the level of youth participation in your schools

23 A Global Learner 1. critical, self aware, globally aware, open-minded, inquisitive, reflective, connected, willing to engage with global challenges, and keen to take action for a better world 8. Can communicate with people from other cultures and places 2. growing understanding of their connections to other people and places 7. ask complex questions, challenge assumptions and value other perspectives 3. growing awareness and understanding of current global challenges 6. reflect upon how sustainable their lifestyle is 5. Are able to take small actions to improve their life and the lives of others 4. growing in ability to recognize, evaluate and question other points of views

24 What is Youth Leadership?
Youth Leadership can be defined as: ‘young people empowered to inspire and mobilise themselves and others towards a common purpose, in response to personal and/or social issues and challenges, to effect positive change.’ Youth leaders are individuals who: ‘think for themselves, communicate their thoughts and feelings to others and help others understand and act on their own beliefs.’

25 How can we support Youth Leadership?
Investing in youth leadership therefore means giving young people the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills, qualities, values and experience that will enable them to effect positive change whether it is at the level of their family, among their peers, in their community, wider society or globally.

26 Key Questions to Consider
How can you facilitate students to increase their leadership skills to take action on local to global issues in your school? Sub- questions? How can you motivate without taking leadership/ ownership? Are there existing opportunities within the school that students could take the lead on? How can we guide away from charity actions to more solidarity actions? Can we create / improve a space for students to work together in developing actions?

27 Programmes to Engage Young People
Some Initiatives to engage young people in action: BT Young Scientist Awards Science for Development Award Young Social innovators Making our world more fair and just Award Making our world one world Award ECO-UNESCO Once your project has a local to global theme you can apply for a number of awards: ECO-Art and Design ECCO- Health and Wellbeing etc

28 Thank you! Questions / Comments?! 

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