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Premier and Classic Total Solutions
Release 4.8a 7 March 2017
Who, What, When and Where Important to Note:
Full Administrator rights will be required by the user running the installation of the update. It is strongly advised to run the installation on the server if you are working in a server environment. For each user logging into VIP, full Administrator rights will be required for the first login after the installation of the update. This is a once off and can be removed again after the first login. A workstation reboot will be required if the user does not have full access. The update must be installed BEFORE doing final processing, activating Stop Further Entry or Early Pay. Recalculations will have taken place once the update installed. Make sure that ALL operators are out of VIP. If they are not, programs and data may be corrupted. You must be on Release 4.7a, 4.7b, 4.7c or 4.7d before installing Release 4.8a There should be no need to change this slide This slide summarizes the product strategy for Sage 50 and Sage 200.
Who, What, When and Where When to Install:
RSA clients MUST install this update in March 2017. Non RSA users MUST install this update in March or April 2017 No Client will be able to do a Start of Period from April to May 2017 on any release prior to Release 4.8a. Premier HR and Premier ESS Users: If you are a Premier ESS and/or Premier HR user, it is important to also install their respective updates. There should be no need to change this slide This slide summarizes the product strategy for Sage 50 and Sage 200.
Non RSA Statutory Changes
Please Note: Full details with regards to the items mentioned below, are available in the Release Notes. Ghana – Change to SSNIT Tier 1 The maximum Basic Salary on which the SSNIT Tier1 Contribution is based has increased from GHC 20 000 to GHC 25 000, effective 1 January 2017. Kenya Tax Tables Statutory changes effective 1 January 2017 have been published in the Kenya Gazette Supplement, Acts, (No. 159, Acts No.38). These changes have been sent to all our Kenya clients in January. If you did not install the file the changes are also part of this release and will then be applied as from the pay period in which you installed this release. Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund In January we sent out a notification to all our Nigeria clients concerning changes that they need to make to their Company Setup. However, if you did not apply these changes yet, then they need to be implemented as from the Pay Period in which you installed this release.
Non RSA Statutory Changes
Please Note: Full details with regards to the items mentioned below, are available in the Release Notes. Zambia 2017 National Budget Changes Zambia’s 2017 National Budget was delivered to the National Assembly on Friday 11 November 2016. These changes have been sent to all Zambia clients in January However, if you did not implement this yet, these changes are also part of this release and will then be applied as from the pay period in which you installed this release. Skills Development Levy: The Skills Development Levy Act, 2016, was assented by the President of Zambia on the 27th of December 2016; and it shall come into operation from 1st of January, This Act introduces a new Statutory Contribution for Employers in Zambia. The Contribution is 0.5% of the Gross Emoluments payable to an Employee, including a Casual Employee. This is only paid by the Employer and Contributions are made on a monthly basis. NAPSA Ceiling: As from 1 January 2017, the new NAPSA ceiling is K17 892.20 New PAYE Tax Tables: The Minister proposed an increase to the exempt threshold for Pay As You Earn (PAYE) from K3 000 to K3 300 per month; as well as an increase to the top marginal tax rate from 35% to 37.5%.
Swaziland Report Changes
The Country Specific Reports for Swaziland have been added under the Reports option on the Main Menu. Before you are able to run a Report, the Report Setup needs to have been completed for that Report. If you select a Report for which you have not yet completed the Setup, a message will be displayed explaining this. Click on the <Report Setup> button.
Swaziland Report Changes
Your selections made on the screen below, will be saved. The only time you have to access the Report Setup Screen again is if new Payroll Definitions were added that must be included in the Report.
Swaziland Report Changes
SNPF Report – Electronic NPF200 Form The Electronic NPF200 Form is created when running this report. The report includes details of Employee’s Statutory and Voluntary Contributions towards Swaziland National Provident Fund. This form can be ed in Excel format to SNPF or printed on plain paper for manual submission to SNPF. PAYE Monthly Declaration Return This form is a monthly PAYE Return and can be submitted electronically if the Company is registered for e-tax, otherwise the form can be duplicated out of the payroll system and submitted as is. PAYE 16 Reconciliation of Tax Deductions Made and of Stock of Certificates on Hand This report is for the reconciliation of Tax Deductions made for the applicable Tax Year and of Stock of Tax Certificates. This report can be used to complete the PAYE 16 Form as it must be submitted on pre-printed stationery.
Swaziland Report Changes
PAYE 15 Annual Return of Salaries This report is an annual report with detail per Employee of the income earned and taxes paid for the applicable Tax Year. This form can be printed out of the payroll on normal paper and submitted manually to the Revenue Authority as is. PAYE 05 Employee Tax Certificate This report generates the Tax Certificates. You have the option to print to plain paper or on official pre-printed stationery. No Tax Certificate Numbers are stored on the payroll. IRP5 Electronic Submission File The Swaziland Revenue Authority (SRA) introduced an electronic submission whereby employers can fill in an excel spreadsheet containing the employees’ details and send it back to the Revenue Authority after Tax Year End. When you make use of this newly designed electronic spreadsheet, Tax Certificates are not required to be submitted to the SRA. If you still make use of the other forms of reconciliation, the Tax Certificates must, however, still be submitted to the SRA.
Employee Information Work Address Country Code
The Employee Work Address can either be entered on the Employee Address Tab or by linking the Employee to a Work Address Code. Up until now, the Work Address Code has not made provision for the Country Code. During conversion, the Country Code field will be added to all existing Work Address Codes that are defined under System Description Codes. If the Employee Work Address is linked to a Work Address Code, then the Country Code field will now be disabled, together with the rest of the Work Address entry fields. This is because the Country Code will now display according to the Work Address Code to which the Employee is linked. There should be no need to change this slide This slide summarizes the product strategy for Sage 50 and Sage 200.
Tired of holding on for Support?
At certain times of the year, our support centres experience extremely high call volumes. To assist you, as a customer, in finding answers to your questions without having to wait for the assistance of a Consultant, we have added a Support <Lifeline> button at the top of the Company Selection Screen. . When you click on <Lifeline > you will be redirected to an online Knowledge Base with various ‘How To’ documents that can assist you, step-by-step, to solve the most frequently asked questions. There should be no need to change this slide This slide summarizes the product strategy for Sage 50 and Sage 200.
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