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Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later

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1 Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later
Norman J. Medoff and Barbara K. Kaye Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

2 Advertising: From Clay Tablets to Digital Tablets
Chapter 7 Advertising: From Clay Tablets to Digital Tablets Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

3 Promotion, Marketing, Advertising
Creating awareness of product or service Marketing Pricing, distribution, packaging, promotional efforts beyond paid advertising Advertising (subset of marketing) Newspaper, radio, TV ads, billboards, logo coffee mugs, flyers Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

4 Then: Advertising 3000 BCE to 1990
Babylonian clay tablets (2500 BCE) Egyptian papyrus Greek town criers Roman stone and terra-cotta signs Printed advertisements (1525) Boston Newsletter (1704) Ad agencies (Volney B. Palmer, 1841) Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

5 Then: Early Radio Advertising
Toll broadcasting (purchase airtime) 1922: WEAF (owned by ATT) Sold 10 minutes to real estate firm Sponsored radio (support programs) 1923: WEAF aired “Browning King Orchestra,” supported by clothier Browning King Sponsor controlled program content Sponsor identification rule Gradual transition to spot advertising (common today) Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

6 Then: Early Television Advertising (1 of 2)
Sponsorship Similar to radio sponsorship. Kraft Television Theater; Texaco Star Theater Quiz show scandals Spot advertising (magazine style) Sell time within and between programs Early advertising was live, then moved to recorded A new look Tobacco ban, varied length ads, infrequent sponsorships Creative strategies: more narrative, image ads Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

7 Then: Early TV Advertising (2 of 2)
Target advertising: seeking niche audiences. Cable advertising: 1980s saw ad-supported cable programs, increased audience fragmentation Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

8 Now: Advertising: 1990 to Present
From a business perspective Plays crucial roles Identifies target audience, differentiates products, generates revenue. Shows benefits of product. Helps brand product and create brand image. From a consumer perspective Educational, social, economic benefits Buzz marketing Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

9 Now: Advertising Agencies
Full-service agencies Provide all advertising functions Plan, research, create, produce, place ads (and more) Creative boutiques Focus on creating the ads and campaigns Media-buying services Focus on placement of messages in media Interactive/cyber agencies Focus on new media and interactive platforms Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

10 Now: Advertising Campaigns
Multiple messages, across multiple media, reinforcing the campaign’s theme Multistep process Set advertising/marketing objectives Analyze product uses, strengths, weaknesses Identify target audience Evaluate competition Understand media market Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

11 Now: Using the Media (1 of 9)
Every medium has its strengths and weaknesses Radio advertising Length: :30/:60 Types: local, national, network Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

12 Now: Using the Media (2 of 9)
Advantages of radio advertising Local Flexible Targets audience Low advertising cost High exposure Low production cost High reach Portable & ubiquitous Ads blend with content Disadvantages of radio advertising Audio only Background medium Short message life Fragmented audience Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

13 Now: Using the Media (3 of 9)
Television advertising The most persuasive advertising medium But not the best advertising outlet for all advertisers Length: :15/:30/:45/:60 Aired in clusters, or pods Spots or participations; adjacencies Types: local, national, network Time sold: upfront, scatter, opportunistic Product placement: Payment to feature product in show Sponsored programs Public service announcements (PSAs) Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

14 Now: Using the Media (4 of 9)
Advantages of television advertising Visual & audio Mass appeal High exposure High Reach Ubiquitous Ads blend with content Variety Entertaining Persuasive Emotional Prestige Disadvantages of television advertising Channel surfing, zipping, & zapping DVRs Fragmented audience Difficult to target Not portable High cost (ad time and production costs) Clutter Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

15 Now: Using the Media (5 of 9)
Cable advertising Ad revenue supplements subscription fees Challenging broadcast channels for audience Can target niche audiences Interconnects (purchasing local cable time with several providers with one cable buy) Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

16 Now: Using the Media (6 of 9)
Advantages of cable advertising Visual and audio Select audience Upscale Variety Low cost Seasonal advantage Local advantage Media mix Disadvantages of cable advertising Zipping, zapping, & channel surfing Fragmented audience/low ratings Lack of penetration Churn Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

17 Now: Using the Media (7 of 9)
Internet advertising SEM (search engine marketing) Banner display ads Rich-media ads (more an ad design than an ad type) Interstitials/superstitials; pop-ups & pop-unders Expanding rich media Pencil pushdown/sliding billboard; expanding banner In-banner audio/video Corner peel Hover ads Floating ads Big box, leaderboard, skyscraper/tower, extramercial Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

18 Now: Using the Media (8 of 9)
Wallpaper and homepage takeover Native ads Product placement Buzz marketing Advertorials/infomercials Word of mouth Social media and advertising Mobile advertising Online advertising or online spying? Cookies Contextual marketing; behavioral targeting Spam CAN-SPAM (passed by Congress, 2003) M-Spam-Act of 2009 (mobile devices) Internet service providers (ISPs) offer spam blockers Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

19 Now: Using the Media (9 of 9)
Advantages of Internet advertising Worldwide marketplace Targeting consumers Exposure & run time Low production costs Updating & changing ad copy Prestige Competition Quick links to purchases Mobility Disadvantages of Internet advertising Hidden persuasion Banner blindness Creative restrictions Fragmentation Unreliable audience measurement Questionable content Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

20 Now: Criticisms of Advertising
Infomercials look too much like TV programs Advertising encourages avariciousness and materialism Advertising reinforces stereotypes Advertising exploits children Advertising is invasive and pervasive Advertising promotes unhealthy behaviors Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

21 See It Later Information overload Addressable advertising
Mobile on the rise Medoff & Kaye Electronic Media 3/e Chapter 7

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