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MOCK NEBMC SCENARIO Why we are in Green Phase?

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1 MOCK NEBMC SCENARIO Why we are in Green Phase?
November 14, 2013 NEBMC Notes prepared based on BUMP simulation model M. Taher Sh. Rad

2 List of contents (1) National Blood inventory basic Data
National Red Cell Demand (Table-CBS) National Red Cell Demand and inventory Dynamics of National Blood inventory-Sudden shortage at 1 Dynamics of National Blood inventory-40% shortage (similar to this mocked scenario)

3 List of contents (2) Dynamics of National Blood inventory Mock Trial – Brampton Scenario-1 (Day1) Dynamics of National Blood inventory Mock Trial – Brampton Scenario-2 (Day6) – restoring 20% of lost capacity Dynamics of National Blood inventory Mock Trial – Brampton Scenario-3 (Day6)-restoring 40% of lost capacity Dynamics of National Blood inventory Mock Trial – Brampton Scenario-4 (Day14)-No idea what to do after two weeks Notes on projected inventory Final Conclusion 1 & 2

4 National Blood System – Basic Data
CBS DOH defined based on ~3000 RC/Day (CBS collects ~3000 RC ( )/Day) Annual National RC Demand (12/13)  819,130 Daily National RC Demand (DRCD): 2,245 RC/Day Average CBS Daily Inventory; 20, 000 RCs+/-10% Based on DOH: days ( days) Based on Inventory Index (DRCD): (9-10 Days) Difference between DOH & Inventory Index: 25% (Calculation of inventory by DOH underestimates the available RC inventory within blood system; Hospitals & CBS) Average Hospital Inventory: 8-10 days (~20,000 RCs)

5 National Red Cell Demand - CBS
RBC Units Issued by fiscal period, by province and territory (Number) 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 CAGR Canada (Excl Quebec) 762,289 776,783 792,884 802,313 834,845 832,178 820,487 833,318 819,130 0.9% Nfld & Labrador 19,528 19,364 18,820 18,882 18,224 17,401 17,896 17,464 16,683 -1.9% PEI 3,514 3,898 3,659 3,907 4,326 3,929 4,023 4,031 3,772 Nova Scotia 33,120 32,548 33,602 31,116 31,575 31,242 31,120 32,391 30,988 -0.8% New Brunswick 23,065 23,481 24,542 24,325 24,937 24,027 24,109 24,190 23,936 0.5% Ontario 390,013 392,693 395,997 395,387 418,173 415,495 409,610 415,952 409,001 0.6% Manitoba 43,210 43,083 44,822 45,657 45,185 45,425 44,699 45,184 46,274 Saskatchewan 35,832 36,269 36,822 37,663 39,108 41,017 37,473 37,280 36,485 0.2% Alberta 97,649 103,974 108,344 109,868 115,501 113,506 113,228 115,850 112,438 1.8% British Columbia 114,318 119,561 124,319 133,704 135,838 138,172 136,439 139,190 137,447 2.3% Yukon Territory 817 801 938 810 924 865 842 781 898 1.2% Northwest Territories 923 820 739 732 751 798 747 659 826 -1.4% Nunavut 300 291 280 262 303 301 346 382 3.1% All Territories 2,040 1,912 1,957 1,804 1,978 1,964 1,890 1,786 2,106 0.4%

6 National Red cell Demand & Inventory Summary
Annual National RC Demand (12/13)  819,130 Daily National RC Demand (DRCD): 2,245 RC/Day 50-55% of National inventory is located at CBS (~9-10 days) 45-50% of National inventory is within Hospitals (~9 days) Total National inventory : Days Days

7 Dynamics of National Blood inventory When Blood Supply Drops to Zero
Total National inventory : 18 Days (40,410) If blood supply drops to zero (0), the available national inventory will last for 18 days (without intervention). Considering group specific fluctuations, the fully functional inventory will last for 15 days (based on simulation of the ratio of O-neg & O-pos within hospitals-Data was provided in BUMP report; 2009)

8 Dynamics of National Blood inventory with Blood supply shortage at 40%,
Total National inventory : 18 Days (40,410) If blood supply drops by 40%, the available national inventory will last for 7 weeks from the time of procedure of shortage (without interference). Considering group specific fluctuations, the national inventory will last 6 weeks (based on the simulation of the ratio of O-neg & O-pos within hospitals - Data was provided in BUMP report; 2009)

9 Dynamics of National Blood inventory Mock Trial – Brampton Scenario-1 (Day1)
Total National inventory - Nov 24th: 15 Days (CBS:13,477 + Hospitals: 20,000 = 33,477) If blood supply drops by 40% and non of Brampton collections will be processed for the next 5 days  The total national inventory (5 day post shut-down of Brampton) will stand at 13 days of DRCD. And the national inventory will last 5-6 weeks from May 1st (without intervention).

10 Dynamics of National Blood inventory Mock Trial – Brampton Scenario-2 (Day6) 5 Days post-shut down – Day 6 (20% restored) Total National inventory : 13 Days (CBS:11,352 + Hospitals: 17,833 = 29,185) If 50% of Brampton’s lost capacity (20% of national supply) gets restored (Transfer of collected blood to other plants)  The total national inventory has capacity to be extended and last for another 12 weeks (without any interference) Conclusion: No need to announce amber phase prior this time (The situation will be re-evaluated in one week) 12 weeks provides adequate time to come up with solutions to return the operation to a normal levels.  No need to announce the amber phase prior to this time.

11 Dynamics of National Blood inventory Mock Trial - Brampton Case Scenario-3 (Day6) 5 Days post-shut down – Day 6 (40% restored) Total National inventory : 13 Days (CBS:11,352 + Hospitals: 17,833 = 29,185) If 100% of Brampton’s lost capacity (40% of national supply) gets restored (Transfer of collected blood to other plants)  The total national inventory will return to normal operation (without any interference)  No need to announce the amber phase prior to this time.

12 Dynamics of National Blood inventory Mock Trial - Brampton Case Scenario-4 (Day14) 14 Days post-shut down (May8) - No idea what to do after 2 week Total National inventory : 10 Days (CBS:6,792 + Hospitals: 15,715 = 22,507) If no any change in 100% of Brampton’s lost capacity  The total national inventory will Stand at 10 Days inventory (DRCD) (without any interference) With no intervention, the national inventory will last for another 4-5 weeks. With implementation of 25% saving plan, the national inventory could be extended for another 8 weeks. We will be entering Amber phase if no actions will be taken to restore the supply and component production at this time. No need to announce the amber phase prior to this time.

13 Notes on Projected inventory
CBS projected inventory shows 660 O+ RCs at May 8th. Considering that only 40% of supply has been compromised and still 60% of daily components should be available, CBS will be provide at least 720 O+ RCs/day (60%X1200 daily collection at regular times) which has not been projected on this table (the same for O-Neg). In May 8th, the hospital inventories (50% of inventory) are still available with no significant change as daily utilized RCs will be replaced by CBS (Scenario assumes normal operation) Therefore with taking 60% of continuing supply into the account, even hospital inventories will last for another 3-4 weeks (similar to CBS’s projected inventory table) National inventory (CBS + Hospitals) have capacity to last for seven weeks. With implementation of 25% saving strategy, the national inventory can extended to at least weeks.

14 Final Conclusion -1 Delaying Amber phase will prevent unnecessary interruption of medical & surgical services nationally or in Ontario (which holds 50% of the nation) There is adequate time to re-evaluate the situation during next 1-2 weeks after occurrence of this interruption without intervention on utilization side Decision about the phase of shortage should be based on collective inventories of CBS & hospitals and the available empirical and historical data of blood system. Dynamic management of inventory at regular times or during shortage requires very sophisticated software as well as application of advanced mathematical indicators to precisely outline the extent and impact on national inventory during the normal operation and during shortage.

15 Final Conclusion -2 Notes on Projected inventory
Application of DOH in forecasting of projected inventory in MOCK NEBMC SCENARIO, underestimates the inventory of group specific red cells. This is the possible source for unusual ratio of specific blood groups within the projected inventory table This underestimation may contribute to the different extreme opinions for the phase of shortage during the discussions. Even restoring 50% of lost capacity of Brampton scenario will provide adequate time to come up with solutions to restore the normal operation without announcement of amber phase.

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