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Curriculum Inventory Administrators’ Group July 12, 2017

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1 Curriculum Inventory Administrators’ Group July 12, 2017
Terri Cameron, MA Director, Curriculum Programs

2 Agenda AAMC Medical Education Cluster Update
Preparation for Upload CI System Updates Verification Report Review / Manual Graduate Follow-up Survey Medical school highlight: University of Washington WGEA Presentation: A Deeper Dive into Curriculum Mapping: Creating a Searchable Curriculum Map July CI in Context: Mapping Clerkship Metadata August CI in Context: Update on the EPA Pilot CI for CQI and Accreditation Task Force CI Research Group Next meeting: Wednesday, August 9, 1 pm ET

3 AAMC Medical Education Cluster Update
Senior Director, Digital Resources In process Senior Director, Research “Director, Curriculum Programs” Terri Cameron retiring

4 Preparation for 2016-2107 Upload
Uploads begin August 1; Portal closes September 30 EPA Documentation Staging available now – new URL: This does not affect use of the 'Production' CI Portal – that is still accessed at

5 Preparation for 2016-2107 Upload
Log into CI Portal Upper right hand of Choose ‘Manage Users’ tab to check names assigned to roles for: Curriculum Dean(s) Primary CI Admin(s) Choose ‘Manage Sender’ tab to ensure correct vendor is selected CI Portal User Guide:

6 Preparation for 2016-2107 Upload
EPA’s No requirement to document EPA’s For research purposes only Best Practice for Documentation: CoreEPA01_Gather a history and perform a physical examination Timeline: Document for upcoming AY: Upload August 1, 2018

7 Preparation for 2016-2107 Upload
Resources Documentation of Resources is NOT REQUIRED but STRONGLY ENCOURAGED This allows us to report on use of Standardized Patients, Virtual Patients, Simulation, etc. Resources MUST be documented using IDs, rather than text

8 Preparation for 2016-2107 Upload
Accuracy of Data Spellcheck Vendors tell us their systems have spellcheck, but we spend a great deal of time trying to find misspellings while running reports Yearcheck  2610 instead of 2016 can result in a very long course Field length Many of the text fields have a 4000 character length, which is about 8 pages of typed text; you might see if you have text that is cut off; and, if so, if you can delete text that does not relate to content


10 System Changes Implemented for 2016-2017
Migrated to Tomcat from Websphere to improve our testing processes and make future work easier. Improved the processing of XML files over 19MB. Files still need to be zipped, but should be processed more quickly now. Improving communication with vendors re: data and system issues. Verification Report organized by program expectation name, rather than order of appearance in the XML. Changed tallies of assessment methods in the Summative and Formative Assessment tables so events are counted in one or the other. Updated the timing for reminder notifications so schools won’t get reminders immediately after the opening of the season. Fixed ‘loophole’ in academic level requirement: ALs MUST start with 1 and increase in single increments. This preventing corrupt files from being created. Included language specifying the classification of CI data as Restricted.

11 Planned changes for 2017-2018 CI Upload Cycle:
Increase the length of the Academic Level Title New AAMC Business Rule: Competency Object titles will be required. New AAMC Business Rule: Event ID references cannot have spaces. New AAMC Business Rule: The year value for date will need to be greater within 6 years of either direction of the report start and end dates. New AAMC Business Rule: If Resources are documented, UIDs will be required (as they currently are for Instructional and Assessment methods). New AAMC Business Rule: Special characters will not be accepted (the Business Rule will provide more information). CompetencyObjects that are deeply placed in the competency framework will appear in the verification report. The Curriculum Inventory will make use of the new System Access Management system at the AAMC, an important step in rewarding participation.

12 Verification Report Please carefully check Academic Level Start and End dates on the first page of the report. Calculated from earliest start date and latest end date of each AL’s Sequence Blocks. Several of the summary tables are meant to replicate the LCME DCI tables. We hope to add additional tables for next year and reference the appropriate DCI table for each. Changes made for this year: Program expectation table organized byname, rather than order of appearance in the XML. Assessment methods are tallied in the Summative and Formative Assessment tables so events are counted in one or the other.

13 Verification Report Manual
Will provide: Source and logic behind data and calculations in each table Known issues that might cause unexpected results Best Practices for documentation for expected results Timeline: First draft August 2017

14 Graduate Follow-Up Surveys
Are you seeing an increase in the number of Program Directors who are requiring a release from graduates? How are you handling this? AAMC continues to investigate possibility of implementing Graduate Follow-Up Survey in line with Matriculation and Graduation Surveys

15 University of Washington School of Medicine
Michael J. Ryan, MD Associate Dean for Curriculum Associate Professor, Department of Medicine Division of Nephrology

16 >200 clinical training sites
WWAMI Partnership: University of Washington University of Wyoming University of Alaska-Anchorage Montana State University University of Idaho Gonzaga University >200 clinical training sites

17 The five WWAMI states make up 28% of the U.S. land mass but contain only 3.4% of the country’s population. “The five WWAMI states make up 27% of the U.S. land mass but contain only 3.3% of the country’s population.” FYI: Suzanne has the WWAMI population percentage in a number of her slides.  The population number has increased from 3.3 to 3.4. “The five WWAMI states make up 28% of the U.S. land mass but contain only 3.4% of the country’s population.”


19 Curriculum Management
Build or buy? Integrate with Canvas (LMS) 3 time zones Decision: Online Portal for Advanced Learning Quality Management (OpalQM) Created by Online Business Systems (OBS): privately held information technology and business consultancy System created for the University of Manitoba

20 OpalQM: All Phases/components of curriculum
Session details Objectives Session type Threads/theme tags Content descriptors Entered into Opal, then copied to Sites Organized by Entering Class Phase/Block/Site Each site schedules events in local time zone

21 PLO-BLO-SLO Structure

22 Number Of Formal Instructional Hours Per Course
Using Data: Pedagogy Table 6.0-1  |  Entering Class Phase 1 Instructional Format Number Of Formal Instructional Hours Per Course Course Lecture Laboratory Small Group Patient Contact Other* Total FCM: Clinical Immersion 4.00 1.00 33.08 38.08 FCM: Clinical Skills 75.25 85.25 160.50 FCM: Primary Care Practicum 133.00 Molecular & Cellular Basis of Disease 12.00 7.00 55.00 16.00 90.00 Invaders & Defenders 6.00 74.00 5.00 85.00 Circulatory Systems 16.08 58.00 145.08 Blood & Cancer 10.00 18.75 13.42 42.17 Energetics & Homeostasis 13.00 74.58 106.33 Mind, Brain & Behavior 3.00 30.17 104.00 153.17 Lifecycle 8.00 43.08 21.00 72.08 TOTAL 58.08 53.00 351.58 208.25 354.50 *Other Session Types Include: Discussion, Large Group (>12) Patient Presentation – Faculty Simulation Workshop

23 Use of Data: Gap Analysis

24 Assessment outcomes for a block

25 USMLE Content Descriptors – Search Results

26 Future Effort Develop model for clerkships
Map out all objectives, and use results to review and refine curriculum objectives

27 A Deeper Dive into Curriculum Mapping:
Creating a Searchable Curriculum Map Michele M. Doucette, PhD Assistant Dean of Integrated Curriculum Daisy Talavera, MPA Integrated Curriculum Specialist Helen Macfarlane, MA Director of Education Technology

28 Overview what we will cover today…
Review purpose, goals, utility of curriculum mapping, including curriculum components commonly included in a curriculum map Overview of the curriculum mapping framework implemented at the CUSOM Demonstrate an interactive curriculum search tool, along with user-defined reporting capabilities, using Tableau® Review faculty engagement in the mapping process

29 Curriculum Mapping utility…
Curriculum Search (Competency, Phase, Topics, Keywords, Session Type, etc.) Curriculum Review Gaps Redundancies Vertical/ Horizontal Integration Course Curriculum Content Reports Course Evaluations (Faculty Time) LCME Accreditation Reporting/ Ongoing CQI Student Portfolio

30 AAMC Curriculum Inventory (CI) Data Necessary for a Successful CI Upload
Sequence Blocks Events ALL Sequence Blocks: Courses, Clerkships, Electives Duration Expectations (Learning Objectives / Outcome Objectives / Competencies) Academic Level Duration in hours and / or minutes Instructional Methods Assessment Methods Expectations (Learning Objectives / Outcome Objectives / Competencies) Keywords Source:

31 Curriculum Map Structure
Program Competencies Graduation Requirements (required elements of a learning experience) Curriculum Structure Course Goals Overall goals of the course Learning Objectives Brief statements (what student can do at instruction completion) Topics Categories (big buckets) (linked to curriculum components above) Curriculum Content MeSH Terms Key terms Learning Materials Session materials

32 CUSOM Program Competencies
Competency # Sub-Competencies 1. Medical Knowledge for Practice (MKP) 8 2. Patient Care (PC) 9 3. Practice-Based Learning and Improvement (PBLI) 6 4. Interpersonal and Communication Skills (IPCS) 11 5. Professionalism (P) 3 6. Systems-Based Practice (SBP) 4 7. Interprofessional Collaboration (IC) 8. Personal and Professional Development (P/PD)

33 CUSOM Topics Adopted 90 new “Topics” aligned with LCME, GQ, USMLE, and CUSOM UME program: Provided higher-level category to group curriculum Aids in LCME reporting Future use in student learning “Portfolios”

34 Keywords (MeSH Terms) MeSH vocabulary similar in concept to keywords or (meta) tags Unlike keywords, MeSH terms are “standardized” + hierarchical structure When mapped to items in a curricular database (i.e., iLios), MeSH terms allow curricular content to be searched by a standardized set of terms Love-hate relationship…

35 Curriculum Map Framework

36 Mapped Curriculum Components
Block/ Course Curriculum Structure & Content Course Goals (Objectives) Phase Session ID Learning Objectives Program Sub-Competencies MeSH Terms Session Block/ Course ID Session Title Session Type Date; Time; Duration Faculty; Facilitators Topic(s) Source:

37 Curriculum Mapping what we use…
iLios – curriculum management Curriculum components (course goals, session learning objectives, MeSH Terms) Session data (course, phase, session type & title, date, time, duration) MS Access, Excel – data management Topics & Competency data Compiled data (final output Excel worksheet) Tableau® – data visualization Software that allows you to visualize and interact with data

38 Demo Tableau® Tableau® Public Desktop Server/Enterprise

39 Unintentional Benefits of Mapping
Faculty begin to see their content through the lens of the Program Competencies Faculty realize that they cover more topics than they originally thought Mapping exercise prompts course directors think about how they want to structure their course One-on-one mapping facilitates relationship- building with faculty Faculty develop a better understanding of curriculum structure

40 Lessons Learned sustainability & validity…
Junk In ➡ Junk Out No matter the CMS/ reporting system, it all comes down to gathering valid curriculum information Dynamic, Ongoing Establish a system/process to collect and update curriculum Engaged Curriculum Deans, Faculty, Staff It takes a village! Be patient, yet persistent.

41 Questions?

42 CI in Context: July 2017 Keywords Mapped to Clerkships in AL 3 and 4 Mapping Clerkship Metadata by  Cinda J. Stone, MEd University of Arizona, Phoenix

43 CI in Context: August 2017 Core EPA Pilot Update

44 CI for CQI and Accreditation (CICA)
The CICA’s most recent meeting on June 29th examined the Curriculum Inventory Verification Report and discussed its utility in addressing the DCI. The summary tables were good starting points for determining where the curriculum management system data needed improvement. The results in support of DCI responses must, as we’ve always intended, be modifiable to make them usable. The actual values referred to in Other columns need to be provided in the output, though perhaps not the verification report. Include academic level in the All Instructional Methods, Summative Assessment Methods, and Formative Assessment Methods tables to aid review.

45 Curriculum Inventory Research Group
Preparing for October Retreat

46 Next meeting: Wednesday, August 9, 1 pm ET
(Second Wednesday of each month, 1 pm ET) Registration Links posted in Training and Resources section of Please send agenda items to

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