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Energy Crisis 73 Jimmy Carter Camp David Accords

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1 Energy Crisis 73 Jimmy Carter Camp David Accords
Source: Jimmy Carter Source: Camp David Accords Source: ERA marchers continued their efforts in the 70’s Gerald Ford had the difficult task of following Nixon The “wave” of inflation was too much for Ford’s WIN program American Embassy hostages taken in the Iranian revolution President Carter with the leaders of Israel and Egypt at the Camp David Accords peace talks. Environmental become concerned after a near accident at Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant President Jimmy Carter and wife walking to their Inauguration Religious revolution in Iran makes Ayatollah Khomeini the leader

2 Conservative Policies Continue
Reagan Revolution 74 Source: Conservative Policies Continue Fall of Communism Source: Oliver North prepares to testify in the Iran-Contra Affair Cartoon about the conservative policies of the Reagan and Bush terms Regan’s economic plan called for reduced taxes to increase business incentive. National Debt soars to new heights in the 80’s Apple Computers bring the computer to your home Part of the Desert Storm Operation to eject Iraq from Kuwait in 1991 1984 Vice-Presidential Candidate Geraldine Ferraro AIDS epidemic kills millions around the world

3 Election of 1992 75 Contract with America Modern America
Source: Contract with America Modern America Republicans introduce the Contract with America, which promises a balanced budget and lower taxes President Clinton faces a crowd of Republicans who control Congress Domestic Terrorists bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City Bill and Hillary Clinton President Clinton had to share the power of government with the Republican led Congress for most of his term. Booming economic outlooks created a steadily increasing Stock Market Technology became a indispensable part of many Americans lives. “Google It” becomes part of the American language.

4 Election of Barack Obama
76 War Against Terrorism Election of Barack Obama George Bush’s tax policy and war against Iraq have caused lots of debate within the nation Attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade City on Sept. 11, 2002 killed thousands After the Sept. 11 attacks, a surge of patriotism swept the nation Part of the 2002 Election troubles was the system voters used to cast ballots Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama waged a hard campaign for the Democratic nomination Financial troubles and a major recession led to massive bank failures and government support Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast and New Orleans Barack Obama is the first minority President of the United States

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