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September 10, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "September 10, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 10, 2017

2 Prelude for Worship Martha Short

3 Welcome Daniel Palmer

4 Text “Welcome” to


6 How Firm a Foundation CCLI #606984

7 How firm a foundation Ye saints of the Lord Is laid for your faith In His excellent Word

8 What more can He say Than to you He hath said To you who for refuge To Jesus have fled

9 And will still give thee aid
Fear not I am with thee O be not dismayed For I am thy God And will still give thee aid

10 I’ll strengthen thee help thee
And cause thee to stand Upheld by my righteous Omnipotent hand

11 When through fiery trials My grace all sufficient
Thy pathway shall lie My grace all sufficient Shall be thy supply

12 The flame shall not hurt thee
I only design Thy dross to consume And thy gold to refine

13 The soul that on Jesus Hath leaned for repose I will not I will not Desert to his foes

14 That soul though all hell Should endeavor to shake
I’ll never no never No never forsake

15 Have Faith in God

16 When your pathway is lonely
Have faith in God When your pathway is lonely He sees and knows all The way you have trod Never alone are the Least of His children Verse 1

17 He cannot fail He must prevail
Have faith in God He's on His throne He watches o'er His own He cannot fail He must prevail

18 When your pray'rs are unanswered
Have faith in God When your pray'rs are unanswered Your earnest plea He will never forget Wait on the Lord Trust His word and be patient Have faith in God He'll answer yet Verse 2

19 He cannot fail He must prevail
Have faith in God He's on His throne He watches o'er His own He cannot fail He must prevail

20 In your pain and your sorrow His heart is touched
Have faith in God In your pain and your sorrow His heart is touched With your grief and despair Cast all your cares And your burdens upon Him And leave them there Oh leave them there Verse 3

21 He cannot fail He must prevail
Have faith in God He's on His throne He watches o'er His own He cannot fail He must prevail

22 Tho' all else fail about you
Have faith in God Tho' all else fail about you He provides for His own He cannot fail tho' All kingdoms shall perish He rules He reigns Upon His throne Verse 4

23 He cannot fail He must prevail
Have faith in God He's on His throne He watches o'er His own He cannot fail He must prevail

24 Tithes and Offering Martha Short

25 My Soul Longs for the Lord
Sanctuary Choir


27 Psalm 13 (NASB) For the choir director. A Psalm of David. 1 How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me?

28 Psalm 13 (NASB) 2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me? 3 Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; Enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,

29 Psalm 13 (NASB) 4 And my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” And my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken. 5 But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.

30 Psalm 13 (NASB) 6 I will sing to the Lord, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.

31 Sermon in a Sentence In seasons of soul-clouding adversity (2), 1) we must recognize and lament the signs of spiritual defeat (1–2), 2) we must ask God to revive us (3–4), and 3) we must resolve to move forward in faith (5–6).

32 Praying When I Can’t See God
1. We must recognize and lament the signs of spiritual defeat (1–2).

33 Praying When I Can’t See God
How long? Repeated 4 times in two verses.

34 Praying When I Can’t See God
It seems the adversity he faces will never end.

35 Praying When I Can’t See God
God, I know You are in control, but I’m about to give up.”

36 Praying When I Can’t See God
“God if I’m really honest, I’m desperate to be truly alive, and that only happens when I know the fullness of your presence and your favor in my life.”

37 Praying When I Can’t See God
Lament is the appropriate response to the spiritual dryness of our lives – to acknowledge the reality of our deadness and to say, “God, I’m tired of this existence, I am broken, now build me up.”

38 Praying When I Can’t See God
He analyzes his distress “in relation to God, Himself, and to his enemy.” (Kidner, 94).

39 Praying When I Can’t See God
A. It seems God has forgotten, that He is not there. The hiding of someone’s face symbolizes a broken relationship. The enemy wants to steal from you the soul-satisfying fellowship with God for which you long. The path to enjoying the life God has for you begins with acknowledging you are desperate for a move of God in your life.

40 Praying When I Can’t See God
B. David’s mind is consumed with His present difficulties.

41 Praying When I Can’t See God
“How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day?” Psalm 13:2

42 Praying When I Can’t See God
David is so consumed by the magnitude of the assignment and the challenge of the enemy that it daily consumes the heart, the inner man.

43 Praying When I Can’t See God
C. David reminds God that the enemy is winning.

44 Praying When I Can’t See God
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?” Psalm 13:2

45 Praying When I Can’t See God
The enemy is whatever is standing between you and honoring the King with your life in the pursuit of His mission.

46 Praying When I Can’t See God
2. We must ask God to revive us (3–4).

47 Praying When I Can’t See God
Dark seasons of the soul remind us of where we must go for life.

48 Praying When I Can’t See God
Spiritual depression is real and can be acute. We ask how a person of faith could experience such spiritual lows, but whatever provokes it does not take away from its reality. Our faith is not a constant action. It is mobile. It vacillates. We move from faith to faith, and in between we may have periods of doubt when we cry, “Lord, I believe, help Thou my unbelief.” – R. C. Sproul

49 Praying When I Can’t See God
The reason David even knows he is dying is because He has known what it is to be alive.

50 Praying When I Can’t See God
And here in v. 3, we find the heart of David’s prayer, that the Lord God would enlighten his eyes as God enlightened the eyes of Christ our Savior when He raised Him from the deadness of the tomb. That the Lord would give him the victory that only comes when we are alive in God – when our eyes are not dull to the things of life but brightened by Christ who is the light and life of men.

51 Praying When I Can’t See God
As Longman writes, David “is implying he knows God doesn't ultimately want the enemy to win.”

52 Praying When I Can’t See God
The enemy wants to sideline you with a life that is consumed by things that are not essential to life.

53 Praying When I Can’t See God
“Let me see Your face again, renew the joy of my salvation, and open my eyes and make me alive to Jesus and His mission in the world.”

54 Praying When I Can’t See God
If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11

55 Praying When I Can’t See God
3. We must resolve to move forward in faith (5–6).

56 Praying When I Can’t See God
Although this Psalm begins with David singing the blues, it ends with his confidence that he will sing to the Lord (6).

57 Praying When I Can’t See God
“However great the pressure, the choice is still his to make, not the enemy’s, & God’s covenant remains (95).”

58 Praying When I Can’t See God
David speaks of God’s bounty or the completeness of the harvest in David’s life in the past tense because “it springs…from David’s certainty that he will have such a song to offer, when he looks back on the whole way he has been led (Kidner, 95).”

59 Praying When I Can’t See God
On that day, we will say, not in the assurance of faith but in the assurance of sight, He has dealt bountifully with me (6). God finishes what He starts.

60 Response

61 ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

62 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Just to take Him at His word
Just to rest Upon His promise Just to know Thus saith the Lord 1

63 Jesus Jesus How I trust Him How I've proved Him o'er and o'er Precious Jesus O for grace To trust Him more

64 O how sweet To trust in Jesus Just to trust His cleansing blood
Just in simple faith To plunge me ‘Neath the healing Cleansing flood 2

65 Jesus Jesus How I trust Him How I've proved Him o'er and o'er Precious Jesus O for grace To trust Him more

66 Yes 'tis sweet To trust in Jesus Just from sin And self to cease
Just from Jesus Simply taking Life and rest And joy and peace 3

67 Jesus Jesus How I trust Him How I've proved Him o'er and o'er Precious Jesus O for grace To trust Him more

68 I'm so glad I learned to trust him Precious Jesus Savior friend
And I know That he is with me Will be with me To the end 4

69 Jesus Jesus How I trust Him How I've proved Him o'er and o'er Precious Jesus O for grace To trust Him more


71 Postlude for Worship Martha Short

72 11:00 AM Worship

73 September 10, 2017

74 Let The Praises Ring

75 O Lord my God In You I put my trust O Lord my God In You I put my hope
Repeat Once

76 O Lord my God In You I put my trust O Lord my God In You I put my hope
Repeat Once

77 In You I find my strength I live and move and breathe
In You I find my peace In You I find my strength I live and move and breathe Repeat Once

78 Let everything I say and do Be founded by my faith in You
I lift up holy hands and sing Let the praises ring Repeat Once

79 O Lord my God To You I give my hands
O Lord my God To You I give my feet Repeat Once

80 O Lord my God To You I give my everything
O Lord my God To You I give my life Repeat Once

81 In You I find my strength I live and move and breathe
In You I find my peace In You I find my strength I live and move and breathe Repeat Once

82 Let everything I say and do Be founded by my faith in You
I lift up holy hands and sing Let the praises ring Repeat Once

83 Welcome Daniel Palmer

84 Text “Welcome” to


86 Everlasting God

87 Strength will rise As we wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord
Repeat Once

88 Our God You reign forever Our hope our strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won't grow weary

89 You're the defender of the weak You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

90 We will wait upon the Lord
Strength will rise As we wait upon the Lord Wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord Repeat Once

91 Our God You reign forever Our hope our strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won't grow weary

92 You're the defender of the weak You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

93 The Lord is My Salvation

94 The grace of God has Reached for me And pulled me from the Raging sea
And I am safe on This solid ground The Lord is my salvation

95 I will not fear when Darkness falls
His strength will help me Scale these walls I'll see the dawn of the Rising sun The Lord is my salvation

96 My debt is paid and the Victory won The Lord is my salvation
Who is like the Lord our God? Strong to save Faithful in love My debt is paid and the Victory won The Lord is my salvation

97 When winter fades I know Spring will come The Lord is my salvation
My hope is hidden In the Lord He flowers each Promise of His Word When winter fades I know Spring will come The Lord is my salvation

98 The Lord is my salvation
In times of waiting Times of need When I know loss When I am weak I know His grace will Renew these days The Lord is my salvation

99 The Lord is my salvation
And when I reach the Final day He will not leave Me in the grave But I will rise He Will call me home The Lord is my salvation

100 Glory be to God the Father Glory be to God the Son
Glory be to God the Spirit The Lord is our salvation

101 The Lord is our salvation

102 Great I Am

103 So Heaven is real and death is a lie
I want to be close – Close to Your side So Heaven is real and death is a lie I want to hear voices Of angels above Singing as one

104 God Almighty - Great I Am Who is worthy - none beside Thee
Hallelujah - Holy Holy God Almighty - Great I Am Who is worthy - none beside Thee

105 Loving the world - hating the dark
I want to be near – Near to Your heart Loving the world - hating the dark I want to see dry bones living again Singing as one

106 The mountains shake before You At the mention of Your name
The demons run and flee At the mention of Your name King of majesty

107 There is no power in hell And the Presence of the Great I Am
Or any who can stand Before the power And the Presence of the Great I Am The Great I Am

108 The Great I Am

109 Tithes and Offering Martha Short

110 My Soul Longs for the Lord
Sanctuary Choir


112 Psalm 13 (NASB) For the choir director. A Psalm of David. 1 How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me?

113 Psalm 13 (NASB) 2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me? 3 Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; Enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,

114 Psalm 13 (NASB) 4 And my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” And my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken. 5 But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.

115 Psalm 13 (NASB) 6 I will sing to the Lord, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.

116 Sermon in a Sentence In seasons of soul-clouding adversity (2), 1) we must recognize and lament the signs of spiritual defeat (1–2), 2) we must ask God to revive us (3–4), and 3) we must resolve to move forward in faith (5–6).

117 Praying When I Can’t See God
1. We must recognize and lament the signs of spiritual defeat (1–2).

118 Praying When I Can’t See God
How long? Repeated 4 times in two verses.

119 Praying When I Can’t See God
It seems the adversity he faces will never end.

120 Praying When I Can’t See God
God, I know You are in control, but I’m about to give up.”

121 Praying When I Can’t See God
“God if I’m really honest, I’m desperate to be truly alive, and that only happens when I know the fullness of your presence and your favor in my life.”

122 Praying When I Can’t See God
Lament is the appropriate response to the spiritual dryness of our lives – to acknowledge the reality of our deadness and to say, “God, I’m tired of this existence, I am broken, now build me up.”

123 Praying When I Can’t See God
He analyzes his distress “in relation to God, Himself, and to his enemy.” (Kidner, 94).

124 Praying When I Can’t See God
A. It seems God has forgotten, that He is not there. The hiding of someone’s face symbolizes a broken relationship. The enemy wants to steal from you the soul-satisfying fellowship with God for which you long. The path to enjoying the life God has for you begins with acknowledging you are desperate for a move of God in your life.

125 Praying When I Can’t See God
B. David’s mind is consumed with His present difficulties.

126 Praying When I Can’t See God
“How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day?” Psalm 13:2

127 Praying When I Can’t See God
David is so consumed by the magnitude of the assignment and the challenge of the enemy that it daily consumes the heart, the inner man.

128 Praying When I Can’t See God
C. David reminds God that the enemy is winning.

129 Praying When I Can’t See God
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?” Psalm 13:2

130 Praying When I Can’t See God
The enemy is whatever is standing between you and honoring the King with your life in the pursuit of His mission.

131 Praying When I Can’t See God
2. We must ask God to revive us (3–4).

132 Praying When I Can’t See God
Dark seasons of the soul remind us of where we must go for life.

133 Praying When I Can’t See God
Spiritual depression is real and can be acute. We ask how a person of faith could experience such spiritual lows, but whatever provokes it does not take away from its reality. Our faith is not a constant action. It is mobile. It vacillates. We move from faith to faith, and in between we may have periods of doubt when we cry, “Lord, I believe, help Thou my unbelief.” – R. C. Sproul

134 Praying When I Can’t See God
The reason David even knows he is dying is because He has known what it is to be alive.

135 Praying When I Can’t See God
And here in v. 3, we find the heart of David’s prayer, that the Lord God would enlighten his eyes as God enlightened the eyes of Christ our Savior when He raised Him from the deadness of the tomb. That the Lord would give him the victory that only comes when we are alive in God – when our eyes are not dull to the things of life but brightened by Christ who is the light and life of men.

136 Praying When I Can’t See God
As Longman writes, David “is implying he knows God doesn't ultimately want the enemy to win.”

137 Praying When I Can’t See God
The enemy wants to sideline you with a life that is consumed by things that are not essential to life.

138 Praying When I Can’t See God
“Let me see Your face again, renew the joy of my salvation, and open my eyes and make me alive to Jesus and His mission in the world.”

139 Praying When I Can’t See God
If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11

140 Praying When I Can’t See God
3. We must resolve to move forward in faith (5–6).

141 Praying When I Can’t See God
Although this Psalm begins with David singing the blues, it ends with his confidence that he will sing to the Lord (6).

142 Praying When I Can’t See God
“However great the pressure, the choice is still his to make, not the enemy’s, & God’s covenant remains (95).”

143 Praying When I Can’t See God
David speaks of God’s bounty or the completeness of the harvest in David’s life in the past tense because “it springs…from David’s certainty that he will have such a song to offer, when he looks back on the whole way he has been led (Kidner, 95).”

144 Praying When I Can’t See God
On that day, we will say, not in the assurance of faith but in the assurance of sight, He has dealt bountifully with me (6). God finishes what He starts.

145 Response

146 Great I Am

147 So Heaven is real and death is a lie
I want to be close – Close to Your side So Heaven is real and death is a lie I want to hear voices Of angels above Singing as one

148 God Almighty - Great I Am Who is worthy - none beside Thee
Hallelujah - Holy Holy God Almighty - Great I Am Who is worthy - none beside Thee

149 Loving the world - hating the dark
I want to be near – Near to Your heart Loving the world - hating the dark I want to see dry bones living again Singing as one

150 The mountains shake before You At the mention of Your name
The demons run and flee At the mention of Your name King of majesty

151 There is no power in hell And the Presence of the Great I Am
Or any who can stand Before the power And the Presence of the Great I Am The Great I Am

152 The Great I Am


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