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North Carolina State University

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1 North Carolina State University
“We’re the Red and White from State  And we know we are the best.  A hand behind our back,  We can take on all the rest.             Come over the hill, Caroline.  Devils and Deacs stand in line.  The Red and White from NC State.    Go State!” North Carolina State University is located in Raleigh, North Carolina, in the heart of what is commonly referred to as the Triangle. The institution is actually composed of three campuses: Main Campus (the “original campus”), Centennial Campus (the “engineering campus”), and the Centennial Biomedical Campus ( the “Vet School campus” ). In 2013, the student population was comprised of: 24, 536 undergraduates and 9, 473 for graduates (Office of Institutional Research and Planning, Retrieved from: With this number of students, NC State University is the largest public university in the state of North Carolina. The Red and White Song, Retrieved from: Background Image, Retrieved from:

2 1965: Name change to North Carolina State University at Raleigh.
What’s in a Name? 1887: Establishment of North Carolina College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts. 1917: Name Change to North Carolina State College of Agriculture & Engineering. 1963: Name Change to North Carolina State of the University of North Carolina at Raleigh. 1965: Name change to North Carolina State University at Raleigh. NC State was founded in 1887, through funding and support by the Morrill Land grant Act. As with many other institutions created at this time, NC State had a focus on agriculture and engineering. Over the years, many of the undergraduate majors have adapted to industries or former industries in North Carolina. For example, for many years, North Carolina was a leader in the development and manufacturing of textiles. Thus, we have a textile engineering major with various concentrations. As technologies evolve, often the majors also evolve as whole, or new concentrations are created. Because of its origins creation and its focus on research, NC State has remained a STEM-centric institution. Even NC State’s majors outside of STEM fields, faculty and departments still operate under STEM-centric principles of research and technological development. Similar to many other schools following World War II, NC State grew by leaps and bounds. In 1890, the student population was 71; by 1950 it had grown to 4,036; by 1970 it was 12,967 (Retrieved from: With this growth As one can see by the graphic, NC State’s name has evolved from its original implementation, though keeps its Engineering and Agricultural focus. Each name change illustrates the institution's growth and reassessment of its purpose. Background Image Retrieved from: Historical Time: Women, Retrieved from:

3 African American Timeline Facts
History African American Timeline Facts 1951: African American students can be admitted into graduate programs. 1956: First undergraduates are admitted. 2008: Racist graffiti written threatening President Barack Obama in Freedom Expression Tunnel. Female Timeline Facts 1921: First full time female student begins studies at NC State 1927: First degrees are conferred to female students. 1964: Female students are able to live on campus. Though NC State has much to be proud of in the state, it also has a bleak history in regards to minority rights and representation. NC State, located in a Southern state, actively participated in segregation; integration did not start to occur until the 1950’s. In fact, to understand NC State’s history, one must also recognize its sister institution, NC A&T University. NC A&T was founded in 1891, with similar goals of education in agriculture and engineering, but with the intention of serving African Americans (Retrieved from: NC A&T’s existence was to operate under the ‘separate but equal’ mentality in Southern culture and politics in conjunction with North Carolina State University. NC State also was not inclusive of females as full time students until well into the 1900’s. Though female enrollment increased in the latter part of the 20th century, female enrollment in 2013 remained at around 44% (Retrieved from: Inequality in higher education occurred at NC State, and its legacy is something that the institution is very conscious of. Though racial incidents have occurred, NC State has worked diligently to incorporate more diversity and global understanding. Background Image, Retrieved from: Historical Time: African Americans, Retrieved from: Historical Time: Women, Retrieved from:

4 University Mission “As a research-extensive land-grant university, North Carolina State University is dedicated to excellent teaching, the creation and application of knowledge, and engagement with public and private partners. By uniting our strength in science and technology with a commitment to excellence in a comprehensive range of disciplines, NC State promotes an integrated approach to problem solving that transforms lives and provides leadership for social, economic, and technological development across North Carolina and around the world.” NC State meets the “extensive land grant university” mission in part through its agricultural extension offices. North Carolina is composed of one hundred counties; in each county NC State University has an office with at least one extension officer that serves the community. These offices work with farmers and local agriculture providing education, training, and research. This has led to many in and outside the NC State community to view the institution as a university for the people of North Carolina. One recent example of NC State’s dedication and encouragement for research can be seen with a recent senior design project created by students, called “Undercover Colors”. Four engineering students have begun development of a nail polish that detects possible date rape contamination in drinks (Retrieved from: This idea for a project has developed into a company that will manufacture the product for public use. Undercover Colors is one of the ways that NC State strives to embody the concept of “problem solving that transforms lives” (Retrieved from: NC State also strives to engage with public and private partners (University Mission, 2015). The number of the private and public partners has grown substantially in the last decade, with some examples being WebAssign and the NSA. Background Image, Retrieved from: University Mission, Retrieved from:

5 Rankings North Carolina State University Large Four Year Institution
Public Very high research Primarily Residential More Selective Lower Transfer In High Under-Graduate NC State is currently tied for the #89 spot in the national universities ranking according to U.S. News World Report with six other higher education institutions. According to the U.S. News and World Report reports that the top five categories for majors are: Engineering, Business/Management/Related Support Services, Biological/Biomedical Sciences, and Agriculture/Agriculture Operations/Related Sciences, Social Sciences. Many of these majors stem from the original purpose of NC State as an agricultural and engineering school. The graphic illustrates many of the characteristics determined for NC State’s Carnegie Classification. As discussed, NC State is a public institution, with the largest student population in the state. According to the Carnegie Classification, NC State has a large residential population, with a high undergraduate population. and has a lower transfer in rate. Additionally, NC State has a strong emphasis on research. Background Image, Retrieved from: Carnegie Classification of Institutions, Retrieved from:

6 Leadership Structure NC State’s organizational chart not only includes members of the university, but also outside stakeholders. North Carolina State is part of a seventeen institution system, named the University of North Carolina. This system is overseen by the Board of governors and the President of the UNC system. The upper administration has the unique perspective, overseeing all of the institutions, with all of the different needs, identities and cultures. As NC State is a large institution, the upper administration within the institution is also quite large. Chancellor randy Woodson is charged with overseeing the whole university, whereas Provost Warwick Arden focuses primarily on academic functions at the university. Provost Arden oversees the following colleges: College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, College of Design, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Natural Resources, College of Sciences, College of Textiles, Division of Academic & Student Affairs, Graduate School, Poole College of Management, and the College of Veterinary Medicine. In turn, each of these colleges contain their own structures, which may vary by academic culture. All of the colleges have a dean, and at least one associate and one assistant dean. Under these administrators, a wide variety of staff and faculty function. For example, in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, there are ten academic departments that each answer to the Dean’s Office (Retrieved from: These colleges each have different goals, focuses, and funding streams, and in turn departments have different identities as well. Additionally, as with any institution, academics are only part of the fabric of the campus. Offices such as the Counseling Center, Housing, and the LGBT Center are also an integral part of the community. Background Image Retrieved from: Organizational Chart Retrieved from:

7 Revenue Sources North Carolina State University relies heavily on the North Carolina legislature for funding. Nearly 39% of its financial support comes from the state, thought this budget has decreased in recent years due to the economic downturn (Retrieved from: To meet the functional needs of the institution, NC State has raised its tuition in recent years. In 2005 the cost of tuition and fees for an instate undergraduate student was 4,353; for the school year it was 8,206 (Retrieved from: Additionally, NC State was recently granted approval from the UNC system to require an additional fee for Engineering students; this extra fee is intended to provide career skills (Retrieved from: This is the first time for NC State that one undergraduate student in a college will pay more than another in a different college. Overall, tuitions and fees collected from students provides 20% of the overall revenue for the university (Retrieved from:  NC State continues to seek donations from private and public donors, as well as alumni. The institution is trying to find alternative means of support due to the declining budget from the state. Currently this amounts to 11% of NC State’s revenue ((Retrieved from: Background Image, Retrieved from: Chart Graph, Retrieved from:

8 References Page One Carnegie Classification: Classification Description Retrieved from Carnegie Classification: North Carolina State University Retrieved from CHASS Dean’s Office, Retrieved from: Chart Graph, Retrieved from: Historical Time: African Americans, Retrieved from: History Page Background Image, Retrieved from: Historical Time: Women, Retrieved from: Historical Time: Women, Retrieved from: Leadership Background Page Image Retrieved from: National Center for Education Statistics, Retrieved from: NC A&T History, Retrieved from: NC State Engineering News Letter, Retrieved from:

9 References Page Two North Carolina State University Page Background Image, Retrieved from: Office of Institutional Research and Planning, Retrieved from: Office of Institutional Research and Planning, Retrieved from: Office of Institutional Research and Planning, Retrieved from: Organizational Chart Retrieved from: Rankings Page Background Image, Retrieved from: The Red and White Song, Retrieved from: References Page One Background Image, Retrieved from: References Page Two Background Image, Retrieved from: Revenue Background Image, Retrieved from: University Mission Page Background Image, Retrieved from: University Mission, Retrieved from: U.S. News and World Report Undergraduate Ranking: North Carolina State University Retrieved from What’s in a Name Page Background Image Retrieved from:

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