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Learning Together to Live Diversity:

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1 Learning Together to Live Diversity:
International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children Tallinn, 2 December, 2015 Learning Together to Live Diversity: Implementing Inclusive Education in Lithuania Stefanija Ališauskienė Algirdas Ališauskas

2 Lithuanian context 392 922 children
Area 65,300 km2 Population 2,944,000 Capital Vilnius population: 526,356 Coastline 90 km Lowest point Baltic Sea 0 m Aukštojas 294 m Highest point Ethnic groups Lithuanian 83.9% Polish 6.6%; Russian 5.4% Belarusian 1.1% ; other 3% children 11% children with SEN: 23 % SEN related to disabilities, 77 % to other reasons; 98, 2% with SEN at regular schools; 1,8 % - at special schools and classes. Children with SEN have a need for assistance and services in the education process that occurs due to being exceptionally gifted, having congenital or acquired disorders or disadvantages in a person’s surroundings. International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

3 National context of inclusive education
Shift from Defectology over the last 25 years (post-soviet period) Deficit model Problems located within the child Specialised education Special pedagogy School for all Integration Inclusion Social model Diversity Needs Context Barriers Resources Children rights De-centralised system – Regular schools – Resource Centres – Accessibility Schools are not sufficiently prepared to accept every child, mainly due to teacher education issues, their competences and attitudes towards IE. Law on Education, 1991; Law on Special Education, 1998; Law on Education, 2011. International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

4 National Context of Inclusive Education
Documents Year Priorities Education Law of the Republic of Lithuania 2011 Educational support for all children, their parents, teachers Psychological, social pedagogical, special pedagogical / special support Support for schools and teachers, transportation of children State Education Strategy 2003/ 2012 Accessible system of continuing education that guarantees LLL and social justice in education. Net of Pedagogical Psychological Services. 2013/ 2022 Autonomous and networking schools, qualified teachers, wide possibilities for every learner. Opportunities for efficient education of children with diverse abilities and needs, learning conditions for children of ethnic minorities / migrant families. Concept Paper on ‘Good Enough School’ 2013 Conceptual framework for assessing the quality of school activities. School as a learning community. Action Plan for Education 2014/ 2020 Accessibility of inclusive education and quality of multi- sectorial / multi-professional educational support for children with SEN and their families. International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

5 National context of inclusive education
The legislation on special education has been developed over the past 20 years to reflect Lithuanian shifts in its democratic and humanistic tradition. This has led to: Decentralised system: responsibility for special schools (as RC) to municipalities. Municipality takes care of accessibility of education for persons with SEN (Law on Education 2011): adapting school environment, providing psychological, special / social pedagogical / special support, technical assistive devices, educational materials, etc. Multi-functional centres - equal opportunities of children living in rural areas to participate in a Pre-school and a Pre-primary education programmes, and for parents to combine family and professional obligations (2011–2013). All educational institutions and education providers have to accept pupils with SEN (Regulations, 2007, 2011). Children with SEN taught according to the same Pre-school, Pre-primary, School education curriculum taking in to account their individual SEN (Regulations 2011). The previous terminology - from diagnosis/problems located “within the child” towards needs / children rights for equity in education. New financing model – ‘money follows the child’ (Regulations, 2011). International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

6 Education of Children in Lithuania
Primary School Basic School Secondary School Progymnasium Gymnasium 1-4 years of education 1-10 years of education 1-12 years of education 5-8 years of education 9-12 years of education Children start school at 7 years of age Education is obligatory till 16 years of age Education of children, including those with SEN, in Lithuania should be provided in any school Education programmes should be adjusted to pupils needs Children with very extensive or extensive SEN can study at designated general education schools up to 21 years of age International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

7 Institutions in Charge of the Implementation of IE Policies
Ministry of Education and Science National Centre for Special Needs Education and Psychology Education Supply Centre Education Development Centre National Agency for School Evaluation Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education Educational Support Institutions and Services (82) Pedagogical Psychological Services (55) Teacher Education Centre Education support Centres Schools General Education Schools (1205) Pre-Schools (688) Non-governmental organizations International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

8 Democratisation of Education System
Shift from defectology towards inclusive education in LT has been stipulated by the combination of particular circumstances related to regaining of independency. Democratisation of Education System Other Motivation of professionals New international Experience Activity of parent organizations Reform of HE Innovative research International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

9 Partnership and Collaboration for IE
Inclusive education is understood as an ongoing process aimed at offering quality education for all while respecting diversity and the different needs and abilities, characteristics and learning expectations of the students and communities, eliminating all forms of discrimination’ (UNESCO 2008)  Families NGOs Assessment Educational Support Research Education of Teachers Pedagogical Practice Policy of Education Movement to Inclusive Education required of changes in educational policy and practice, research, education of teachers / special pedagogues, as well as social cultural changes. International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

10 In pedagogical practice
The Main Fields of Changes In educational policy and methodology from clinical approach towards social approach In pedagogical practice from isolation towards participation and belonging In assessment from diagnosis towards identificat ion of individual educational needs In teacher competency from rejection ‘We are not prepared to work with children with disabilities’ towards supporting children and each other In teacher education towards preparing educate diverse children collaborating in a team Collaboration Among the fields Among institutions Among responsible persons and actors Ways of collaboration Legal requirements Bilateral / Multilateral agreements/ Memorandums of Understanding Personal relationships International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

11 Teacher Education for Inclusion
Initiatives Results Processes of Inclusion in LT regular schools have been started with teachers’ resistance (from 1990) ‘We are not prepared to teach children with disabilities’, ‘We have no knowledge to teach these children’. Courses on IE for PreSett/InSett have been recommended, MoES,1995. Teacher education should be based on the general principles of Inclusive Education. Nordic / Baltic countries project ‘School for All’, Guidelines for Teacher Training to Educate Children with SEN in Mainstream Classes’ (2003). European Agency of Special and Inclusive Education project ‘Teacher Education for Inclusion’ evaluated contents of PreSett, 2009. Contents of 80 curricula for PreSett have been analysed. There was no any course on IE in 25 curricula. Courses were found mainly in primary teachers’ curricula. Lack of focus on IE in subject teacher education. New requirements for teacher education / National Education Strategy 2013/2022 An integral teacher education and qualification upgrading system Teacher ed oriented towards the changing role of a teacher, new competences and values International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

12 Excellent start. What is next?
Is it possible to change only one field to reach Inclusive Education? Changes in Education Policy and Methodology Yes Changes in Assessment and Identification of Ed Needs No Changes in Professional Training of Teachers and Special Pedagogues Changes in Atitudes and Knowledge of Teachers Changes in Pedagogical Practice Good enough start Excellent start. What is next? Ready to implement Started! We need a support! We are on a right way!? International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

13 Tänu! Thank You! Ačiū! International conference Inclusive education – in the interest of all children, Tallinn, 2 December, 2015

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