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Schools as organisations

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1 Schools as organisations

2 Learning outcomes 4.1 Summarise the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools 4.2 Explain how legislation affects how schools work 4.3 Explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor and enforce the legislative framework, including: a) general bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive b) school specific regulatory bodies 5.1 Explain why schools have policies and procedures 5.2 Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have relating to: a) staff b) pupil welfare c) teaching and learning d) equality, diversity and inclusion e) parental engagement 5.3 Evaluate how school policies and procedures may be developed and communicated 6.1 Summarise the roles and responsibilities of national and local government for education policy and practice 6.2 Explain the role of schools in national policies relating to children, young people and families 6.3 Explain the roles of other organisations working with children and young people and how these may impact on the work of schools

3 4.1 Summarise the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools 4.2 Explain how legislation affects how schools work Schools, like any other organisation, are obliged to operate under current laws and legislation. With a partner list any legislation that you know in schools as a spider diagram. The UN Convention on the rights of the child 1989 The Education Act 2002 and 2011 Children Act 2004 and 2006 Every Child Matters The Freedom of Information Act 2000 The Human Rights Act 1998 The SEND Code of Practice 2015 Children and Families Act 2014 The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Schools Equality Act 2010 Health and Safety at work Act 1974 The Data Protection Act BV

4 In small groups choose 2 legislations that affect schools
In small groups choose 2 legislations that affect schools. Research the legislation to give a brief summary and how it affects schools. Share with the class. ICT BV

5 4.3 Explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor and enforce the legislative framework, including: a) general bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive b) school specific regulatory bodies Research and explain the roles of : the Health and Safety Executive and Ofsted ICT BV

6 5.1 Explain why schools have policies and procedures
Schools are required to have policies and procedures. Schools need to meet current legislation so that parents, staff, governors and others who are involved with the school are able to work from a clear set of guidelines Review and update them regularly You should know where to find them so that you are able to use them when necessary (they may have different names but should outline aims, purpose and staff responsibilities) BV

7 5.2 Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have relating to: a) staff b) pupil welfare c) teaching and learning d) equality, diversity and inclusion e) parental engagement Teaching and learning Curriculum policies Early years policy Teaching and learning policy SEN policy Planning and assessment policy Homework policy Marking policy Equality, diversity and inclusion Race equality and cultural diversity policy Gifted and talented policy Equal opportunities policy SEND policy Parental engagement Attendance policy Home school agreement Staff Pay policy Performance and management policy Grievance policy Pupil welfare Child protection policy Health and safety policy Drugs awareness policy Behaviour management policy Personal, social and health education policy Anti bullying policy Attendance policy BV

8 5.3 Evaluate how school policies and procedures may be developed and communicated
How are policies developed in schools? How are they shared with people in the school community (staff/pupils/parents). What do you feel are the most effective ways to ensure all parties are aware of policies and have access to them? BV

9 Set pay & conditions for school staff
6.1 Summarise the roles and responsibilities of national and local government for education policy and practice School admissions Support Services Set pay & conditions for school staff Funding for schools Set the curriculum Monitor standards

10 6.1 Summarise the roles and responsibilities of national and local government for education policy and practice For your file, write about the changing role of government and local authorities as more and more schools turn to academy status. Write about what functions local and national governments carry out in schools of different types. Make reference to Academies and Free Schools and explain how these differ from schools run by the local authority.

11 Admissions National government sets admissions law – eg in accordance with equality LA has admissions policy – eg priority given to siblings/address LA has agreements for schools to take in excluded pupils Not all schools have to follow this policy – eg academies can set their own criteria, and catholic schools follow policy from diocese

12 Set the curriculum The government sets the National Curriculum
LA schools follow the national curriculum and children are assessed at end of Key Stages – SAT’s Academies and independent schools can set their own curriculum – however it must be broad and balanced

13 Pay and conditions Pay is set nationally by government – incremental pay scales Government is trying to give schools more individual powers to set their own pay and conditions – eg via academies, performance related pay Government highlighted that nationally workers were being paid different rates for similar roles – LA’s had to deliver on Single Status

14 Support services LA’s used to provide all support services to schools – eg grounds, maintenance, SEN, HR, staff training This role is changing as the government pushes for schools to move to academy status Schools now buy in services from the LA under SLA’s or from private providers LA’s still have a duty to provide a minimum of support for example in electricity testing

15 Monitor standards Ofsted are the independent body to monitor and maintain standards in schools The chief inspector of Ofsted is appointed by... the government All schools in the UK are inspected and reported on by Ofsted LA’s also have a duty to challenge schools to raise standards – often by a SIP

16 Funding for schools Budget is set by Chancellor of the Exchequer Overall budget is divided via regional funding arrangements – political decisions LA’s keep back money for services eg SEN, transport LA’s divide remainder between schools – more for deprived areas National Government policy – pupil premium & sports premium

17 Role of LA The role of the LA is changing rapidly Current government wants to reduce the role of LA in favour of schools being able to spend their own budgets more flexibly – they argue this will raise standards This can mean that decisions that would have been made locally are now made in London (eg change from 3 tier to 2 tier, new builds) BV

18 6.2 Explain the role of schools in national policies relating to children, young people and families 
Schools are expected to know about and show that they are working from national policies which relate to children, young people and families Develop their central role in local communities through programmes such as extended schools programme Ofsted will inspect this criterion May be involved in trialling and developing new ideas which can subsequently be rolled out nationally BV

19 6.3 Explain the roles of other organisations working with children and young people and how these may impact on the work of schools In groups list a range of organisations that work with children that have links with schools and what is their positive impact? BV

20 Social services Children’s services Youth services National Health Service Police service Psychology service

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