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Presentation on theme: "RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME LEADER"— Presentation transcript:


Information Evening Schedule Welcome Presentation on Leader Programme Question and Answer Session

3 LEADER Information Session
Welcome LEADER Information Session Overview of the delivery of LEADER in Co Longford Leader and the Local Development Strategy Leader Programme – How to apply for funding

4 LEADER The LEADER Initiative was established by the European Commission in 1991 and is a method of mobilising and delivering rural development in local rural communities. LEADER is a French acronym which roughly translates as ‘Links between actions of Rural Development’. LEADER is a community led approach to local development delivering EU funding into rural businesses and communities through Ireland’s Rural Development Programme It promotes social inclusion, poverty reduction and the economic development of rural areas. It aims to build a better quality of life

5 Delivery of LEADER 2014-2020 in Co Longford
Local Action Group (LAG) Lead Implementing Partner Lead Financial Partner Evaluation Committee

6 Delivery of LEADER 2014-2020 in Co Longford
Local Action Group (LAG) with ultimate responsibility for the delivery of LEADER in Co Longford. The LCDC comprises of representatives from the Local Authority, other State Agencies, community, voluntary and social partners. Lead Implementing Partner with responsibility for the day to day management and co-ordination of the Rural Development programme on behalf of the LAG (LCDC) – administration and animation of project applications, main communication/ contact point for the programme Lead Financial Partner with responsibility for maintaining and retaining records of all financial aspects of the programme. Longford County Council will also be responsible for making payments to project promoters on behalf of the LAG (LCDC)

7 LEADER 2014-2020 in Co Longford total funding available €7,597,623
Theme 1: Economic Development, Enterprise Development and Job Creation Sub Themes Rural Tourism Enterprise Development Theme 2: Social Inclusion Basic Services Targeted at Hard to Reach Communities Rural Youth Theme 3: Rural Environment Protection and Sustainable use of Water Resources Protection and Improvement of Local Biodiversity Rural Towns Broadband Development of Renewable Energy

8 LEADER in Co Longford All funding decisions taken by the LAG are underpinned by the LDS objectives and priorities. In the context of LEADER, the Local Development Strategy for Co Longford was developed from a county wide consultation process with communities, an analysis of relevant socio-economic data and a review of current service provision in the county. The LDS determines the needs in a local area and the LAG (LCDC) will make decisions on what types of investment are best suited to address these needs.

9 LEADER 2014-2020 in Co Longford Local Development Strategy Vision
   The vision for this Local Development Strategy is to improve the quality of economic and social activity in County Longford. By 2020, the creation of a better environment for all forms of Enterprise to flourish; ensure there are targeted supports for disadvantaged communities that improve access to education, employment and family support; To protect the un-spoilt natural environment that the county enjoys while at the same time develop the latent tourism potential that the county has.

10 LEADER 2014-2020 in Co Longford Who is Eligible?
To apply for LEADER funding the project must be located in Co Longford. Applications can be made by rural business and rural community organisations Sole traders Farmers Community/Voluntary Groups Companies Limited by Guarantee Trusts Partnerships Limited Companies Private Individuals

11 LEADER 2014-2020 in Co Longford What projects are eligible?
Projects which link to the LEADER Themes and are in line with the Local Development Strategy for Co Longford will be eligible for consideration for funding.

12 LEADER in Co Longford Funding is available for the following across all themes Capital Costs for investment in new equipment, buildings, facilities, services and assets Development of innovative products and activities Support for networks, collective marketing and training Analysis and Development and Feasibility Support

13 Enterprise Development
LEADER Theme 1: Economic Development, Enterprise Development and Job Creation With four Sub-Themes Enterprise Development Rural Tourism Rural Towns Broadband

14 Provision of Basic Services Targeted at Hard to Reach Communities
LEADER Theme 2: Social Inclusion With two Sub-themes Provision of Basic Services Targeted at Hard to Reach Communities Rural Youth .

15 LEADER 2014-2020 Theme 3: Rural Environment
With three Sub-Themes Protection and Sustainable use of Water Resources Protection and Improvement of Local Biodiversity Development of Renewable Energy

16 LEADER 2014-2020 Ineligible Activities
Funding is not available for the following Agriculture production & fisheries Sporting Activities of a mainstream sporting organisation Conventional motor vehicles including cars, industrial/farm/construction vehicles, vans and buses Conventional Retail Operation Reclaimable VAT Training Courses that form part of normal education programmes Housing Working capital (including stock) Improvements/refurbishment of private residential property Loans Race and sport horse industries, Greyhound industries Insurance for projects Horticulture including bee keeping Payment for gifts, donations, or personal entertainment Projects that already have other EU funding either directly or through a national programme Planning application fees/Development Charges Costs associated with meeting a legislative or statutory requirement Healthcare/Nursing Homes/Childcare General maintenance works of public bodies

17 LEADER 2014-2020 Rates of Funding Available €200,000 €30,000
Type of Project Applicant Maximum Rate of Aid Maximum Funding Investment & other supports (including animation undertaken as part of the implementation of a project) Private Up to a maximum of 50% €200,000 Community Up to a maximum of 75% Analysis and Development €30,000 Up to a maximum of 90% Training Private or Community Up to a maximum of 100% The minimum allowable grant available is €1,250

18 LEADER 2014-2020 EOI/Application Process
In addition to the rolling application process that applied during previous LEADER programmes, under the new programme there will be competitive Time Limited/Targeted Calls and Rolling Calls. The purpose of targeted calls for EOIs is to ensure that LEADER funding is targeted where it delivers the most value, is awarded based on a comparative assessment and secures equal opportunities for all potential applicants. Project areas covered by a targeted call are ineligible under the ‘rolling call’ process for a minimum of 6 months following the closing date of the Time-Limited Call.

19 LEADER 2014-2020 EOI/Application Process
Applying for Funding There are two formal stages in the application process for LEADER funding Stage 1 Expression of Interest All applicants must complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) for each project. The EOI is used to outline your project and check if it is eligible to progress to Stage 2 – LEADER Application Stage 2 Full Application When your EOI form has been reviewed and if eligible, you will be invited to submit a full application To Note: Forms must be completed in full or may result in delays.

20 LEADER Stage 1 - EOI Decide who is the applicant, providing and using your Legally Constituted Name. Governance – Constitution, Company, other Planning permission/other permissions, heritage review/permissions Project Management – designated person(s) from the group ‘About Us’ – Information on your group Insurance Project Costs – how will it be financed

21 LEADER 2014-2020 Stage 2 - Application
You will be required to have all relevant documents in place to complete the Application Stage EOI and Application Form – fully completed Constitution for Group or Memorandum and Articles of Association Background on the Group – What are your objectives, list of officers, directors, previous projects undertaken Financial – Bank /Credit Union Account details, statement, match funds and bridging/overdraft Tax Clearance Certificate for applicant, all suppliers and contractors Group or organisation not registered for VAT – Letter from Revenue Insurance details for all parties – policy schedule and indemnifications Quotations/Tenders – different requirements per thresholds – procurement information Plans/Drawings Permissions – Planning and other if required Ownership – Lease/Licence Agreements with maps

22 LEADER 2014-2020 Evaluation and Approval
Projects are assessed by an Independent Evaluation Committee Evaluation Committee Recommendations are sent to the LCDC (LAG) for approval/rejection Approved Project - Letter of Offer Contract is signed and accepted by the promoter Project can commence

23 LEADER Process The LEADER team within Longford Community Resources will support you throughout the process. We hope that you found this presentation useful and informative in understanding LEADER and the application process. We thank you for your time this evening and we look forward to dealing with you regarding your projects.


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