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Los verbos reflexivos Español IV.

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Presentation on theme: "Los verbos reflexivos Español IV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los verbos reflexivos Español IV

2 What is a reflexive verb?
For a verb to be reflexive, the subject of the verb must do the action to himself or herself. Otherwise, just use a regular present tense verb.

3 When do we use them? Many verbs use to describe daily routines and personal care are reflexive. In Spanish, most regular verbs can be used as reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject performs the action to for himself or herself.

4 What’s the difference? Félix divirtió a los invitados con sus chistes. Félix amused the guests with his jokes. (Not doing it to himself.) Félix se divirtió en la fiesta. Félix had fun at the party.

5 What’s the difference? Ana acostó a los gemelos antes de las nueve. Ana put the twins to bed before nine. (Not done to self) Ana se acostó muy tarde. Ana went to bed very late.

6 These aren’t so tricky… or are they?
Many verbs change meaning when they are used reflexively. aburrir to bore aburrirse to become bored comer to eat comerse to eat up dormir to sleep dormirse to fall asleep ir to go irse to go away (from) poner to put, place ponerse to put on (clothes)

7 These aren’t so tricky… or are they?
Some Spanish verbs and expressions are reflexive even though their English equivalents may not be. darse cuenta (de) to realize morirse (de) to die (of) olvidarse (de) to forget (about) preocuparse (por) to worry (about) quejarse (de) to complain (about) sorprenderse (de) to be surprised (about)

8 These aren’t so tricky… or are they?
To get or become is frequently expressed in Spanish by the reflexive verb ponerse + adjective. Ejemplo: Si no duermo bien, me pongo insoportable.

9 These aren’t so tricky… or are they?
In the plural, reflexive verbs can express reciprocal actions done to one another. Ejemplo: ¡Mi esposa y yo nos peleamos demasiado!

10 These aren’t so tricky… or are they?
The reflexive pronoun precedes the direct object pronoun when they are used together in a sentence. Ejemplo: ¿Te comiste el pastel? Sí, me lo comí todo.

11 These aren’t so tricky… or are they?
If you are using a verb with an infinitive: the reflexive pronoun can come before the first conjugated verb OR be attached at the end of the infinitive. The pronoun MUST agree with the subject. Ejemplo: Me voy a cepillar los dientes. Voy a cepillarme los dientes.

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