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Norwegian Institute of Global Health - NIGH

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1 Norwegian Institute of Global Health - NIGH
Bjørn G. Iversen Specialty Director for Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health GLOBVAC 2017 – Symposium 7: Norwegian networks and initiatives in global health 15th March 2017

2 Norwegian Network of Global Health - NNGH
Bjørn Iversen Specialty Director for Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health GLOBVAC 2017 – Symposium 7: Norwegian networks and initiatives in global health 15th March 2017

3 The eRegistries Initiative

4 The case for a national institute
Widespread global health research activity in Norway Universities Research institutes A few university colleges The largest hospitals Private businesses Most research groups are small or medium sized Many maintain a high level of quality internationally Small to offer a complete PhD education

5 The case for a national institute
Out of the approximately NOK 6 billion annual public spending on health research, 3-4% is allocated to global health research in Norway1 Out of all global health research funding from the MFA/Norad in 2013, almost 70% were allocated to international institutions1 Norway performs poorly in the competition for EU research funds in health1 Norwegian research groups compete for the same sources of funding «Av de om lag 6 mrd. kronene som det offentlige arlig bevilger til helseforskning, brukes anslagsvis kun 3-4 % til global helseforskning i Norge. Ytterligere 4 % gar til global helseforskning i utlandet» HO21 s ”Av UD/Norads samlede bidrag til global helseforskning pa 400 mill. kroner i 2013, gikk nesten 70 % til utenlandske institusjoner» HO21 s 145 1 HelseOmsorg21 report 2014

6 The case for a national institute
Conditions need to be in place for institutions to invest in global health as a field of activity Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research has played a central role in promoting cooperation between Norwegian institutions Spirit of cooperation between Norwegian research communities already exists Institutions work in many of the same countries Fragmented efforts at promoting global health at national level

7 Norwegian Institute of Global Health
Establishment The establishment of a «Norwegian Institute of Global Health» was recommended by the «HelseOmsorg21» strategy process launched by the Ministry of Health and Care Services in 2013 Supported by the Norwegian Forum of Global Health Research Supported by the Deans of Medical Faculties at the Universities Follows the establishment of the national Norwegian Research School of Global Health (2016) First Board Meeting in January 2017

8 Norwegian Institute of Global Health
The goal To strengthen the collaboration, coordination and development of global health research, education and capacity building among Norwegian institutions, and To become a leading environment for global health internationally

9 Norwegian Institute of Global Health
Tasks Promote excellence in global health research and education Provide advice and scientific input on global health questions Make visible the impact of Norwegian efforts within global health, in Norway and internationally Promote public interest in global health Maintain overview of global health projects in Norway Maintain overview of funding opportunities and stimulate cooperative applications for funding Strengthen ability to compete internationally and become a leading international environment for research, education and competence building in global health Promote collaboration between all involved institutions Stimulate cross-sectoral collaboration The Norwegian Research School for Global Health Arrange annual meeting

10 Norwegian Institute of Global Health
The Board The major universities NTNU, UiB, UiO, UiT 4 representatives Regional Health Authorities Nord, Vest, Midt, Sør-Øst 4 representatives The institute sector Norwegian Institute of Public Health 1 representative Other faculties of health 1 representative (TBD) SINTEF, NUPI, NRC, CMI, Norad, NMBU Observers

11 Norwegian Institute of Global Health
The Working group The major universities NTNU, UiB, 2 representatives Regional Health Authorities Nord, Sør-Øst 2 representatives The institute sector Norwegian Institute of Public Health 1 representative The secretariat 2-3 people

12 Global Health Norway Norwegian collaborative institute for research, education and competence building in Global health   Global helse Norge Nasjonalt nettverk for forskning, utdanning og kompetansebygging i global helse

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