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Democrat vs. Republican

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1 Democrat vs. Republican

2 Symbol- Democrat Donkey
This symbol was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson in His opponents called him a “jackass.” It gained popularity among Democrats who consider themselves strong willed, like a donkey. Republicans like to use it because they see Democrats as stubborn.

3 Symbol- Republican Elephant
Cartoonist Thomas Nast gave Republicans the Elephant symbol in 1874 to mock them as a big party which tries to scare away others. It gained popularity among Republicans who consider themselves strong and dignified, like the elephant. Democrats like to use it because they see Republicans as slow moving.

4 Political Spectrum- Democrat
Left Liberal

5 Political Spectrum- Republican
Right Conservative

6 Leaders- Democrat President Obama, Sec of State Hilary
Clinton, Former President Bill Clinton, Former President John F. Kennedy, NC Governor Bev Perdue, NC Senator Kay Hagan, NC Representative Mel Watt

7 Leaders- Republican Former President George W. Bush, Senator
John McCain, Former President George Bush, Former President Ronald Reagan, NC Senator Richard Burr, NC Representative Virginia Foxx

8 Typical Supporters- Democrat
Women Catholics African Americans Poorer Citizens Younger Citizens Educated Citizens Northern US Western US

9 Typical Supporters- Republican
Men Christians White Americans Wealthier Citizens Older Citizens Middle Class Southern US Midwest US

10 Size of the Government- Democrat
Large & directly involved with citizen’s lives

11 Size of the Government- Republican
Small & indirectly involved with citizen’s lives

12 Want to tax the rich more
Taxes- Democrat Support more taxes Want to tax the rich more and the poor less

13 Taxes- Republican Support less taxes Want to tax the rich less
and tax everyone similarly

14 Welfare- Democrat Support Favor programs for the poor

15 Welfare- Republican Against Do not favor programs for the poor

16 Minimum Wage- Democrat
Increase Helps the poor

17 Minimum Wage- Republican
Decrease Hurts businesses to pay higher salaries

18 Business Regulation- Democrat
Increase Want to control businesses more

19 Business Regulation- Republican
Decrease Want to control businesses less

20 Military Spending- Democrat
Decrease Spend less on the military

21 Military Spending- Republican
Increase Spend more on the military

22 Foreign Aid- Democrat Increase Help poor countries

23 Foreign Aid- Republican
Decrease Help America before other countries

24 Gun Control- Democrat Increase Stricter laws to decrease crime

25 Gun Control- Republican
Decrease Stricter laws do not mean less crime

26 Death Penalty- Democrat
Against Cruel and unusual punishment

27 Death Penalty- Republican
Support Not cruel and unusual punishment

28 Affirmative Action- Democrat
Support Help minorities

29 Affirmative Action- Republican
Against Hurts non-minorities

30 Abortion- Democrat Support Pro-Choice

31 Abortion- Republican Against Pro-Life

32 Healthcare- Democrat Support Want free healthcare for all Americans

33 Healthcare- Republican
Against Should not provide free healthcare, people should get their own

34 Education- Democrat National Government control

35 Education- Republican
State Government control

36 Environment- Democrat
More laws protecting it Against new gas, oil, and mineral exploration

37 Environment- Republican
Less laws protecting it Support new gas, oil, and mineral exploration

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