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An Economic Perspective

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1 An Economic Perspective
Health Policy Issues An Economic Perspective Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

2 Chapter 20 Has Competition Been Tried—and Has It Failed—to Improve the US Healthcare System? Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

3 LEARNING OUTCOME Investigate medical markets—why they have not had the necessary conditions for competition to occur, how they differ from competitive markets, why competition is desirable and how to increase it, the relationship between competitive markets and the uninsured, and the role of government Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

4 Lecture Criteria for Judging Performance of a Country’s Medical Sector
How Medical Markets Differ from Competitive Markets The Period Before Managed Care Exhibit 20.1 Managed Care Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

5 Lecture (continued) Demand-Side Market Failures
Tax-Exempt Employer-Paid Health Insurance Health Plan Choices Lack of Information Medicare and Medicaid Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

6 Lecture (continued) Supply-Side Market Failures Provider Consolidation
State Regulations Lack of Physician Information Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

7 Lecture (continued) How Can Medical Markets Be More Competitive? Are the Poor Disadvantaged in a Competitive Market? Patient Incentives Drive Price Competition in Government and Private Markets What Might Competitive Medical Markets Look Like? continue to discussion Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

8 Trends in Payment for Medical Services 1960–2012
Exhibit 20.1 Trends in Payment for Medical Services 1960–2012 return to lecture Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

9 Discussion Why is it said that competition in medical care has failed? What are the criteria for a competitive market? How well does medical care meet the criteria of a competitive market? Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

10 Summary Medical markets are not inherently different from other markets in their ability to efficiently allocate resources; it is their regulatory framework that leads to inefficient outcomes. Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

11 Summary (Continued) Medical markets differ from competitive markets in significant ways: The tax treatment of health insurance lessens consumer incentives to be concerned about the price and use of medical services. Consumers lack the necessary information and opportunity to make economic and medical choices. Competition among suppliers is limited by laws barring market entry, restricting the tasks health professionals are permitted to perform, preventing price competition, and regulating market prices. Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

12 Summary (continued) These market failures have resulted in inefficiency, inappropriate care, less-than-optimal medical outcomes, and rapidly rising medical costs. Increased government regulation has been shown to worsen rather than improve market performance; yet government has an important role to play in setting the rules for competitive markets. Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

13 Summary (Continued) Market competition has not failed in medical care, it just has not had a full opportunity to work. Without competition, providers have no incentive to be efficient, innovate, invest in new facilities and services, improve quality, develop best practices and clinical guidelines, or lower prices. Copyright © 2015 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

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