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Working Group Discussions

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1 Working Group Discussions

2 Working Group Discussions - Objectives
To continue to build on the 2016 RCG work plan developed by each of the priority countries; To discuss the RAPID approach and the role of operational partners (military, police, private sector) in the response capacity analysis; To identify key activities that can be part of the 2017 RCG work plan at regional and country level.

3 RCG Work Plan – Philippines
2017 Road Map Develop country-specific Guidelines on the Use of Foreign Military Assets (FMA) including tracking and request for assistance Assist in finalizing the framework for the entry of foreign armed forces without SOFA during emergencies Mapping of airports and seaports, in coordination with Logistics Cluster and WFP, where OSS will be established Develop a platform to share relevant pre-disaster information Continue the roll-out of UN-CMCoord course for NDRRMC and AFP to institutionalize CMCoord

4 PHILIPPINES – 2017 Work Plan
CAPACITY ASSESSMENT Recommendations/ Action Points/Activities (these will form part of the 2017 RCG work plan for the country) Institutionalize pre-disaster risk assessment (pre-DRA) and clarify processes (TOR/SOP). Prepositioning relief items, etc. Assess how/when/of inclusive tactical exercises can be conducted. Preparation of a list of gaps of assets/responders/capacities /capabilities in earthquake scenario. Consult local authorities and communities on potential needs /affected areas to be prioritized. Collect and consolidate NGOs and international partners capabilities that can be provided in the event of an emergency. Roles/Responsibiliti es and Timeframe OCD /NDRRMC (Timeframe: ongoing) NDRRMC agencies (e.g. DSWD, DoH) and international partners (in country and at regional-level). Private sector/agencies doing this at local level. (Timeframe: ? ) OCD and other Philippine government agencies (Timeframe: Q4 2017) OCD/DFA (Timeframe: Q4 2017) In-country local and international NGOs and agencies to submit info. Consolidate by OCD. (Timeframe: ?)

5 PHILIPPINES– 2017 Work Plan
RESPONSE MODALITIES Recommendations/ Action Points/Activities (these will form part of the 2017 RCG work plan for the country) Checklist /manual for international forces to understand how/with what/with who to come in and provide effective and targeted support. Communicate PIHAC checklist for international NGOs coming in the country to assit. Roles/Responsibiliti es and Timeframe AFP/MNCC (Timeframe: Q3 2017) DFA/OCD (Timeframe: Q2 2017)

Recommendations/ Action Points/Activities (these will form part of the 2017 RCG work plan for the country) Continue with UN-CMCoord trainings for Government officials and AFP and institutionalize key principles and practices. Advocacy for and strengthening the cluster system (Government clusters, IASC clusters/sectors and the linkages) Clarify and continue work on the one-stop shop platform, including a website where information is openly shared and available for country, regional and global actors who may be able to assist in the event of a call/welcoming assistance by the GoP. Continuous improvement and clarification of MNCC processes and procedures (mil-mil). Align Government, mil-mil, civ-mil coordination mechanisms between Government of Philippines, UN agencies, (I)NGOs and other Foreign Militaries (e.g. coordinate meetings and table- top/simex exercises to obtain shared awareness and agreements on the coordination structures). Roles/Responsibiliti es and Timeframe AFP/OCHA (Timeframe: ongoing, latest by Q4 2017) OCD and other relevant Government agencies/HCT (Timeframe: Q4 2017) DFA - To be discussed (Timeframe: TBD) AFP (Timeline: Q4 2017) OCD/HCT (Timeline: Q4 2017)

7 Working Group Discussions
RCG REGIONAL 2017 WORK PLAN Please formulate one recommendation for the RCG regional work plan in 2017

8 Thank you

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