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ME 7980 Cardiovascular Biofluid Mechanics
4. Mathematical modeling
Objectives Applications of hydrostatics and steady flow models to describe blood flow in arteries Unsteady effects: pressure pulse propagation through arterial wall Effects of inertial forces due to blood acceleration/deceleration Effects of artery distensibility on blood flow
Outline Steady flow considerations and models: Unsteady flow models:
Hydrostatics in circulation Rigid tube flow model Application of Bernoulli equation Unsteady flow models: Windkessel model for human circulation Moens-Korteweg relationship (wave propagation, no viscous effects) Womersley model for blood flow (wave propagation, viscous effects) Wave propagation in elastic tube with viscous flow (wave propagation, viscous effects)
Bernoulli applications
1. Hydrostatics Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Hydrostatics in the Circulation
Blood pressure in the “lying down” position Arterial: 100 mmHg Venous: 2 mmHg Distal pressure is lower Hydrostatic pressure differences in the circulation “lying down” position Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Hydrostatics in the Circulation
Blood pressure in the “standing up” position Head artery: 50 mmHg Leg artery: 180 mmHg Head vein: -40 mmHg Leg vein: 90 mmHg Pressure differences due to gravitational effects Hydrostatic pressure differences in the circulation “standing up” position Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Hydrostatics in the Circulation
Bernoulli equation: Tube of constant cross section: Effects of pressure on vessels: Arteries are stiff: pressure does not affect volume Veins are distensible: pressure causes expansion Hydrostatic pressure differences in the circulation “standing up” position Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
2. Rigid Tube Flow Model Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Hagen Poiseuille Model
Assumptions: incompressible steady laminar circular cross section From exact analysis: Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Hagen Poiseuille Model
Assumptions: incompressible steady laminar circular cross section From control volume analysis: Control volume Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Hagen Poiseuille Model
Validity considerations Newtonian fluid: reasonable Casson model: linear at large shear rate Laminar flow: reasonable Average flow: Re=1500 (< Recr=2100) Peak systole: Re = 5100 Blood vessel : compliance Flow measurements: no evidence of sustained turbulence No slip at vascular wall: reasonable Endothelial cell lining Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Hagen Poiseuille Model
Validity considerations Steady flow: not valid for most of circulatory system Pulsatile in arteries Cylindrical shape: not valid Elliptical shape (veins, pulmonary arteries) Taper (most arteries) Rigid wall: not valid Arterial wall distends with pulse pressure Fully developed flow: not valid Finite length needed to attain fully developed flow Branching, curved walls Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Blood Vessel Resistance
On time-average basis: p: time-averaged pressure drop (mmHg) Q: time-averaged flow rate (cm3/s) R: resistance to blood flow in segment (PRU, peripheral resistance unit) Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Blood Vessel Resistance
Series connection: Parallel connection: R1 R2 R3 Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Transition Flow in Pipes
Entrance V=0 at wall Velocity gradient in radial direction Downstream Fluid adjacent to wall is retarded Core fluid accelerates Viscous effects diffuse further into center region dominated by inertial effects region dominated by viscous effects U parabolic velocity profile Entrance region Fully developed flow region Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
BL Thickness and Entrance Length
Balance inertial force and viscous force: Entrance length definition: Re > 50: Re 0: k = 0.06 Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
3. Application of Bernoulli Equation
Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Bernoulli Equation Assumptions: Steady Inviscid Incompressible Along a streamline Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Stenosis Narrowing of artery due to: Fatty deposits Atherosclerosis Effects of narrowing: p1, V1, V2: known δ a1 a2 p1, V1 p2, V2 Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Stenosis Arterial flutter Low pressure at contraction Complete obstruction of vessel under external pressure δ a1 a2 p1, V1 p2, V2 Decrease in flow velocity Increase in pressure Vessel reopening (cycle) Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Aneurysm Definition: Arterial wall bulge at weakening site, resulting in considerable increase in lumen cross-section Characteristics: Elastase excess in blood Decrease in flow velocity Limited increase in pressure (<5 mmHg) Significant increase in pressure under exercise Increase in wall shear stress Bursting of vessel Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Heart Valve Stenoses Flow through a nozzle Flow separation recirculation region Fluid in core region accelerates Formation of a contracted cross section: vena contracta Cd: discharge coefficient (function of nozzle, tube, throat geometries) Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Heart Valve Stenoses Effective orifice area: Gorlin equations (clinical criteria for surgery): Q: mean flow rate (CO) For aortic valve: Q: mean systolic flow rate AVA: aortic valve area (cm2) MVA: mitral valve area (cm2) MSF: mean systolic flow rate (cm3/s) MDF: mean diastolic flow rate (cm3/s) p: mean pressure drop across valve (mmHg) Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Heart Valve Stenoses Effects of flow unsteadiness and viscosity: temporal acceleration convective acceleration viscous dissipation p = + + Young, 1979 based on mean values based on peak-systolic values Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
4. Windkessel Models for Human Circulation
Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Windkessel Theory Simplified model
Arterial system modeled as elastic storage vessels Arteries = interconnected tubes with storage capacity Unsteady flow due to pumping of heart Steady flow in peripheral organs Attenuation of unsteady effects due to vessel elasticity Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Windkessel Theory Variables Definition p Windkessel chamber pressure V Windkessel chamber volume Di Chamber distensibility RS Peripheral resistance Q Ventricular ejection flow rate pV Venous pressure inflow outflow pV RS Q(t) p(t), V(t), Di Windkessel chamber Definitions: Inflow: fluid pumped intermittently by ventricular ejection Outflow: calculated based on Poiseuille theory Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Windkessel (left) vs. actual (right) pressure pulse
Windkessel Solution Pressure pulse solution Systole (0 < t < ts): Diastole (ts < t < T): Stroke volume p0: pressure at t=0 pT: pressure at t=T Windkessel (left) vs. actual (right) pressure pulse Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Windkessel Theory Summary
Advantages: Simple model Prediction of p(t) in arterial system Limitations: Model assumes an instantaneous pressure pulse propagation (time for wave transmission is neglected) Global model does not provide details on structures of flow field Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
5. Moens-Kortweg relationship
Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Wave Propagation Characteristics
Speed of transmission depends on wall elastic properties Pressure pulse: depends on wall/blood interactions Changes shape as it travels downstream due to interactions between forward moving wave and waves reflected at discontinuities (branching, curvature sites) Need for model of wave propagation speed Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Moens-Korteweg Relationship
Speed of pressure wave propagation through thin-walled elastic tube containing an incompressible, inviscid fluid Relationship accounts for: Fluid motion Vessel wall motion Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Problem Statement h r Vr(r, z, t) R flow z Vz(r, z, t) Infinitely long, thin-walled elastic tube of circular cross-section Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Derivation Outline Equations of fluid motion in infinitely long, thin-walled elastic tube of circular cross section Equations of vessel wall motion (inertial force neglected on wall) Equations of vessel wall motion (with inertial force on wall) Simplified Moens-Korteweg relationship Moens-Korteweg relationship Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Simplified Moens-Korteweg relationship
Reduced Navier-Stokes equations: Inviscid flow approximation: Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Moens-Korteweg relationship
Tube equation of motion: Coupling with fluid motion (without inertial effects): where Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Moens-Korteweg relationship
Tube equation of motion: Coupling with fluid motion (with inertial effects): where Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Experimental vs. Theoretical c0
Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
6. Womersley model for blood flow
Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling 39
Bernoulli applications
Problem Statement h r Vr(r, z, t) R flow z Vz(r, z, t) Infinitely long, thin-walled elastic tube of circular cross-section Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Problem Assumptions Flow assumptions: 2D Axisymmetric No body force Local acceleration >> convective acceleration Tube assumptions: Rigid tube No radial wall motion ( no radial fluid velocity) Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Equation of Motion Pressure gradient: Axial flow velocity: Axial flow velocity magnitude: where: Womersley number Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Examples of Womersley Number
Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling 43
Bernoulli applications
Flow Solution Flow solution: where: : Bessel function of order k Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Flow Solution Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Flow rate calculation for complex (non-sinusoidal) pulsatile pressure gradients Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Flow Solution Time history of the axial velocity profile (first 4 harmonics) Characteristics: Hagen-Poiseuille parabolic profile never obtained during the cardiac cycle Presence of viscous effects near the wall makes the flow reverse more easily than in the core region Main velocity variations along the tube cross section are produced by the low-frequency harmonics High-frequency harmonics produce a nearly flat profile due to absence of viscous diffusion Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
7. Complete model: Wave propagation in elastic tube with viscous flow
Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Elastic Tube Equations of Motion
Stresses on a tube element Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Elastic Tube and Fluid Stresses
Tube stresses (from Hooke’s law) Fluid stresses (cylindrical coordinates) Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Elastic Tube Equations of Motion
Equations of motion for tube and flow must be solved simultaneously to obtain solutions for: Governing equations of motion for elastic tube Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Flow Equations Non-linear inertial terms can be neglected (see order-of-magnitude study performed in Moens-Korteweg derivation) Along with the 2 tube equations, we obtain a set of 5 equations with 5 unknowns Governing flow equations Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Flow Equations Boundary conditions at fluid-tube interface: Governing flow equations No penetration No slip Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Solutions All variables are, at least, functions of z and t Seek for solutions that vary as: where: k1 : wave number (= 1/) k2 : damping constant (decay along z) Solutions: Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Solutions After performing an order-of-magnitude study, the problem statement reduces to: Equation for 1 Equation for 1 NS / z BCs: continuity Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Solutions By combining the 4 equations and applying the BCs, the problem can be expressed as a system of 2 equations with 2 unknowns: Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
Bernoulli applications
Solutions Non trivial solutions if and only if determinant of the system = 0 If (k/ω) = φ is the root of the determinant: Hydrostatics Rigid tube flow model Bernoulli applications Windkessel model Moens-Korteweg Womersley model Complete model Pennes equation Damage modeling
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