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Management Information Systems

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1 Management Information Systems
TACO Pune SDLC and Packaged Software / ERP Implementation methodology Abhay Hulikavi

2 Agenda Software Development Life Cycle
ERP / Packaged Software Implementation Methodology

3 Software Development Life Cycle
A framework that describes the activities performed at each stage of a software development project Describes the various stages and the activities carried out in detail Describes the outputs and deliverables at each of these stages

4 SDLC – The various Stages
Preliminary Investigation Systems Analysis Systems Design System Development & Testing System Implementation System Operations and Maintenance

5 SDLC Phase 1 - Preliminary Investigation
The investigation is carried out to see if a new system is needed There are three primary tasks Define the problem Suggest Alternatives Decide on the next steps Similar to a feasibility study for a project

6 SDLC Phase 2 – Systems Analysis
In depth analysis of the area of system development and implementation to determine what the new system should do It covers all aspects of new system 5 W and 1 H Includes all requirements Functional, e.g. steps in the order processing cycle Technical, e.g. h/w configuration of user desktops, client server vs. web architecture Operational, e.g. response time, number of concurrent users Involves all levels of the functional area

7 SDLC Phase 3 – Systems Design
Uses the specifications documented in the Analysis phase to design the system Usually comprises of two parts: High Level Design: Details the high level architecture of the overall system, the modules, interfaces, etc. Low Level Design: Details of the low level architecture of the individual components of the system such as forms, reports, programs, etc.

8 SDLC Phase 4 –Development & Testing
The actual development of software, i.e. coding and testing takes place in this phase Coding: Writing the various programs, i.e. pieces of software code that are required to run the system Testing: Test the software Unit Testing: Testing individual pieces of software Integration Testing: Testing the system at module levels System and User Acceptance Testing – Testing the system as a whole

9 SDLC Phase 5 – Implementation
Start using the new system. Optionally, stop using the old system The implementation may involve Data Conversion and Data Migration Different approaches are used for this phase Big Bang / Direct / Plunge / Crash – The new system replaces the old system in one step Parallel Run – Both systems run parallel for a given period Pilot – The new system is used only for a single unit / group within the business Phased / Incremental – Modules within the new system are implemented one at a time

10 SDLC Phase 6 – Operation and Maintenance
Operations and maintenance of the system The System will require changes from time to time: Corrective changes – to correct the errors/bugs discovered Corrective changes – to adjust to the changes in the environment Adaptive changes – to incorporate changes in the user requirements Perfective changes – to incorporate improvements / better techniques to improve the system

11 SDLC – V Model Onsite Offshore Preliminary Analysis
Operations and Maintenance Onsite Detailed Requirements Analysis System Testing / User Acceptance High Level Design Integration Testing Offshore Unit Testing Low Level Design Coding

12 SDLC – Various Outputs / Deliverables
High level requirements document Detailed requirement specifications High level system design Low level system design Test Plans Test Scripts Test Results Requirements Traceability Matrix Release Notes Data Flow Diagrams Entity Relationship Diagrams Bug Reports Project Plan

13 SDLC – Waterfall and Agile
The stages follow a sequence, i.e. One starts the next phase only when the previous phase is complete The “gates” between the stages are “One way”!, i.e. once you start the next phase, one can not go back (or change anything) in the previous phase. Hence there is very little room for error or changes along the way

14 SDLC – Waterfall and Agile
Follows an incremental approach The project starts with a simple design with limited scope, e.g. small modules Usually the timelines for completion of these modules is in weeks or months (These short projects are also called sprints) At the end of each sprint: A working module is delivered Project priorities are revisited and evaluated Customer feedback on previous releases is sought and incorporated

15 SDLC – Waterfall and Agile

16 SDLC – Waterfall and Agile
Waterfall Advantages The waterfall methodology stresses meticulous record keeping. Having such records allows for the ability to improve upon the existing program in the future. With the waterfall methodology, the client knows what to expect. They’ll have an idea of the size, cost, and timeline for the project. They’ll have a definite idea of what their program will do in the end. In the case of employee turnover, waterfall’s strong documentation allows for minimal project impact.

17 SDLC – Waterfall and Agile
Agile Advantages The Agile methodology allows for changes to be made after the initial planning. Re-writes to the program, as the client decides to make changes, are expected. Because the Agile methodology allows you to make changes, it’s easier to add features that will keep you up to date with the latest developments in your industry. At the end of each sprint, project priorities are evaluated. This allows clients to add their feedback so that they ultimately get the product they desire. The testing at the end of each sprint ensures that the bugs are caught and taken care of in the development cycle. They won’t be found at the end. Because the products are tested so thoroughly with Agile, the product could be launched at the end of any cycle. As a result, it’s more likely to reach its launch date.

18 SDLC – Waterfall and Agile
Waterfall Disadvantages Once a step has been completed, developers can’t go back to a previous stage and make changes. Waterfall methodology relies heavily on initial requirements. However, if these requirements are faulty in any manner, the project is doomed If a requirement error is found, or a change needs to be made, the project has to start from the beginning with all new code. The whole product is only tested at the end. If bugs are introduced early, but discovered late, their existence may have affected how other code was written. The plan doesn’t take into account a client’s evolving needs. If the client realizes that they need more than they initially thought, and demand change, the project will come in late and impact budget.

19 SDLC – Waterfall and Agile
Agile Disadvantages With a less successful project manager, the project can become a series of code sprints. If this happens, the project is likely to come in late and over budget. As the initial project doesn’t have a definitive plan, the final product can be grossly different than what was initially intended.

20 Agenda Software Development Life Cycle
ERP / Packaged Software Implementation Methodology

21 Packaged Software Implementation - Phases
Project Preparation Business Blueprint Realization Final Preparation Go Live and Support

22 Phase 1 – Project Preparation
Objectives Conduct a planning exercise and prepare an initial project plan Activities Project Planning Project Team identification and training Key Deliverables High Level Project Plan Project Team Organisation

23 Phase 2 – Business Blueprint
Objectives Gather business requirements Prepare a set of common and standardised business processes Activities Requirements gathering workshops, prototypes and documentation Key Deliverables Detailed “As Is” and “To Be” business process documentation Business process Gaps and customisation requirements

24 Phase 3 – Realization Objectives Activities Key Deliverables
To implement all the business process requirements Activities Conference Room Pilots Unit / Integration tests Data cleaning, preparation, collection, validation and testing Customisation development (FRICE) Key User trainings / Train the trainers Key Deliverables Final acceptance of the system

25 Phase 4 – Final Preparation
Objectives To complete all pre-requisite steps for “Go Live” To resolve all open “Critical Issues” Activities Final system rehearsal End user training Cutover Help desk support preparation Key Deliverables Final system cut over

26 Phase 5 – Go Live and Support
Objectives To close the “Project” and move to live production operation Activities Review issue logs and resolve Help desk support System review and continuous improvement

27 Packaged Software Implementation – Key Terms
CRP – Conference Room Pilots Pilot implementations to configure and test business processes, module integrations and overall data flows FRICE – Forms, Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements

28 SDLC Vs. Packaged Software Implementation
SDLC (Bespoke Development) Packaged Software Implementation Designed for a Specific Purpose / Customer Designed for a wider user / customer base Meets ALL the business requirement May not meet all the business requirements AS IS, i.e. may require customisations Software adapts to the business processes Business Processes are changed to adapt to the software Expensive, high initial cost. However, relatively low maintenance and running costs Less expensive, moderate initial costs. However, there can be significant running costs (by way of license fees) Any updates have to be separately developed Usually, updates are included in the recurring license fees The quality depends upon the capability of the team developing the software A basic level of quality is assured (based on the Vendor reputation) Can be difficult to change Relatively easier to change Easier to use and implement Can be difficult to implement and use The time taken to design, develop and implement can be very log Solutions can be implemented in a relatively shorter time frame

29 Thank You!

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