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Legislative Messaging

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1 Legislative Messaging
February 2015

2 NeuMED NeuMED is the new name for the Allied Health Consortium and research center project planned for downtown Evansville. A remarkable collaboration to improve Indiana’s healthcare. Indiana University University of Southern Indiana University of Evansville Ivy Tech Community College Can be replicated at IU’s other regional campuses such as Bloomington Fort Wayne Northwest Lafayette St. Mary’s Health System Deaconess Health System Good Samaritan Hospital Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Muncie South Bend Terre Haute

3 Funding The full 223,100-sq. ft. NeuMED will
Funding the full investment is the only fiscally prudent approach. The full 223,100-sq. ft. NeuMED will Serve more than 2,000 students and faculty Generate $200,000 in economic impact for each resident physician Attract corporate and grant funding Building NeuMED in segments over time will Dramatically increase construction cost Significantly reduce its positive impact Exacerbate Indiana’s shortage of doctors Anything less than full funding now will cost Indiana more.

4 CRITICAL SHORTAGES NeuMED will address critical shortages.
Indiana needs 500 more residency positions. Missing out on $50 million annual federal funding Graduates of Marian’s new medical school need slots Produce more doctors, dentists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners. Aging population increasing demand Will allow for joint training of other health professionals Will foster an atmosphere of professional cooperation Improve patient outcomes and reduce costs

5 Indiana doctors First step in building a pipeline of Indiana doctors.
Stop the brain drain. Only half of in-state IU Med students now practice in Indiana More residencies would increase in-state practice to 75+ percent Taxpayers invest $100,000 in each in-state student

6 Evansville Health Sciences Complex Anticipated Sources of Funding
University Share of Facility Cost

7 Evansville Health Sciences Complex Anticipated Sources of Funding
Community Private Fund Raising Goal

8 Can we count on your support?

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