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ODI database maintenance

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1 ODI database maintenance
06/03/2017 ODI database maintenance ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC D. Heynderickx, DH Consultancy, Belgium P. Wintoft, Solar Analytics, Sweden

2 Project overview Activity title: ODI database maintenance
06/03/2017 Activity title: ODI database maintenance Funding programme: INFRA Contract value: 25 k€ ( /16/NL/LF/as) Start and end dates: Jul 2016 – Jun 2017 Contractor team: DH Consultancy, Solar Analytics Name of the TO in TEC-EES: Hugh Evans ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

3 ODI overview 06/03/2017 Open Data Interface (ODI) is a database system for retrieving, processing and storing space environment (and other) data and metadata in a MySQL (MariaDB) database. Development started in 2008 Compliant with CDF and SPASE data models. Server and client software for data downloading and pre/post-processing, and data retrieval. Currently support for ~150 datasets. Extensible with user added functionality. A licence can be requested at ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

4 ODI server and client Server Client
06/03/2017 Server Client Tools to create dataset tables, download data, ingest metadata and data. Tools to setup automatic download and ingestion. Hooks to trigger user code upon download and ingestion. Implemented in PHP and MySQL. Client can connect to different ODI servers. Supports both local (SQL) and remote connections (HTTP). Supported languages: PHP, Java, Python, Jython, IDL, Matlab, Excel Data and metadata export tool to CDF ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

5 ODI software (I) IPR belongs to ESA, licence available on request
06/03/2017 IPR belongs to ESA, licence available on request Server PHP engine for database communication and process flow Requires read/write access to MySQL database Download and parser scripts NASA/GSFC CDFexport tool to ingest CDF data Python tool to ingest NetCDF data cron/quartz for automatic download and ingestion User may add functionality triggered by hooks on download and ingestion ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

6 ODI software (II) Coordinates for Earth orbiting spacecraft
06/03/2017 Coordinates for Earth orbiting spacecraft Download of TLEs from Generation of spacecraft coordinates (GEI) using NASA/JPL SPICE library ( Magnetic coordinates for spacecraft in Earth’s magnetosphere UNILIB library for calculation of L, L*, MLT, … For fixed or record varying pitch angle(s) IGRF + OPQ field models A single command triggers the whole processing suite (manually or in cron/quartz job), e.g.: php get_ingest.php goes_gp_mag_1m_rt ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

7 @php %ODI_DATASETS%\dataset\goes_rt_coordinates.php goes_gp_mag_1m_rt
ODI software (III) 06/03/2017 raw_data_dir=GOES/RT/geomag file_name_pattern=*Gp_mag_1m.txt platform=GOES_RTP platform_type=satellite instrument=SEM skeleton_file=Gp_mag_1m.skt parser_file=../../parser/GOES_SEM_RT_TLE.php availability=public download_script=wget_GOES_RT Gp_mag_1m geomag SPACETRACK_satnum=29155 UNILIB_PREFIX= cron_schedule=8 * * * User defined process hooks Scripts (batch, shell or php) started by triggers Pre/post download, ingestion post_ingest.bat example: copy GOES GEI and magnetic coordinates from one dataset to others ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC @php %ODI_DATASETS%\dataset\goes_rt_coordinates.php goes_gp_mag_1m_rt

8 ODI software (III) Client
06/03/2017 Client Direct local connection (php/MySQL) requires read access to database Remote connection over HTTP/REST Java SE and MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver APIs for php, Java, IDL,Matlab, Jython, Python Standardised procedure syntax Outputs in language specific objects Excel interface ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

9 ODI client/server interaction
06/03/2017 Client Client Client Client REST REST SQL SQL ODI server ODI server ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

10 ODI Java interface Web Excel REST server External REST server
06/03/2017 REST server External REST server ODI MySQL Java ODI Remote Local ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC ODI Client Client layer Java Py4j server IDL Jython Matlab Python

11 Jython example ~ peter$ jython
06/03/2017 ~ peter$ jython Jython (2.5:c56500f08d34+, Aug , 14:48:36) [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Oracle Corporation)] on java1.8.0_05 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import se.irf.lund.odi.OdiClient as client >>> odi = client.newInstance() >>> odi.listDatasets() {ace_mfi_h0={odi_name=ace_mfi_h0, odi_table_name=dataset_ace_mfi_h0, num_recs= , ... >>> odi.selectDataset('ace_mfi_h0') >>> odi.listVariables() [{name=Time, key=epoch, type=null}, {name=B-field magnitude, ... >>> odi.readData() {cdf_epoch=[ E13, E13, E13, ... ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

12 Matlab example Notice connection over HTTP 06/03/2017

13 $ jupyter notebook 06/03/2017 ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

14 ODI local app running in browser
06/03/2017 ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

15 06/03/2017 Excel interface ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

16 Database structure 06/03/2017 ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

17 Datasets supported in ODI distribution (~150)
06/03/2017 ACE: archive and real time EPAM, SWEPAM, MAG, SIS DSCOVR: real time IMF and plasma data (JSON streams) GOES: archive and real time SEM data SREM: PROBA1, Integral, GioveB, Rosetta, Herschel, Planck Magnetic and solar indices (Kp, Dst, F10.7, ISN, OMNI, …) Interplanetary particle datasets: HELIOS, IMP8, Voyager, Pioneer, Wind Radiation belt missions: AZUR/EI-88, CRRES/MEA/HEEF/PROTEL, UARS/PEM, SAMPEX/PET, NOAA/POES/SEM2, XMM/ERMD, PROBA-V/EPT, RBSP/HOPE/MAGEIS/REPT, HIMAWARI/SEDA “Proprietary” datasets: MIR/REM, STRV1B/REM, AMPTE/UKS, EQUATOR-S, ISEE1/WIM/KED, Meteosat/SEM ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

18 ODI applications ESA projects EC FP7 projects

19 Current Activity Development of a Python native client interface
06/03/2017 Development of a Python native client interface Development of reporting, plotting and status tools Enhancements of the REST interface Update of the Excel client connection Functionality for ingesting netCDF data files Enhanced support of SPASE metadata ( Conversion into ISTP/CDF metadata Definition of extensions to define dependent variables Support for new datasets (including DSCOVR) ESA/CNES FP Days, ESTEC

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