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Presentation on theme: "Android."— Presentation transcript:

1 Android

2 Android Drawing on Android: Canvas vs. OpenGL Bitmap vs. Texture
NDK: Native Development Kit

3 Canvas Canvas.drawLine(), drawRect(), etc. Canvas.setMatrix(m);
Canvas.setBitmap(bmp); View.onDraw(Canvas);

4 Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, config);
BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, options); With or without alpha channel (transparency).

5 View: events & invalidation
onDraw(canvas) invalidate() → onDraw() onTouchEvent() → invalidate()

6 PixelFormat RGB_565 (2 bytes / pixel) ARGB_8888 (4 bytes / pixel)
Bitmap.Config getWindow().setFormat() PixelFormat.RGBA_8888

7 Dithering

8 Canvas Not hardware accelerated (CPU) Uses Bitmap for images
Rendering in UI thread, invalidate() model Fast scrolling Slow zooming, rotation, 3d projections

9 OpenGL ES Hardware accelerated (GPU) Uses Textures for images
Rendering in separate thread (not UI thread) Fast zooming, 3d projections Fragmentation, complexity, hard to debug

10 Bitmap vs. Texture Bitmaps: use Java heap, limited to 24MB.
4bytes/pixel (ARGB) Textures: use native memory, limited only by total RAM. can use 3bytes/pixel (RGB). support pixmaps. may use fast GPU memory.

11 Native Development Kit (NDK)

12 Native Development Kit (NDK)
JNI: Java Native Interface C, C++ GCC cross compiler STL, exceptions, RTTI arm-linux-gnueabi, RISC, little endian, 32bit Thumb or ARM instructions Without hardware floating point

13 Why use NDK Performance critical code, e.g. FFT, game physics library, image/sound processing. Performance: avoid Java object creation and GC, e.g. filesystem scan. Use existing non-Java code/libraries (e.g. Python interpreter in C).

14 Java Native Interface (JNI)
class Hello { public native static int sum(int[] data); static { System.loadLibrary(“hello”); }

15 JNI C++ code JNI book

16 Stable APIs C library Math library Zlib OpenGL ES 1.x & 2.0 OpenSL ES
Android Log Bitmap interface (jnigraphics) Android native application API

17 NDK and Market Native code compiled for multiple architectures in a single APK. Market does filtering based on architectures available in APK and on platform version.

18 Thank you

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