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CSIS-110 Introduction to Computer Science

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1 CSIS-110 Introduction to Computer Science
Dr. Meg Fryling “Dr. Meg” Fall 2012 @SienaDrMeg #csis110

2 Lecture One Agenda Course Resources Assignments
Welcome Syllabus Review Clickers Assignments Insert something fun here! Test Lab Machines CSI Chapter One Slides for your review Common Terminology

3 Course Resources
Z:\\afs\\users\... ing/home Phone App Office Hours Links to Course Resources

4 Assignments Read Chapter 2 CSI Read Chapter 1 & 2 Python
review slides on Piazza Read Chapter 1 & 2 Python Complete Homework P1 Available on Blackboard Due by start of next class Test your account in RB350 BRING TO NEXT CLASS Python Textbook NOTE: LABS START NEXT WEEK

5 Make PBJ

6 Definitions Computer Science is the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform information.

7 Definitions Algorithm is a sequence of clear and computable operations that eventually produces a result.

8 Layers of a Computing System

9 TEST MACHINES All students must get their account working immediately.
If problems=> create a JIRA ticket Help Desk Link => JIRA link Instructions for logging in are on last page of syllabus Additional Help if Problems with SoS network login or Blackboard login Help Desk (1st floor Roger Bacon) Mon-Thur 8am-8pm Fri 8am-4pm

10 Chapter Two CSI The following summary slides are for your assistance and review as you read chapter one.

11 Computer Systems Computer hardware Computer software
The physical elements of a computing system keyboard, dvd drive, hard drive, monitor, etc. Computer software The programs that provide the instructions that a computer executes Windows Vista, Firefox, IE, games, etc. Computing System – Computer hardware, software and data, which interact to solve problems

12 The 6 Layers Information Layer Hardware Layer Programming Layer
All information on a computer is managed using the Binary number system: uses only 0 and 1 Understand binary based on our understanding of Decimal Hardware Layer The physical hardware of a computer system Understand how 0’s and 1’s are represented using electricity Programming Layer Software – the instructions used to accomplish computations and manage data

13 The 6 Layers Operating System Layer Application Layer
Helps manage the computer resources and eases our interaction with the various layers of the computing system Application Layer Use the computer to solve real-world problems Communication Layer Computer to Computer connectivity Share information and resources Internet, networks

14 The History of Computing
Hardware First calculator : Abacus Sixteenth century B.C. Punched Cards: Jacquard’s loom Late Eighteenth century Analytical Engine Designed by Charles Babbage in 1837 Included many of the important components of today’s computers Memory, input, mechanical steps, punched cards Never physically built due to limited technology of the time

15 The History of Computing (con’t)
Hardware (con’t) Electro-mechanical tabulator used for US census Late nineteenth century (1889 patent) Read from punched cards By Dr. Herman Hollerith (Later formed IBM) ENIAC – 1946 Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer Financed by the United States Army during WWII First Use: Hydrogen Bomb calculations Original Purpose: calculate artillery firing tables A skilled person with a desk calculator could compute a 60- second trajectory in about 20 hours ENIAC required 30 seconds

16 First Generation Computers
Vacuum Tubes stored information Generated a lot of heat Not very reliable Primary Memory Device Magnetic Drum Rotated under a read/write head Input Device Card Reader Output Device Punched Card or Line Printer

17 First Generation Computers
Magnetic Tape Drives Developed at the end of this generation Much faster than card readers Sequential Access Auxiliary Storage Storage external to the computer

18 Second Generation Computers
Transistor Replaced the Vacuum tube as the main hardware component Smaller, more reliable, faster, more durable and cheaper Immediate Access Memory replaces the slow moving drum Electronic access therefore virtually instant access

19 Second Generation Computers
Circuit Boards Transistors and other components assembled by hand on printed boards Magnetic disk New auxiliary storage Faster than tape Read/write heads move directly to a specific location on the disk

20 Third Generation Computers
Integrated Circuits Solid pieces of Silicon that contained the transistors, other components and their connections Smaller, cheaper, faster and more reliable Moore’s Law Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel noted that the number of circuits that could be placed on a single integrated circuit was doubling every year Transistors used for memory construction Each transistor = 1 bit of information

21 Third Generation Computers
Terminal Invented An input/output device with a keyboard and screen Keyboard = direct access to the computer Terminal = immediate response

22 Fourth Generation Computers
1971- Microcomputer on a chip Apple, Tandy/Radio Shack, Atari, Commodore, Sun IBM Personal Computer 1984 – Apple Macintosh 1985 – Workstations More powerful Business use Networked

23 First-Generation Software
Written in Binary (Machine Language) Programmer had to remember which combination of 0’s and 1’s were for what operation Mathematicians and Engineers Time consuming Prone to Errors Assembly Language is developed to ease the process

24 First-Generation Software
Assembler needed to be developed for this Translates the mnemonic codes into binary automatically Systems Programmers Developed the Assembly Language Wrote the translators Application Programmers Used the tools created by Systems Programmers to write programs

25 Second-Generation Software
High-Level Languages developed Instructions more like English statements FORTRAN Give Example COBOL Example Ability to run same program on multiple computers Compilers translated to assembly language and then to machine code

26 Third-Generation Software
First Operating Systems Developed Controls Computer Resources – determines which programs are run when Systems Software Assemblers, Compilers, Operating Systems and other utility programs Time –sharing Keyboard terminal generation Many users sharing the resources of a single computer. The OS organized and scheduled different jobs for best performance. Gap between user and hardware grows wider

27 Third-Generation Software

28 Fourth-Generation Software
Structured Programming Pascal, C allows assembly instructions with high-level language C++ Also allows low-level statements Became language of choice Better Operating Systems UNIX, DOS Mac OS introduced: mouse, point & click GUI

29 Fourth-Generation Software
High Quality, Reasonably Priced Software becomes available Word Processors Spreadsheets Databases Allows users with no computer experience to utilize the power of a PC for a specific task

30 Fifth-Generation Software
1990-Present Microsoft Windows Operating System Object Oriented design Design of choice for large programming projects Design based on a the Data Objects Java In contrast to structured design which is based on the tasks being performed World Wide Web Web 2.0 MySpace, Facebook Twitter, Wikipedia, Blogs, etc.

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