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Today's Task First, take notes on this PowerPoint, as you will need the info to compose your own Creation Myth Then, begin working on your own Creation.

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Presentation on theme: "Today's Task First, take notes on this PowerPoint, as you will need the info to compose your own Creation Myth Then, begin working on your own Creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today's Task First, take notes on this PowerPoint, as you will need the info to compose your own Creation Myth Then, begin working on your own Creation Myth

2 CREATION “Every culture has a story that tries to explain its human origins. This is simply a normal human phenomenon.” Stan Mulder

3 So What Are Creation Myths?
They are attempts at stories to explain WHERE we came from and HOW we got here. They exist in almost every culture They reflect the culture in which they originated (agriculture, money, landscape, etc) No matter the culture, there are common elements and themes in ALL creation myths

4 Motifs & Symbols Golden chain Egg (life form)
Floods (washing away of innocence) Sun Moon A Seed Fire

5 Numbers of Significance
Often there are recurring numbers in Creation Myths Examples: 7 and 8 7 monsters, 7 angels, 7 mountains, 7 gates into Hades, 8 fingers, 8 years, 7 pupils in the eye, 8 islands …

Wars and violence Human nature Birth and rebirth World Development Land, water, animals Survival Cosmic architecture Mother/Father

7 The theme of BIRTH INDIA AZTEC

Sense of unity (like matrimony) with Mother Earth MOTHER : USUALLY EARTH Ancient people mystified by birth – found links between mothers and Mother Earth

9 The Creation Theme of WORLD DEVELOPMENT
Most myths show the development and/or formation of the world Some have more detail than others

10 SUPREME BEING THEME NEARLY ALL ANCIENT CREATION MYTHS INCLUDE SOME TYPE OF SUPREME BEING/GOD This supreme being was responsible for creating world Some ordered it done Some had a lesser god do the work Some created everything by hand

11 ANIMAL THEME Animals played key roles in creation myths
Often viewed as equals by humans Man and animal lived together Aborigine

12 Creation Myths Process Overview
1. First, conjure up your own Creation Myth to become acquainted with the elements of World Creation Myths (use template) 2. Then, (Friday & next week) in your assigned group, you will read and take notes on a selected world creation myth. 3. Then, your group will present the creation myth to the rest of the class using a multimedia presentation (you'll get the assignment sheet). You will take notes on these. 4. Finally, each student will compose a compare/contrast essay on two myths of your choice.

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