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Presentation on theme: "THE ROTARY FOUNDATION: 100 YEARS OF DOING GOOD IN THE WORLD"— Presentation transcript:


2 Celebrating 100 Years of Doing Good in the World
9/30/2017 Celebrating 100 Years of Doing Good in the World The Rotary Foundation will be celebrating its centennial in 2017, 100 years after Rotary President Arch Klumph proposed the establishment of an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” Jean-Mark Giboux

3 The Rotary Foundation’s Mission
9/30/2017 The Rotary Foundation’s Mission The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Rotary Foundation is a primary source of funding for Rotary’s humanitarian activities, from clubs’ and districts’ local service projects to global initiatives. It also leads Rotary’s ongoing effort to eradicate polio worldwide and is able to achieve its mission through the generous contributions and active participation of Rotarians and friends of Rotary. Our Foundation stands at the forefront of humanitarian service, having supported thousands of projects to provide clean water, fight disease, promote peace, and provide people with basic education — and one historic project dedicated to eradicating polio worldwide. Our centennial is the perfect time to share our impressive record of success with the world. Let’s make sure that all Rotarians and everyone in our Rotary communities know about the great work of Rotary and its Foundation

4 The Rotary Foundation’s Centennial Year — 2016-17
9/30/2017 The Rotary Foundation’s Centennial Year — 2016: The centennial celebration begins at the Rotary International Convention in Korea, 28 May to 1 June 2017: The celebration culminates at the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June The centennial year officially kicked off at the 2016 convention in Korea and will end with a celebration at the 2017 convention in Atlanta.

5 TRF CENTENNIAL GOALS Increase awareness of Rotary and its Foundation
9/30/2017 TRF CENTENNIAL GOALS Increase awareness of Rotary and its Foundation Recognize major achievements related to TRF programs Celebrate by staging activities at both the 2016 and RI conventions and at all zone, district, and multidistrict meetings in Achieve $300 million comprehensive fundraising goal for the Annual Fund, Endowment Fund, and PolioPlus Fund To help guide centennial activities and to mark this important milestone, four goals were formulated by the TRF Centennial Celebration Committee and approved by the Trustees. With the centennial we hope to increase awareness of Rotary and its Foundation We want to recognize major achievements related to TRF programs We want to encourage celebration by staging activities at both the 2016 and 2017 conventions and at all zone, district, and multidistrict meetings in And we hope to reach all-time high contribution levels in with the first-ever comprehensive fundraising goal of US $300M in new contributions to the Annual, PolioPlus and Endowment Funds.

6 TRF CENTENNIAL Throughout 2016-17, clubs/districts are encouraged to:
9/30/2017 TRF CENTENNIAL Throughout , clubs/districts are encouraged to: Celebrate Educate and Engage Fundraise The Foundation’s Centennial should be used to : Celebrate the successes of the Foundation and our members Educate our communities about Rotary and its Foundation and inform our members about the good they can do with the help of the Foundation And to fundraise for the future of our Foundation. Our success really depends on our clubs and districts. Clubs and districts should hold events that raise awareness in our communities and among our members, celebrate our achievements, and contribute to the ongoing success of the Foundation.

7 9/30/2017 HISTORY AND IMPACT Now, what are we celebrating? Let’s take a look at how the Foundation became the force for good that it is.

8 9/30/2017 Arch Klumph’s Vision — 1917 It seems eminently proper that we should accept endowments for the purpose of doing good in the world, in charitable, educational or other avenues of community progress … — Arch Klumph, 1917 As many of you know, Rotary President Arch Klumph is considered the father of the Foundation because he had the vision of a Rotary endowment fund and the dedication to bring this dream to life. In his speech to the 1917 convention in Atlanta, he said: “It seems eminently proper that we should accept endowments for the purpose of doing good in the world, in charitable, educational or other avenues of community progress …” Arch’s vision of an endowment would eventually become The Rotary Foundation, and his call for “doing good in the world” has become the Foundation’s motto.

9 First Contribution — 1917 9/30/2017
In 1917, the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri, USA, made the first contribution, $26.50, to the endowment fund.

10 Contribution History 9/30/2017 250 millions of dollars 200 150 100
Contributions to the Foundation grew slowly over its first 30 years. When Paul Harris died in 1947, contributions flooded headquarters. Rotary’s beloved founder had told friends that if they wanted to honor him, they should donate to the Foundation. And, in just 18 months the Foundation received 1.3 million dollars. 50 1917

11 First Program: Scholarships for Graduate Study — 1947
9/30/2017 First Program: Scholarships for Graduate Study — 1947 These contributions allowed the Foundation to launch its first program in 1947: scholarships for graduate study. The first group of scholars, spotlighted here, began their studies in the academic year. The program’s criteria have changed a few times during its seven decades, and so has its name — the students have been called Paul Harris Fellows, Ambassadorial Scholars, and Rotary Scholars. But the concept of sending promising students abroad for graduate study remains the same. 

12 Group Study Exchange — 1960s
9/30/2017 Group Study Exchange — 1960s Rotary has long been dedicated to personal and professional connections, so, in 1965, we launched Group Study Exchange to connect people across countries and cultures and build international understanding.  

13 9/30/2017 Grants In 1965, the Foundation began funding club and district projects through grants. A decade later, the Foundation began supporting larger projects that addressed health, hunger, and other humanitarian needs. In 2013, a simplified grant model of global and district grants went into effect.

14 9/30/2017 Fighting POLIO What began in 1979 as a 3-H grant project to immunize 6 million children in the Philippines against polio has turned into a historic initiative to eradicate polio worldwide. In 1988, 350,000 children were afflicted by polio every year. Today, that number has been reduced by 99.9 percent, and polio is endemic in only three countries — Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.

The Foundation launched The Rotary Centers for International Studies in 1999 in cooperation with several leading universities throughout the world. These Rotary Peace Centers welcomed the inaugural class of peace fellows in the fall of 2002. Today almost 1,000 graduates are committed to the advancement of peace, and often go on to serve as leaders in national governments, NGOs, the military, law enforcement, and international organizations such as the United Nations and World Bank.

16 9/30/2017 Impact From its first contribution of $26.50, the Foundation’s assets have grown significantly, and more than $3 billion have been spent on programs and projects, transforming millions of lives across the globe. 2.5 billion children have been immunized against polio, reducing cases of the disease by 99.9 percent. Almost 1,000 Rotary Peace Fellows have been trained to resolve conflict, deal with the aftermath of war, and promote peace. Hundreds of thousands of people now enjoy access to clean water, health care, and education, thanks to Foundation projects, and Rotarians around the world dedicating their time and expertise.

17 9/30/2017 20 NOTEWORTHY GRANTS The Rotary Foundation Centennial Celebration Committee selected 20 noteworthy global grants for recognition as part of the Foundation’s centennial celebrations. The grants were selected according to the following criteria: community impact, sustainability, Rotarian involvement and replicability. More information about each of the 20 grants is available on in an interactive map.

9/30/2017 DOING GOOD IN THE WORLD Thank YOU all (directed to the audience) for the work you do to effect change around the world If you want to learn more about the Foundation, take a look at an interactive timeline on the centennial website at Also, you can buy a copy of the new history book, Doing Good in the World: The Inspiring Story of the Rotary Foundation’s first one hundred years. You can buy a copy on

19 9/30/2017 PARTICIPATE So, as you can see, we ARE doing good in the world. This legacy is really something to celebrate; and we should share this success with the world. So how can you get involved?

9/30/2017 HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? Celebrate 100 years of doing good by sponsoring a Rotary Day event focused on the Foundation Inform club members and your entire community about The Rotary Foundation’s track record of improving life in communities worldwide Engage your community by sponsoring a Foundation centennial event and inviting the public to participate Raise money for The Rotary Foundation with fun events in your community Here are a few ways for you and your clubs to get involved. Celebrate 100 years of doing good. Plan a club celebration or host a Rotary Day event to raise awareness of Rotary and the Foundation. Educate and Inform club members and your community about Rotary’s impact Engage your community by sponsoring a Foundation centennial event and inviting the public to participate Help us reach our fundraising goal by organizing fundraising events and consider making a club or personal contribution

21 RESOURCES Logo and guidelines for use Video Promotion Kit
9/30/2017 RESOURCES Logo and guidelines for use Video Promotion Kit Celebration and fundraising ideas PowerPoint template, letterhead template Promotional postcard and flier Historical PowerPoint presentation Sample press release Let’s look at some of the resources available to help plan for and promote this important milestone. The first place to go for all things Centennial is the dedicated website. You can see the address on your screen: One important resource you will find there is the Centennial Logo, which can be downloaded and used in relevant materials and communications. You can also download the Centennial Video, which shares the history of The Rotary Foundation and highlights the impact we’ve had on the world. This can be shown at events or club meetings to engage and educate fellow members. The Centennial Promotion Kit contains a variety of materials to help raise awareness and engagement of the Centennial in different ways. The events and fundraising ideas document can help you start thinking about how you want to celebrate this milestone There is a PowerPoint and letterhead template; A promotional postcard that can be printed and distributed to fellow Rotarians to encourage them to join the celebration. And a flier promoting the “Doing Good in the World” book. There is also a historical PowerPoint presentation that contains extensive information about the evolution and growth of the Foundation over the years. It can be offered at a club meeting or other rotary event to educate fellow Rotarians about the history and impact of the Foundation. Also included in the promotion kit is a sample press release that can be customized to promote your event locally in your community.

22 PARTICIPATE Start planning! Celebrate, Educate, Fundraise
9/30/2017 PARTICIPATE Start planning! Celebrate, Educate, Fundraise Visit Download and use the promotion kit Buy the history book – Share your centennial event – #TRF100 Participate in Centennial activities at Convention So what should you do next? Start Planning so that you are ready to Celebrate, Educate, and Fundraise! Visit the centennial website Download the promotion kit and use it to start planning and promoting your local events Buy the history book to learn about the Foundation’s legacy of success Share your centennial event via your social media with the hashtag TRF100 And, participate in centennial activities at the Atlanta convention next year.

23 9/30/2017 FUNDRAISING Let’s talk a little more in depth about the fourth centennial goal related to Fundraising As mentioned before we have an ambitious goal to raise 300 million dollars during the year.

24 Help achieve the $300 million centennial fundraising goal
9/30/2017 FUNDRAISING Help achieve the $300 million centennial fundraising goal Achieving the record-breaking $300 million goal will allow more clubs and districts than ever before to eradicate polio, fight poverty and disease, provide clean water and basic education, support child and maternal health, advance economic opportunity, and promote peace. You can help ensure we surpass the goal by educating, motivating, asking and thanking Rotary donors.

25 9/30/2017 FUNDRAISING – EDUCATE The majority of Foundation support comes from individual Rotarians Clubs and districts have more resources to accomplish good in the world Many Rotarians are surprised to learn that The Rotary Foundation is funded primarily by individual Rotarian contributions. To celebrate The Foundation’s Centennial and reach the $300 million fundraising goal, Rotary’s current donors are invited to continue giving and to consider a special gift. Those Rotarians who have never made a personal contribution will be invited to join in and make the concept of Every Rotarian, Every Year a reality. Show your club and district members the power of Rotary using inspirational and informative footage from recent projects funded by The Rotary Foundation. You can find inspiring videos on A century ago, Rotary began its service mission with small projects that addressed local needs. Today, 35,000+ Rotary Clubs continue that tradition. But the resources provided by The Rotary Foundation empower Rotarians to take on greater challenges with more ambitious far-reaching projects.

9/30/2017 FUNDRAISING – MOTIVATE Share Foundation accomplishments at club and district events Tie it back to your own club and district’s Foundation achievements Highlight the Foundation’s great reputation for efficiency and trustworthiness Challenge your club to accomplish the Presidential Citation Help motivate your fellow Rotarians to contribute to the Foundation. Share Foundation accomplishments at every opportunity (club meetings, district events, even over lunch with fellow Rotarians). Tie accomplishments to your own club or district’s recent, successful grants projects with personal testimonials, videos and pictures. Bringing local projects to life helps illustrate the power of The Rotary Foundation. Highlight The Rotary Foundation’s great reputation for efficiency and trustworthiness: The Foundation’s Trustees provide scrupulous oversight. The global network of volunteers and technical experts, often Rotarians like you, carry out and monitor Foundation grant projects. They practice the highest ethical standards, ensuring that volunteers’ and contributors’ investments of time and money are put to good use. This excellent stewardship is recognized by organizations that rate charities; they regularly give The Rotary Foundation high marks for its efficient use of contributions. In celebration of the centennial, several Presidential Citation Foundation giving goals refer to the original $26.50 contribution that established The Rotary Foundation, such as attaining $2,650 in club contributions to PolioPlus. Clubs are challenged to strive to attain a 5-year high in total club giving with a minimum contribution of $26.50 per member.

27 FUNDRAISING – ASK Review ways to give Lead by example
9/30/2017 FUNDRAISING – ASK Review ways to give Lead by example Ask your club and district leaders to set goals, track progress towards them Establish or grow Paul Harris Society to honor the Centennial Familiarize yourself with the easy ways to give to The Rotary Foundation – using a credit card to give online is fast, easy and safe. You can make recurring gifts through Rotary Direct (where applicable), and checks can be sent to the international office that serves your area. Club and district leaders can also order materials from (the multiple donor form and the EREY brochure have contribution instructions) to make it easy and fast for club members to make their first contribution or increase their giving. Lead by example and let fellow Rotarians know you are already a proud Rotary Foundation donor. Look for special communications this year from The Rotary Foundation inviting you to make a gift to celebrate the Centennial. When you receive yours, consider giving and asking your fellow club members to do the same. Consider establishing a special goal for your clubs and districts: Make this year the highest ever in your club’s history of giving Consider celebrating club member birthdays this year with a special birthday contribution Make this the first year 100% of your members make a personal contribution Create or grow membership in a Paul Harris Society in your district or club

28 9/30/2017 FUNDRAISING – THANK Thank and recognize loyal donors. Those who feel appreciated tend to give again and increase their giving! Recognize new Paul Harris Fellows in with logo- enhanced PHF certificates Welcome new Paul Harris Society members with logo- enhanced certificates And finally, Thank and recognize loyal donors. Those who feel appreciated tend to give again and increase their giving! New Paul Harris Fellows named during will receive a certificate with the Centennial Logo. Districts can print and present Paul Harris Society certificates with the Centennial logo for those who join during

29 9/30/2017 We should not live for ourselves alone, but for the joy in doing good for others — Arch Klumph, 1929


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