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Woodland Elementary LIT Program

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1 Woodland Elementary LIT Program
Woodland Elementary LIT Program by Sylvia Koehly

2 Year 1

3 Information and Technology Instruction
Objective 1: Students can conduct research based upon the Big 6 research method. Strategies: Introduce the method as how to solve an information problem. Set real-life problem and model process.

4 Information and Technology Literacy Instruction continued..
Objective 2: Students and staff can define what Google Apps is and how to use some of the basic functions (i.e. Google Docs/toolbar). Strategies: -Staff training with district technology integration specialist introducing the concept and significance. Google Docs introduction. -

5 Information and Technology Literacy Instruction
Strategies continued… -In library classes 2nd-6th, instruct students on Google Apps program and basic functions (i.e. create account and practice, create a document and demonstrate major features).

6 Information and Technology Literacy Instruction
Objective 3: Students in grades 3-6th and staff will be introduced to the district’s typing program-Typing Club.

7 Information and Technology Literacy Instruction
Strategies: -Co-lead staff training alongside district Technology Integration Specialist introducing program. -Instruct students on Typing Club with log-ins and best practices for the program. -Create bookmarks to send home and parent letters so students can access from home.

8 Reading Advocacy Objective:
Teacher-librarian (TL) will promote school wide reading through celebrating Read Across America.

9 Reading Advocacy Strategies: -Contact PTA for budget for events
-Set date and needed facilities -Develop events: Kick off assembly ( neighboring high school students, teacher/staff book dance, principal in Cat in the Hat costume, reading challenge presented)

10 Gotta Keep Reading!

11 Reading Advocacy Arrange community guest readers
Design Dr. Seuss book themed spirit days Flyers designed and sent home, around school Daily Announcements with book trivia

12 Reading Advocacy Objective 2:
The TL will promote summer reading through providing a book swap in the library where students get a ‘new’ book(s) to read over summer vacation.

13 Reading Advocacy Strategies:
-Set date in late Spring (work with Principal) -Promote book swap to school Announcements Flyers Library Classes Contact: -South Sound Reading Foundation

14 Reading Advocacy Contact: -South Sound Reading Foundation
-Discover Books Arrange for volunteer assistance

15 Information Management and Services
Objectives: The TL will research and collect mentor texts for new reading curriculum Strategies: -Attend curriculum trainings -Review reading units for concepts/themes -Survey teachers of most wanted books -Budget

16 Information Management and Services
Objective 2: The teacher-librarian will be a curriculum consultant for the district’s new Digital Citizenship curriculum. Strategies: -Evaluate digital citizenship resources -Identify most critical needs district-wide -Co-create/design structure of the curriculum -Communicate to community

17 Year 5

18 Information and Technology Literacy
VISION: Whole school will be researching using the Big 6 research method. Grades 3-5 will be typing 25 wpm using Typing Club. All staff and grades 2-6 will be able to utilize all of Google Apps proficiently=Google Apps school! Web 2.0 applications being used such as blogs, wordle) Digital Citizenship curriculum formed and in practice K-5

19 Reading Advocacy VISION:
Monthly Read-In’s with a different theme (beach, cozy up with a good book..) Virtual author visits via Skype-2 per year All staff create a reading culture and will always have a book to suggest-book sign on door. Summer reading assembly with the Timberland Regional Library. Bean bags and other comfortable forms of furniture for reading. Book Club Battle of the Books district wide

20 Information Management and Services
VISION: All needed Reach for Reading texts are in circulation for all curriculum units K-5. New science/Units of Study curricula mentor texts are in circulation. Library website has links to how-to videos for students/staff (Destiny, book talks, accessing databases from home) New databases such as Pebble Books Go!

21 Woodland’s LIT Program
“To ensure students are effective users and producers of information and ideas.” (Valenza)

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