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Your Origination in God’s Action
YOGA Your Origination in God’s Action A talk by - Mr. Aravinda K. BE, MS (Engg), MTech, Samskrtha Kovida, Geetha Kovida
WHAT YOGA IS NOT ? YOGA is not a set of physical exercises
- Performing complicated postures, is not Yoga - but ASANA is part of yoga YOGA is not a process of breath control - Remaining breathless to impress people, is not Yoga - but PRANAYAMA is part of yoga
ASANA, PRANAYAMA ASANA is prescribed in the practice of yoga to keep the body flexible and fit. - Otherwise, with ageing, the body becomes tough and rigid. PRANAYAMA is prescribed in the practice of yoga to have enough oxygen in the blood. - Otherwise, the mitochondria will not produce enough energy that is required, as – C6H12O O2 6CO H2O kcal. In addition, PRANAYAMA in reality is meant for experiencing the subtle energy of life.
WHAT YOGA IS NOT ? YOGA is not a method of meditation
- Sitting with eyes closed for hours together, is not Yoga - but DHYANA is part of yoga DHYANA is prescribed in the practice of yoga to have control over the activity of the mind, and then to understand the mind, and then to understand the guiding force of the mind.
DHYANA The mind remains vacillating, and if left for itself, the mind remains busy, generating thoughts, throughout the day. The adult human mind generates 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, in which nearly 90% percent of them are repetitive. Majority of the thoughts are negative, filled with more imagination, more anxiety, more fear, and more stress. Dhyana helps in attaining concentration. More focus means better regulation of thoughts, which leads to organized mental activity, which further leads to energized brain. This leads to increased efficiency, increased confidence, increased patience, positive attitude and planned life.
WHY THOUGHT CONTROL? There are four Anthahkarana (inner organs) –
Manas – the thinking part : Mind Chiththa – the storing part : Memory Buddhi – the deciding part : Intellect Ahamkara – the controlling part : Ego If you can control your thoughts, then you can control your intellect, and you can reach to the source of your ego, that is your self.
MORE ABOUT DHYANA In addition to thought control,
dhyana makes you more and more sensitive and aware. Due to the increased sensitivity, one can feel the vibration of prana, the movement of the chakras, and the subtle working of the spiritual force in the body, called as Kundalini. With the arousal of the dormant force, one can have paranormal experiences, which will help in knowing the self, neither as the body, nor as the mind.
Classifications of yoga
Manthra Laya Hata Raja yoga yoga yoga yoga - This classification is as per “Shivasamhitha”. Maharshi Pathanjali’s system of Ashtangayoga is designed as a combination of all of the above yogic methods.
Ashtangayoga Yama: Balance with the society
The Ashtangayoga consists of 8 disciplines – Yama: Balance with the society Niyama: Balance with the self Asana: Work on the body Pranayama: Work on the breath Prathyahara: Work on the mind Dharana: Adopting concentration Dhyana: Attaining contemplation Samadhi: Achieving union In the name of formal education, people spend decades in acquiring the material knowledge, and later they expect to obtain spiritual knowledge urgently. How is it possible!
The 18 chapters of Shreemadbhagavadgeetha
IS YOGA FOR HINDUS? Yoga is not Indian; it is global. Any human being, with humility, is fit for the practice of yoga. Yoga is not religious; it is spiritual. Through the practice of yoga, the aspirant can realize his / her true divine nature. Yoga is not for weight reduction; it is being degraded that way. For reducing weight, you have to do the reverse of what you did for gaining weight. Yoga is not for health; it is for self-realization. However, health occurs spontaneously due to the various practices of yoga. (Other activities which impart health are swimming, cycling, dancing etc.)
WHY THERE ARE PROBLEMS? Sindhu became Hindu in Parsi language, and the country was called as Hindia and then India. The true name of our country is “Bhaaratha”, which means “Being pleased in brightening”. There are problems in the world mainly because of the confusions about the true nature of God. If people understand their true divine nature, they don’t involve themselves in wrong activities. God realization and self realization are one and the same.
TEXT BOOKS FOR YOGA Bhagavadgeetha – by Maharshi Vedavyasa
Upanishads on yoga – by unknown rshis Yogasoothra – by Maharshi Pathanjali Yogavasishta – by unknown yogi Gherandasamhitha – by Maharshi Gheranda Shivasamhitha – by unknown yogi Gorakshasamhitha – by Gorakshanatha Yogayajnavalkya – by unknown yogi Hatayogapradeepika – by Swathmarama
Seven books which everyone must read
1. Autobiography of a yogi – Paramahamsa Yogananda 2. Living with the Himalayan Masters – Swami Rama 3. Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master – Sri M. 4. Doorways to light – Krishnananda 5. Laws of the spirit world – Khorshed Bhavanagari 6. The third eye – Tuesday Lobsang Rampa 7. Yegdaagellaa Aithe – Belagere Krishnashasthri
THE RULES OF THE CLASS The minimum duration of the yoga course is one year, on every Sunday. Whosoever becomes absent for three consecutive classes, without informing the Teacher, will automatically get dismissed from the course. Whosoever does not maintain more than 75% of attendance in any module, will automatically become non-eligible for attending the next module. All the students have the complete freedom to ask any questions related to the subject under discussion. But when such Q&A session is going on, the other students should not become irritated; either they should involve or they should witness; they should not be judgmental. This behavior is part of their saadhana.
Be responsible while offering the Gurudakshinaa
Be responsible while offering the Gurudakshinaa. It is the right of the Teacher to ask for it, and it is not the exhibition of sympathy towards the Teacher. Neither be proud nor be miserly when you offer it. Respect the system of Gurukula. IF YOU ARE READY TO MEET THESE CONDITIONS, THEN YOU ARE WELCOME TO MY GURUKULA.
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