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Continuing Professional Development How to fill in your summary online

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Presentation on theme: "Continuing Professional Development How to fill in your summary online"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuing Professional Development How to fill in your summary online
The CPD requirements – an overview How to get to the CPD section online The CPD summary page Starting a new learning cycle - Filling in the learning need/ interest and plan Entering learning cycle activities/ an evaluation and application to practice Adding learning activities outside the learning cycle Making changes to the summary Uploading evidence of learning activities Sending evidence of learning activities by Submitting your CPD summary

2 The CPD requirements – an overview
Everyone on the Register must complete CPD every year and send a CPD record summary before 30 September. The CPD requirement includes: A completed learning cycle, which means: A need or interest you have identified, relating to your professional practice A plan on what you will do to meet that need Details of the learning activities you have undertaken An evaluation of the learning activities and how you have applied the learning to your practice You must complete 2.5 hours for every full month of the CPD year you are registered. That’s 30 hours if you are registered for the full CPD year Half of your CPD requirement must be learning with others, for example, 15 hours is the minimum if you are registered for the full CPD year. Each year we randomly select registrants to provide evidence to show they attended the learning with others aspect of their CPD they state on their CPD summary.

3 How to get to the CPD section online
1. Go to the registrant section (MY GCC) on our website ( and login 2. Click the [My CPD] link near the end of the list on the left-hand side of your screen If you don’t remember your password sign up again to create a new password

4 3. Enter your date of birth from the drop down lists and click. 4
3. Enter your date of birth from the drop down lists and click 4. You should now see the summary page

5 The CPD summary page This tells you the CPD year you are filling in
Help button! This shows the status of your summary This shows you the number of hours you have entered so far. You can start a new learning cycle by clicking [Learning Cycle (New)]; or enter [Other CPD] This is the minimum CPD hours you will need to do for this CPD year This is for the CPD audit – tick the box if you wish to post or evidence The submit CPD box will go green when you have met the minimum CPD requirements and you can then submit your summary This shows your learning cycle and which parts you have done and which are outstanding. All four components will have ticks when complete Click here to print a pdf copy of your summary

6 Filling in the learning need/ interest and plan
We have published guidance on choosing a learning need or interest that meets the CPD requirements [here] From the summary page click on one of the highlighted links below to start a new learning cycle Click any of these to start a new learning cycle

7 Enter the learning need or interest you have identified in the blank box underneath Identified learning need You can now either save your need or interest by clicking the [Save] button at the bottom of the screen, or enter in the plan of what you will be doing to meet your learning need. If you want to enter your learning activities now click on the [Add/ Edit Learning Activities] link at the bottom of the page. Your need or interest and plan will automatically be saved. Enter your learning need or interest here Enter your plan here Clicking here will take you to the next page so you can fill in the rest of your learning cycle Click [Save] and you can view or amend later on

8 Entering learning cycle activities/ an evaluation and application to practice
Click the Add New [Learning Activity] button which is at the bottom of the page. A new window will appear showing all of the fields you need to fill in for each learning cycle activity you will be entering Click the [Save] button and your learning activity will be populated on the Learn and Evaluate page Enter the information that relates to one learning cycle activity here Give an evaluation of your learning activity and how you have applied it to your practice here Once you are happy with your Learn and Evaluate section click the [Save] button

9 Adding learning activities outside the learning cycle
If you have not given 30 hours of learning (including 15 with others) as part of your learning cycle, you can include hours that are not part of the cycle as part of your CPD. This is called ‘Other CPD’. To do this you will need to click the [Other CPD] link in the first table on the CPD summary page Click me to enter learning activities that do not fall within the learning cycle – Other CPD

10 Now click Add New [Learning Activity] and a new window will appear will empty fields for you to enter your other CPD. Remember this section does ask for an evaluation of the learning or how it has been applied to practise so there is not as much information to provide. When you’ve entered all of your learning activity information click [Save] Remember to click save so you don’t loose the learning activity details you have entered

11 Making changes to the summary
Once you have filled in your summary and before you submit it, you can add or amend any of the sections. From the summary page click either on the learning cycle you wish to amend or the [Other CPD] link Click Other CPD to change it Click on a learning cycle to change it This tells you which parts of your learning cycles you have done and which you need to do before you can submit your summary You can delete the whole learning cycle by clicking the [delete] button on the left-hand side of each learning cycle. This will delete the related learning cycle only.

12 Identify and Plan You can simply overtype and save your learning need or interest and your plan in this section Overtype what you previously wrote to amend it Remember to hit save so you don’t loose your learning need/ interest

13 Learn and Evaluate From the Learn and Evaluate screen you can edit or delete a learning activity and the evaluation. Click on either the [Edit] or [Delete] links on the right-hand side of the learning activity you wish to change.

14 Other CPD From the Other CPD page you can either edit or delete a learning activity and the evaluation of it by clicking the buttons on the right-hand side of your screen.

15 Uploading evidence of learning activities
You can upload evidence of any learning activities (learning cycle or other CPD) you have done once you save the learning activity. Just click the [Upload evidence] link underneath the learning activity that you wish to upload evidence of. A new window will appear Upload File. Click on the [Choose File] button and select the document you wish to upload. Then click [open] and you will be taken back to the Upload File window where you will need to click [Upload file]. The file name will appear underneath your learning activity. Click me to upload evidence of the learning activity This shows the document that was uploaded

16 If you wish to change the document you have uploaded, click on the [Remove evidence] button underneath the learning activity that you uploaded evidence for. You will be prompted just to make sure. You can then click on the [Upload evidence] link again and select a new file. Click me to remove this learning activity evidence

17 Sending evidence of learning activities by email
If you are included in the audit and would prefer to either evidence to us at or post it to us, you can still fill in your CPD summary but will need to click the tick the box on the CPD summary page to show you are doing so. Tick me to show you will be ing or posting CPD evidence

18 Submitting your CPD summary
When your CPD summary meets the minimum requirements, i.e., you have entered a complete learning cycle and have entered at least 30 hours of learning activities (15 hours with others), the submit button will change to green and you can submit it. Once you have submitted it you will not be able to make any changes. Your CPD status will change to complete A message will appear on screen to confirm you have submitted your CPD We will send you an automated to confirm we have received your summary Click me when I’m green to confirm my CPD is complete

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