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Introducing AP® Computer Science Principles
[Lien to Deliver] Welcome and thank you for attending our webinar introducing the new AP Computer Science Principles course. I have personally been involved with the launch of many new AP courses through the years, but have never seen the enthusiasm for anything like this new CSP course. And the fact that so many of you are taking time out of your day today to learn about this new course is a testament to the excitement Throughout the presentation, you’re welcome to type any questions into the chat. These questions will be reviewed and a number will be answered at the end of the presentation. Introducing AP® Computer Science Principles
Today’s Agenda Why AP® Computer Science Principles (AP CSP)?
The Launch of the New Course Implementing CSP: Sweetwater High School Course and Exam Details Become an AP CSP Teacher Q&A [Lien to Deliver] Today, we will be talking about why AP developed this course; the excitement around the launch of this new course; we will focus on how this course was successfully implemented in Sweetwater High School – we have a teacher and administrator from the school that will guide use through the story; the structure and details of the course and exam and assessment; best practices and resources for how to bring AP CSP to your school and recruit underrepresented students.
Why AP® CSP? [Lien to Deliver]
Why AP® CSP? [Lien to Deliver] Here is what educators and students have to say about this course. [Display introductory video]
Ever-Increasing Workforce Demand
Of the more than 9 million STEM jobs available by 2020, half will require computing experience. STEM Careers in 2020 (Projected) Computing Architecture/Engineering Life Sciences Social Sciences Physical Sciences Mathematics Others 2.8 M [Lien to Deliver] The video we just watched highlights the value and importance of this course in instilling confidence and providing opportunities for students to create their future in career fields that will be in high demand over the next decade. As illustrated here, the Bureau of Labor Statistic anticipates that of the 9 million STEM jobs available in 2020, half will require computing experience. Computer science experience is fast becoming an imperative for today’s students and the workforce of tomorrow. 4.6 M 0.1 M 0.1 M 0.4 M 0.6 M 0.6 M Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
A Computer Science Background Improves Earning Potential
A computer science major can earn 40% more than the college average. [Lien to Deliver] Source:
A Shortage of Women and Minorities
The Diversity Challenge Percentage of Computer Science Majors Who Were Women Percentage of Today’s Software Workforces 1985 2009 2012 Male Female Asian Hispanic Black 80% 20% 29% 5% [Lien to Deliver] 4% 37% 18% 18% Source: Department of Education Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics AP CSP is designed to encourage broader participation in computer science, especially among women and minorities.
The Launch of the New Course
The Launch of the New Course [Lien to Deliver]
AP® CSP is On Track to be the Largest AP Course Launch Ever
2,500 teachers have submitted course audit materials which translates to a conservative estimate of 25,000 students nationwide taking the AP CSP exam. U.S. News and World Report covered the record AP CSP launch in an article titled “AP Computer Science Principles Course Aims to Attract More Students to the Field”
A Collaborative Process
Development of AP® CSP Goals A Collaborative Process Make computer science more engaging and accessible Reach students underrepresented in computer science Better prepare students for the job market of today and tomorrow Partnership with the National Science Foundation since 2008 Educators from over 50 leading high schools and higher education institutions piloted the course Over 100 colleges and universities have indicated that they will create policies to grant credit and/or placement for the exam It was in response to the growing workforce imperative, and the lack of diversity rising to meet that imperative, that we developed the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course. We recognized that we needed to approach the course differently. The goal was to make computing coursework more engaging and accessible in order to increase participation by a broader range of students, and to build a pipeline of students interested in STEM majors and careers Before the College Board considers a new course, they make sure that it is a course that will benefit students so that they will more likely be prepared for college and earn a college degree. They then poll universities to make sure that it is a course that they would consider offering credit for. Then they gather the best minds in the field to put together a framework and pilot it to make sure it maximizes student learning. As you can see from this slide, it is an 8 year process – with the culmination of a launch 2008 The College Board held a higher education faculty colloquium 2009 – 2010 20 professors conceptualized the major components of a curriculum framework for a new introductory CS course – Computer Science Principles (NSF grant funded) 2011 100 institutions reviewed the Curriculum Framework and attested to offer credit and/or placement for the course 2012 – 2014 Further vetting of the AP CS Principles Curriculum Framework and development of the AP Exam 2015 – 2016 Finalization of the AP Computer Science Principles Course and Exam for launch in fall 2016 First AP CSP exam administration is scheduled for May 2017.
AP® CSP is Being Offered Nationwide
Two AP® Computer Science Courses
Computer Science A Computer Science Principles Curricular Focus Problem solving and object-oriented programming Big ideas of computer science (including programming) Programming Language Java Teachers choose Assessment Experience Multiple-choice and free-response questions Multiple-choice exam Two performance tasks administered by the teacher, and students submit digital artifacts [Lien Delivers] When AP Computer Science Principles launches in the academic year, AP will have two computer science offerings, and students can take either course in any order. CS A JAVA and programming The new AP Computer Science Principles course will complement AP Computer Science A as it aims to broaden participation in the study of computer science. There is no pre-requisite to taking AP Computer Science Principles course other than a course in algebra, which is the same prerequisite for APCSA. In practice many high schools find that success in APCSA requires some prior experience in programming, though this is not a prerequisite for APCSA. Talk off slide
Minority Participation Increased in AP® CSP Pilot Schools
AP CSP pilot data for the academic year indicates: African American student participation was 16.2% in AP CSP compared to 4% AP CSA participation. Hispanic student participation was 18% in AP CSP compared to 9% AP CSA participation. [Lien to Deliver] Preliminary AP CSP pilot data – we will not have the full report till September.
Implementing AP® CSP [Lien to Deliver]
Implementing AP® CSP [Lien to Deliver] Now I’d like to introduce you to Art Lopez who will talk about how CSP has been a success in Sweetwater High School & SUHSD
The Story of Sweetwater High School & SUHSD
A Sweetwater High School student asked Mr. Art Lopez: “Why does La Jolla and Torrey Pines High Schools have Computer Science courses and we don’t?” Mr. Lopez responded: “I don’t know; that is a really good question and I will find out why we don’t!” Realization by Executive Curriculum Director Dr. Roman Del Rosario, Principal Maribel Gavin, and Mr. Lopez that this was an “INEQUITY ACCESS” issue. [Art and Maribel Deliver] Implementing CS For All Began Five Years Ago
Takes a Village! Partnerships
Creating a Village of CS Educators [Art and Maribel Deliver] Implementing CS For All Began Five Years Ago
Recruitment and Recruiting Strategies
[Art and Maribel Deliver] Support of administration, both school – site (Maribel Gavin) and district level, and counselors extremely important. Time for Art Lopez to recruit students for courses.
Equity and Access Broaden Participation
[Art and Maribel Deliver]
Administrative Support at All Levels
[Art and Maribel Deliver]
Recruiting Underrepresented Students
Focus on the course being demographically representative of school population. Recruit clusters of students from groups that have been historically underrepresented in computing. Extend an invitation to all students to enroll in AP CSP. Encourage current students to showcase computing projects, and advocate for computer science in school events. Reach parents by providing course information sheets in multiple languages. Reach counselors by providing descriptions of the course creativity, communication and collaboration. [Art Delivers] Given that one of the goals of CSP is to broaden CS participation, we have included evidence-based best practices to recruit traditionally underrepresented students into CSP. Ideally, you should focus on the course being demographically representative of your school population. Recruit clusters of students to take the class together. Look to different sports groups, clubs, or other courses to find groups of students who will enroll and provide social support to each other in the classroom. Students sometimes need a personal invitation before they will enroll in computer science. I would send a personal letter to students inviting them to take my class. In addition, I visited math classrooms to tell students about my course. Algebra classes would be appropriate for AP CSP. When possible, I would bring along students from my current class and have them share their experience with the class. I was always sure to bring a good mix of male and female students, as well as students from a variety of backgrounds and races. Make your course visible by showcasing your current students’ computing project. National CS Ed week in December is a perfect time as it is usually prior to your school’s course registration for the following year. Throughout the school year, I would do hands on projects that would require my students to be in my school common areas like the hall way, so that as other students passed by, they would be curious as to what fun projects we were working on. Provide parents with a 1-page information sheet that features key questions, applications of the course, potential computing pathways and interdisciplinary computing majors in higher education as well as job information and salaries. Be sure to create these information sheets in Spanish and other prevalent family languages. College Board already has brochures targeting students and parents – packets of these brochures will be sent to schools who tell us on our interest form that they are planning to offer the course next year. Counselors provide an important role in funneling students to computer science course. Educate your counselors by providing descriptions of the course creativity, communication and collaboration. You can point them to our website, and even share the video with them. Inform them that this course has been designed by the NSF and College Board to engage a diverse group of students in learning computing and that you welcome these students to be scheduled into your course. Strategies drafted by Joanna Goode from the University of Oregon and co-author of Stuck in the Shallow End.
Student Testimonials Sweetwater High School
“That computers are picky, the value of abstraction, how you have to re check everything and find the mistake of the code.” “The best thing about Computer Principles class was being able to communicate with others and being able to share your ideas freely.” “I learned to help others, and I’m now a better problem solver than before. Before I took this class, I was shy, and very selfish, but now I like to help people who ask me for help, and I’m now more efficient in other classes.” [Art and Maribel Deliver] It was in response to the growing workforce imperative, and the lack of diversity rising to meet that imperative, that we developed the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course. We recognized that we needed to approach the course differently. The goal was to make computing coursework more engaging and accessible in order to increase participation by a broader range of students, and to build a pipeline of students interested in STEM majors and careers Before the College Board considers a new course, they make sure that it is a course that will benefit students so that they will more likely be prepared for college and earn a college degree. They then poll universities to make sure that it is a course that they would consider offering credit for. Then they gather the best minds in the field to put together a framework and pilot it to make sure it maximizes student learning. As you can see from this slide, it is an 8 year process – with the culmination of a launch 2008 The College Board held a higher education faculty colloquium 2009 – 2010 20 professors conceptualized the major components of a curriculum framework for a new introductory CS course – Computer Science Principles (NSF grant funded) 2011 100 institutions reviewed the Curriculum Framework and attested to offer credit and/or placement for the course 2012 – 2014 Further vetting of the AP CS Principles Curriculum Framework and development of the AP Exam 2015 – 2016 Finalization of the AP Computer Science Principles Course and Exam for launch in fall 2016 “Everything!!”
Course and Exam Details
Course and Exam Details [Lien Delivers] Now we are going to look at the course and exam in more detail.
About the Course Students will learn:
AP Computer Science Principles offers a multidisciplinary approach, focusing on the creative aspects of programming. “Every student has this ability to create things that they didn’t even imagine they could create. And when they do, it starts to draw them in and inspire them to think well beyond what they even imagined.” Students will learn: Creative problem solving How to apply computational processes to analyze large data sets Programming How the Internet works and important cyber security issues Impacts of computing innovations [Lien Delivers] AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the central ideas of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology impact the world around them. It can help your students prepare for success not only in computer science majors and careers, but throughout a broad range of other fields and interests, such as the medical field, biotechnology, 3D animation and the music industry. Along with the fundamentals of computing, your students will learn: Creative problem solving and real world applications How to apply computational processes to analyze data sets Programming and global impacts of computing Internet structures and important cyber security issues —Richard Kick AP® Computer Science Principles Teacher
Curriculum Framework: Seven Big Ideas
Creativity Abstraction Data and Information Algorithms Programming The Internet Global Impact [Lien Delivers] The framework is organized around the investigation of seven big ideas, as listed on the right side of this slide: creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, programming, the internet and global impact. These big ideas are fundamental principles identified through research with higher ed institutions to be foundational computing knowledge for all students The major areas of the course content that are organized around seven big ideas that Are foundational to studying computer science. The creativity big idea has students applying a creative development process to creating computational artifacts. The computational artifacts that will be created throughout the school year can be for creative expression or to solve a problem. Abstraction reduces information and detail to facilitate focus on relevant concepts. Everyone uses abstraction on a daily basis to effectively manage complexity. In computer science, abstraction is a central problem-solving technique. Data and information facilitate the creation of knowledge. Students are expected to use computers to process information, find patterns, and test hypotheses to gain insight and knowledge. A simple definition of an algorithm is a step by step process. Algorithms are used to develop and express solutions to computational problems. The programming big idea is language agnostic, which means that the teacher can choose which language or environment they wish to use to teach the programming content. Some popular choices include: Alice, Scratch, JavaScript, Java, Python, EarSketch, Snap! and many more. The Internet includes how the internet works, how information is sent via the internet, as well as cybersecurity. Global Impact focuses on the students ability to explain how computing innovations affect communication, interaction and cognition and impact innovations in other fields. Students need to analyze the positive and negative social, cultural and economic impact of computing. Visit for more curriculum details
A New Approach to AP® Assessment
Through-Course Assessment (Weight = 40%) Performance Task Individual Weight Explore: Implications of Computing Innovations 16% Create: Applications From Ideas 24% End-of-Course AP® Exam (Weight = 60%) [Lien Delivers] The AP Computer Science Principles assessment consists of two parts, both of which will measure student achievement of the course learning objectives. The through-course assessment is comprised of two AP Computer Science Principles Performance Tasks. The first of which requires students to explore the impacts of computing and create a computational artifacts. The second task focuses specifically on the creation of a computational artifact through programming. A through-course assessment in which students will create digital artifacts – such as programs, digital art or video – accompanied by a written response, and submit their final products via a Web-based digital portal. An end-of-course AP Exam, which will be a multiple-choice, written exam introduced during the 2017 AP Exam administration in May. The two performance tasks, focusing on computing innovations and programming, will not change from year to year. Rather, the tasks are designed to give students broad latitude in personally selecting the focus and topics for their engagement in these tasks. The exam is in multiple choice format. For the single-select questions, students have to choose 1 of the 4 responses offered. For the multiple-select questions, which are grouped together at the end of the exam, students have to choose 2 out of the 4 responses. AP Computer Science Principles students will receive a final exam score of 1-5 based on the two through-course performance tasks administered during the AP Exam administration in May. On both the through-course assessment and the end-of-course AP Computer Science Principles Exam, students will be asked to apply their understanding of the course learning objectives, including the essential knowledge statements and computational thinking practices. Item Type Number Timing Multiple Choice (Single- and multiple-select) 74 questions 120 minutes
Course and Exam Resources
AP Course Audit – closes January 31, 2017 AP CSP Course and Exam Description AP CSP Overview Modules Course Planning and Pacing Guides AP CSP Course Overview Student Sample Performance Tasks Full Practice Exam – accessible when AP course authorization has been received AP CSP Toolkit [Lien Delivers] Course and Exam Resources Please note that the AP Course Audit for 2016 closes on January 31, If you are applying for NEXT year, then it opens in March and closes in Visit the AP Computer Science Principles Course Audit site for information on how to submit your syllabus. The AP CSP Course and Exam Description provides an in-depth look at AP Computer Science Principles. This series of AP CSP overview modules offers a guided tour of the new course and exam, instructional approaches for the classroom, tour of the AP Course Audit, and resources for teachers. The Course Planning and Pacing Guides, developed by AP CSP pilot teachers, model approaches for planning and pacing curriculum throughout the school year, and provide valuable suggestions for teaching the course. This two-page course overview provides a brief description of the course and exam. The Sample Performance Tasks to help teachers and students understand and prepare for the through-course assessment. AP CSP Toolkit – recruitment strategies, brochures, communication templates. If you sign up on the Interest Form that they are interested in teaching this, we will send you a physical toolkit of posters and brochures. All these resources can be located on the AP Computer Science Principles Course and Exam and Exam Information pages on AP Central
Become an AP® CSP Teacher
Become an AP® CSP Teacher [Lien Delivers] So, how do you bring AP CSP to your school?
Teaching the Course State certification requirements
Any teacher passionate about learning computer science, can learn to teach AP CSP. Background of Pilot Teachers: Career and Tech Math Science Economics Administrative support is essential: Multiple teachers in the same school to allow for collaboration and teaming [Lien Delivers] AP Computer Science Principles can be taught by Computer Science teachers and teachers in other disciplines. While there is a national push for a computer science certification, many state are not there yet. You will need to check your individual state certification requirements before you begin recruiting teachers. The best computer science principles teachers are those who are passionate about learning something new. You should also look for teachers who embrace project based learning and creativity in their classrooms. Some of the successful teachers in our pilot program are career and tech, math, science and even economics teachers. Often times schools can only appoint 1 computer science teacher. We recommend that you work to appoint at least 2 teachers. When there is only 1 computer science teacher in a school they begin to feel isolated and have no one to turn to for collaboration and questions. This is even more important when they are learning to teach a course that might be outside of their certification area. Which ever model you select, your computer science teacher will need your support.
Endorsed Providers “AP CSP provides the teacher with just as much opportunity to explore their own creativity and thought processes as we hope to instill in our future discoverers.” Beauty and Joy of Computing Mobile Computer Science Principles Project Lead the Way UTeach CS Principles — Brian Fuschetto AP® Computer Science Principles Teacher [Lien Delivers] There is a National Effort to Support AP CSP. In order to provide more robust support to teachers with limited experience teaching computer science, the College Board has identified several groups to assist in the delivery of professional development. Current projects developed under a National Science Foundation initiative include: Beauty and Joy of Computing, MobileCSP, and Thriving in Our Digital World. Additionally, Project Lead the Way and, have partnered with the College Board to support AP Computer Science Principles. These organizations offer full curricula and pedagogical supports that you can use to bring CSP to your school. BJC curriculum, developed at the University of California, Berkeley, emphasizes the joy and complexity of creating computer programs and apps, balanced with critical reflection on both the potential benefits and harms of new computing technologies.'s curriculum consists of daily lesson plans, videos, tutorials, tools, and assessments that cover learning objectives from the AP Computer Science Principles Curriculum Framework. In the Mobile CSP course, students learn computer science by building socially useful mobile apps and work through activities that help improve their writing, communication, collaboration, and creativity skills. Using Python® as a primary tool and incorporating multiple platforms and languages for computation, this course aims to develop computational thinking, generate excitement about career paths that utilize computing, and introduce professional tools that foster creativity and collaboration. UTeach CS Principles’s curriculum, developed by the UTeach Institute at The University of Texas at Austin, focuses on the core ideas that shape the landscape of computer science and its impact on our society.
Support for Teachers of All Levels of CS Experience
AP Summer Institutes 70 week-long professional development sessions AP One-day Workshops (Beginning in Fall 2016) Available now for new and experienced Computer Science teachers. PD by Endorsed Providers Offer a full CSP curriculum, including lessons, unit plans, activities and robust teacher PD (online and face-to-face) [Lien Delivers] Additionally, the AP program is creating professional development support for teachers, including: AP Summer Institutes In summer 2016, weeklong AP Summer Institutes for AP Computer Science Principles were offered at high schools and colleges around the country in 70 states. Training was available for teachers who are new to the field as well as those with deep experience in computer science. Topical Workshops Throughout the fall of 2016, one-day workshops focused on key topics will be offered around the country. PD by Endorsed Providers There is a National Effort to Support AP CSP. In order to provide more robust support to teachers with limited experience teaching computer science, the College Board has identified several groups to assist in the delivery of professional development. Current projects developed under a National Science Foundation initiative include: Beauty and Joy of Computing, MobileCSP, and Thriving in Our Digital World. Additionally, Project Lead the Way and, have partnered with the College Board to support AP Computer Science Principles. These organizations offer full curricula and pedagogical supports that you can use to bring CSP to your school. Brief comment about what NMSI will be providing
Additional Support is Available Online and In-Person
Free Online Courses on CSP Content and Instruction (MOOCs) Developed by Harvard University, University of California, Berkley, Trinity College, Edhesive and more. Teacher Partner Instruction TEALS – teachers work in partnership with volunteers to teach CS and build CS program AP CSP Teacher Community Access Curriculum Resources, Instructional Resources, Lesson Plans and more [Lien Delivers] Online resources like recruitment strategies, curriculum samples, programming tools, free online courses (MOOCs), and more can supplement your AP CSP instruction. These resources have not been reviewed or endorsed by the College Board.* Join the AP CSP Teacher Community for additional resources. Free Online Courses on CSP Content (MOOCs) AP CSP course from Edhesive – This course teaches students how to connect computing to other disciplines, create computational artifacts and communicate their purpose, use abstraction and analysis to develop models for solving complex problems, and work effectively in teams. CS50 AP Curriculum – Developed at Harvard University, this curriculum covers eight units focusing on topics like overview of computers and computing, building blocks of programming, thinking computationally, managing data, networking and the internet, and more. Free Online Courses on CSP Instruction (MOOCs) Beauty and Joy of Computing – Developed at the University of California, Berkeley, this is a yearlong CSP edX MOOC course broken up into four smaller courses, each approximately eight weeks long. CSP for High School (CSP4HS) – Six weeks of free online instruction on AP CSP to high school teachers, primarily those who have little to no previous training in Computer Science. Mobile CSP – Developed at Trinity College, this project-based course covers the 7 Big Ideas and 6 Computational Thinking Practices of the AP CSP framework. Teacher Partner Instruction TEALS – Teachers from various backgrounds work in partnership with TEALS volunteers to learn how to teach computer science (CS) and team-teach CS classrooms, as well as to build a CS program. Resources on AP CSP Teacher Community Join the AP CSP Teacher Community to access: Curriculum Resources Instructional Resources Lesson Plans Programming Tools and Resources Recruitment Resources Resources for Students with Disability Online Tutorials and Articles
More questions? Web: [Lien Delivers]
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