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OEI Goals Significantly increase CCC student transfer to 4-year institutions Increase student completion through system collaboration in providing access.

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2 OEI Goals Significantly increase CCC student transfer to 4-year institutions Increase student completion through system collaboration in providing access to quality online courses and support services for students, faculty, and colleges Create economies of scale in resource and technology acquisition

3 Completion by…. Keeping students in the seats we have.
----- Prepared students ----- Prepared faculty ----- Quality course design and content resources Providing resources to colleges to allow for the addition of quality online courses Providing students with opportunities to take classes when and where they need them

4 Student Access & Completion
Increase online course quality Support course design standards professional development for faculty Provide online resources and tools (part of a larger learning ecosystem)

5 Student Access & Completion
Just-in-time success resources Embed basic skills support inside college level courses Explore strategies to close the online achievement gap Online tool for students to easily locate credit for prior learning opportunities Support and promote Open Educational Resources (OER)

6 Governance Structure Quick description of the governance structure and then discuss the consortium

7 24 OEI Consortium Colleges
Antelope Valley Mira Costa Barstow Monterey Peninsula Butte Mt. San Antonio Cabrillo Mt. San Jacinto Coastline Ohlone College of the Canyons Pierce Columbia Rio Hondo Foothill Saddleback Fresno City Shasta Hartnell Ventura Imperial Valley Victor Valley Lake Tahoe West Los Angeles

8 There are three levels of opportunity for participation in the OEI.
More about Canvas later….. Myth busting: add that courses don’t have to be reviewed to go to canvas only for the exchange.

9 Resource Development Student Success Resources Technology Tools
Faculty Resources Course Design Standards* Professional Development Applying the Course Design Rubric# Canvas Online Course# Self Paced Facilitate Train-the-Trainer Online Standards and Practices# 12 weeks facilitated for new online teachers Modular self-paced and facilitated for those needing some support Guidance Course Review Process* Instructional Designers# Accessibility Support# Effective Practices Resources# Guidelines for use of publisher materials# Student Success Resources Tutoring* Student Readiness* Accessible to 508* Accessible to WCAG 2.0 (ready 6/2016) Online Support Resources Just-In-Time-Help* Additional Resources (ready 5/2016)~ List of Resource* Embedded Basic Skills Guide* Proctoring# Digital/ Proctorio# Campus’ Network (Coming 6/2016)~ Counseling# Network# Platform# Professional Development Course (Coming 5/2016)~ Technology Tools Canvas* 24/7 Help Desk* 65 Colleges with Submitted Application# Faculty Resources are Available# Student# Exchange* Formerly Course Exchange* Developed Business Processes# Developed work flow# Developed~ Mechanism-MVP Coming 8/2016~ Launch with 8 Pilots~ Set up in progress~ Fall 2016~ I know this is a packed slide but I want to show the magnitude of the work. Because, in this slide, color conveys meaning, there are symbols, too. Maroon*= ….Blue#=2015-present Black~=In Production

10 Common Course Management System - Canvas
1.     The committee of 55 members reached a nearly unanimous decision 2.     There was overwhelming support for Canvas from students
3.     Canvas offers an intuitive end user experience
4.     It has a history of strong completion and success rate for students
5.     Faculty user adoption rate at colleges has been significantly higher than other systems
6.     Site visits and reference checks were overwhelmingly supportive of vendor product and was a confirmation of information shared by the vendor.
7.     Canvas also offers flexibility for students to indicate a choice for how to receive notifications and course information. 8.     Canvas offers an intuitive interface for faculty allowing for more time spent on pedagogy rather than on learning or teaching the technology tool.

11 OEI Purchase of Canvas X colleges have declared intent to migrate;
Some important items to note OEI is currently paying 100% cost until when it will either continue at 100% or drop to OEI paying 2/3 of the cost via ongoing grant funding. If OEI pays, colleges may choose to have more than one CMS only if they pay the OEI contracted price for Canvas, otherwise colleges have some migration time but must use Canvas as sole CMS. 24/7 Help desk for Canvas is included Migration resources are available. Faculty Resources are available, too. Do we need a list of the 47? The implementation guide is linked at the CMS type.

12 Status on Deliverables
Course design standards & PD OEI Course Design Rubric developed, piloted and revised Courses reviewed - 90 Reviewers trained - 60 Faculty and staff participating in “Applying the OEI Rubric” - 500 Student online readiness Assessment piloted & being redeveloped Readiness tutorial modules in use with 6K students at pilot colleges & thousands more due to Creative Commons license Tutoring NetTutor & WWWB platform in use at 39 colleges Cost savings > 50% Academic integrity Contract with Proctorio for online proctoring VeriCite for Plagiarism Detection On-site DE proctoring network in development

13 Status on Deliverables
Consortium 24 colleges meeting regularly Common Course Management System Adoption more than 2 years ahead of schedule 65 colleges committed, 13 near commitment 90 colleges project by December 2016 Annual savings > $8 million Exchange Administrative components near completion Student facing components under development Pilot in Fall 2016

14 Status on Deliverables
Counseling Contract for Cranium Café platform Development of counseling network Coordinating with EPI Basic skills Collaborating with CAI Creating embedded content for underprepared students in transfer courses Credit for prior learning Collaborating with CCCCO & DWM Focusing on veterans

15 New Web site: Brief Tour

16 Exchange Course Review

17 Online Course Exchange
Simply put: Enhanced access for students to get a course needed for completion from another college in the consortium that they cannot get at their home college, without a lot of hassle.

18 Implications of the Exchange…
Access to “hard to get” courses needed to graduate or transfer Exchange courses seamlessly articulate between colleges (specified C-ID, ADT courses) Examples of streamlined processes for students: Streamlined application and registration processes Financial aid combined across colleges in the Exchange Course status and transcript data shared back to home college (credit toward degree or transfer goal) Students and faculty use a Common Common Course Management System (Canvas)


20 Professional Development
Helping Faculty to: Apply Best Practices in Online Course Design and Accessibility Utilize Online Tools for Student Success Get the Most from Canvas

21 Online Course Design & Accessibility
Course Design Rubric Practices that aid student retention and success. Assists colleges with accreditation standards. Accessibility Activities: Oct 2016 Rubric Revisions: Nov 2016 Revised Review Process: Jan 2017 “I'm happy to be part of the OEI!  The review process was the best professional development opp I've had as an online instructor.” 

22 Tools for Student Success
Goal: To work with colleges to support and augment local training for… Online Learning Readiness Online Tutoring Academic Integrity Tools “The comparison of resourced online to non-resourced online is incredibly important.” 

23 Professional Development
4-week Introduction to Teaching with Canvas Free to faculty at OEI pilot colleges and colleges that have committed to Canvas Self-paced version available NOW “Train-the-trainer” events held Creative Commons version available Canvas Faculty Support Calls Instructional Design help CCC Community in Canvas Canvas Subscription Training Available

24 Accessibility Courses in the Exchange must be fully compliant for students with disabilities Standard: WCAG 2.0 AA Recently hired accessibility specialists to support faculty Pilot: Ally accessibility tool

25 The Exchange Looking Ahead
Mechanism for colleges to make courses available to students that they can’t offer every semester Expand access to degrees through joint programs, where a student’s home college has most of the courses needed to offer a degree but lacks a few Help colleges balance access to courses online if we ever find ourselves turning students away again Collaborative program offerings between colleges

26 Additional Courses (Fall 2017; e.g., CSU GE Pattern)
Spring ‘17 Fall ‘17 Spring ‘18 Fall ‘18 Spring ‘19 Additional Colleges Join Consortium Additional Courses (Fall 2017; e.g., CSU GE Pattern) Exchange Pilot Ends Initial 17 C-ID ADT Pilot Courses All 24 pilot colleges (Courses live) Exchange Expansion First 8 colleges (Priority Registration live) First 8 colleges (courses live) EXCHANGE SCALING: OVERVIEW

27 Does Everyone have to be in the Exchange?
Courses in CCMS do not have to be part of the Exchange Exchange courses must be in the CCMS CCMS (Any college) Local Online Courses Local F2F, Hybrid Courses Online Course Exchange (Consortium Colleges) Requires OEI Course Review C-ID, ADT Approved Courses Focused on Student Completion Who gets credit? Teaching College: FTE ($) Home College: Completion

28 Exchange Implementation In-Depth


30 Exchange Application College Adaptor Admin Portal Student Portal
College Adaptor - Currently being implemented at 8 FL Colleges Student Portal - In Development Admin Portal - 90% Complete Admin Portal Student Portal College Adaptor PeopleSoft Banner Colleague

31 College Adaptor SIS Communication PeopleSoft Banner Colleague Work Day
Custom SIS? Expansion to Other Services

32 Admin Portal Provide Custom Messaging Home College Teaching College
Manage Exchange Courses Terms Sections Seats Access Reporting Financial Aid Enrollments Admin Portal

33 Student Portal Student Facing Screens Checks for Eligibility
Deliver Messaging Home College Teaching College Registration Workflow Application Pre-req’s Payment Student Portal

34 OEI Course Exchange Timeline 2016-2017
AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SIS Adaptor (8 Colleges) Admin Workflow Test/Production Student Workflow Test/Production Early Reg. Pilot 8 Course Exchange Use 8 Bug Fixes Bug Fixes, v1.1 release Bug Fixes, v1.2 release SIS Adaptor (16 colleges) SIS Adaptor (New Colleges) Admin Workflow (16) Student Workflow (16) Early Reg. Piloting 16 Course Exchange Use 16 Admin Workflow (New 1) Student Workflow (New 1) CVC-SS Portal Integration CVC-Exchange Integration Planning, Development and Production

35 OEI Course Exchange Timeline 2017-2018
SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SIS Adaptor (New) Admin Workflow (New 1) Student Workflow (New 1) Early Reg. (New 1) Course Exchange Use (New 1) Bug Fixes Bug Fixes, v2.0 release Bug Fixes, v2.1 release Admin Workflow (New 2) Student Workflow (New 2) Early Reg. (New 2) Course Exchange Use New 2 Admin Workflow (New 3) Student Workflow (New 3) CVC-Exchange Integration Planning and Development, and Production


37 OEI Implementation Site Visits
OEI Evaluation OEI Implementation Site Visits

38 Outline Goals of the evaluation Evaluation activities College support
OEI Implementation Spring 2016 Site Visits

39 Goals of the Evaluation
Demonstrate whether OEI is having the desired outcomes Provide formative feedback to the OEI project team to inform continuous improvement efforts Identify successes and areas that can improved to support successful statewide implementation Communicate OEI’s value both internally and externally Partnership model allows us to work with OEI to accomplish some of the things listed here: OEI Implementation Spring 2016 Site Visits

40 Evaluation Survey research for tutoring, readiness modules – online course preparation, course review process, and Canvas In the hopper are evaluations of the Exchange, Counseling Network, and Academic Integrity tools that include Proctoring and Plagiarism detection tool OEI Implementation Spring 2016 Site Visits

41 College Support Surveys to collect feedback of OEI products and services from faculty and students Collection of student level records every term for survey matches to look at impact OEI Implementation Spring 2016 Site Visits

42 Questions? OEI Implementation Spring 2016 Site Visits

43 Thank you!

44 Online Services Overview

45 Online Learning Support
Online Readiness (Quest Program) Professional Development & Course Design Rubric Recommended Library Services Online Counseling Network & Platform Online Test Proctoring Plagiarism Deetection Common Course Management System Mention Accreditation Embedded Support for Underperforming Students Accessibility Support & Universal Design Online Tutoring 24x7 & Platform

46 Resource Updates Online Student Readiness:
No cost online student readiness modules now available to all colleges Readiness modules combined with Smarter Measure Assessment employed at pilot colleges

47 Online Learner Readiness Tutorials
“Quest for Online Success” No cost online student readiness tutorials are now available to all 113 CCCs Can be easily embedded within a course, or linked to from anywhere Hosted by TTIP South 13 tutorials 1-6 focus on skill development for students new to online Remaining modules designed for more experienced online students Picture of screen hyperlinks to the actual module you can show if you want

48 ONLINE EQUITY GOALS Decrease success rate gaps in online courses
Identify strategies to address inequities Arnita Broad-based Work Group (faculty, counselors, administrators, researchers, instructional designer) Meets biweekly via Zoom Focused on creating an equity framework to address achievement gaps, provide institutions with support to assist them with meeting the goals outlined in their student equity plans

49 Online Library Resources
Workgroup established to identify areas for system-wide coordination for online library services/resources Partnership with Council of Chief Librarians, Academic Senate Identify best practices for CCC libraries in serving online students Evaluate various technologies and options for networking librarians across colleges (e.g., reference, information competency resources, student portfolios, etc.)

50 Resource Updates Academic Integrity: Plagiarism detection Proctoring
Pilot with VeriCite Negotiated rate for all colleges Proctoring Online solution – now available Proctorio Systemwide network of proctoring sites in development

51 Automated remote proctoring
Works within Canvas Browser lockdown options Documents Student ID authentication (plus additional metadata) Dynamic range of variables and behavior settings that can be tracked as “suspicious behaviors” or exam abnormalities Computer-based abnormalities Environmental abnormalities Technical abnormalities Compare data across student attempts (e.g., identify possible exam collusion) Flexible settings allow faculty to customize the student experience and security levels


53 Online Tutoring Capabilities
Students can Meet with a live tutor (up to 24/7, depending on subject) Use “Question and Answer Center” 24/7 (asynchronous tutoring) Essay or paper review 24/7 via “Paper Center” Service funded for pilot colleges; Reduced cost for non-pilot colleges

54 Online Tutoring Platform
WorldWideWhiteboard license for any CCC to use w/local tutors Longer term goal is to develop a CCC online tutoring consortium built upon the WWWB platform Currently working with ACTLA (Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance) to determine level of interest and feasibility

55 Online counseling Platform
CC is an online meeting and collaboration platform designed specifically for online counseling. Synchronous online career, personal and educational counseling appointments Online academic advising appointments Online drop in / walk in sessions System-wide agreement for reduced cost to all 113 CCCs

56 Supporting Online Counseling
Network Structure and Approach Partner with community colleges to establish a uniform approach Create a community of online counselors trained in working with online students utilizing the same platform Professional Development and Standards Develop and deliver professional development training and materials Align to the National Board of Certified Counselors standards for distance counseling professionals

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