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Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances

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1 Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances
Sean P. Kelly, MD

2 Agenda Why EPCS matters & drivers of adoption Regulatory overview
Best practices Benefits and discussion

3 Why EPCS Matters?

4 Combat a national public health epidemic
Drug overdoses kill more people than motor vehicle crashes 480 million opiate Rx’s in 2014 47,055 32,675 Source: CDC U.S. Population Mortality Data 2014

5 Combat a national public health epidemic
More deaths from prescription drugs than cocaine and heroin combined Source: CDC

6 Leverage Proven Technology Already in Place
1.5 billion in 2015 95% pharmacies 60% prescribers Billions of Rx’s 12.8 million in 2015 766+% YOY growth 1.5B e-Rx were sent in 2015 Nationally 60% of all prescribers sent an eRx in the last 30 days Nationally 95% of all pharmacies received an eRx in the last 30 days3 Data from Surescripts, the national health information network, through March 31, 2016

7 NY State I-STOP Legislation
“Internet System for Tracking Over-Prescribing” All prescribers must check PDMP prior to Rx All prescriptions electronic as of March 27, 2016 Catalyst for change and acceleration of software development

8 Virginia State Law Allowing EPCS
18VAC Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions from Prescriber to Pharmacy. A. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, an electronic prescription may be transmitted from the prescriber or an authorized agent as defined in § C of the Code of Virginia directly to the dispensing pharmacy. Electronic prescriptions of Schedule II-V controlled substances shall comply with any security or other requirements of federal law. All electronic prescriptions shall also comply with all security requirements of state law related to privacy of protected health information. B. A pharmacy receiving an electronic prescription shall maintain such prescription record in accordance with 18VAC A. C. An electronic prescription shall be transmitted only to the pharmacy of the patient's choice.

9 Virginia Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP)
July 1, 2016 Check PMP for any opiate Rx > 14 days Exceptions Non-refillable Rx’s after surgery/invasive procedure Hospice or palliative care Inpatient treatment Assisted living or nursing home patients PMP non-operational Provider unable to access PMP due to emergency or disaster

10 Address the challenges of paper prescriptions
Non-Controlled Substances Controlled Substances 58% of prescribing transactions involve at least one controlled substance Increased risk of DEA number theft, fraud, and drug diversion Hydrocodone reclassification increases volume of prescriptions for controlled substances Inefficient dual workflows cause frustration and dissatisfaction for providers and patients Meeting Meaningful Use e-prescribing requirements at Risk Historically, the workflow deemed most secure and best for patient safety is using paper-based prescriptions, either hand-written or printed from the EMR. But there are significant challenges to paper prescriptions for patients, providers, pharmacists and hospital administration. For example: Providers: Forced to deal with inefficient, frustrating dual prescribing workflows, often reverting instead to a single, paper-based workflow in the name of efficiency. DEA number is exposed to potential fraud--in fact, our studies show that about 1 in 10 physicians admit to having their DEA number stolen. This fuels America’s prescription drug abuse epidemic, which claimed the lives of more American’s in 2013 than cocaine and heroin combined. Patients Requiring paper prescriptions means more frequent doctor visits and enduring long waits at pharmacies; both of which can be very frustrating, especially for chronic pain patients. There is also an increased risk patients won’t fill their prescriptions, and paper increases the possibility of inaccuracies or mistakes Hospital Administration Meaningful Use e-prescribing targets could be at risk. The volume of prescriptions for controlled substances continues to increase, especially given the reclassification of hydrocodone combination drugs like Vicodin to Schedule II, which puts tighter controls on how these can be prescribed. This exacerbates the inefficiencies of dual workflows and providers are likely to revert to a single, paper-based workflow for prescribing as a matter of efficiency, which can hurt MU e-prescribing numbers. We have one customer in New York that has seen a 23% increase in e-prescribing rates for non-controlled substances as a result of implementing EPCS with just 1/3 of its providers live thus far. This indicates that the single, e-prescribing workflow for all medications helps boost overall e-prescribing rates and can help meet MU goals. There is also a significant patient safety issue associated with drug diversion, fraud and prescription medication abuse. In 2013, more than 23,000 Americans died from prescription drug overdoses, which was more than from overdoses on cocaine and heroin combined. For you, IT, this means you are dealing with frustrated providers, dissatisfied patients, and a leadership team needing to deal with solving a public health epidemic. (Challenger Choreography) Warmer – building credibility by reading their mind, demonstrating empathy These are pressure points for the stakeholder

11 DEA Requirements for EPCS

12 DEA Requirements for EPCS

13 DEA-compliant authentication options
Something you are Something you have you know Fingerprint Biometrics Hands Free Authentication Push Notification Soft Token Hardware Password

14 Tokens One Time Pin (OTP) tokens Hard token (key fob)
Soft token (secure app)

15 Push token notification
Fast, convenient authentication from a mobile device Improve efficiency for remote e- prescribing workflows Eliminate the need for providers to carry hardware tokens and/or manually enter passcodes Certified as DEA-compliant for EPCS

16 Hands Free Authentication
Automatically completes one factor of the two-factor authentication Provider simply enters order and scans fingerprint 1. Provider places EPCS order 2. Provider scans fingerprint* First factor Hands Free Authentication automatically retrieves token code from provider’s mobile phone Second factor 4. EPCS order complete Here is how Hands Free Authentication works Leverages low power and low range wireless technology to securely retrieve the OTP code using a DEA compliant cryptographic algorithm Uses context (EMR login/first-factor) to identify specific prescriber’s mobile phone to request OTP code from If unable to retrieve wirelessly, prompts prescriber to enter OTP code shown on phone manually (same as soft token) * or enters password if biometric not available

17 To learn more about EPCS
Additional Resources To learn more about EPCS Questions


19 Appendix

20 Benefits of EPCS

21 Improve patient safety and satisfaction
Tighter controls over drug diversion and fraud Single, convenient way for patients to get all their medication Prescription sent to the patient’s pharmacy of choice No waiting for the prescription to be filled Fewer trips to the hospital/clinic for refills

22 Benefits for providers: a single, efficient workflow
Integrates directly with EMR e-prescribing workflows Supports broad range of DEA- approved authentication methods Presents only the authentication methods available and allowed An important differentiator for Imprivata Confirm ID is that it is truly designed from the clinical perspective. Even if providers want EPCS and agree that it is far more convenient than paper-based prescriptions, if the EPCS is difficult or inefficient, they are unlike to adopt it. Imprivata Confirm ID integrates with the e-prescribing workflow of leading EMRs and is called when the provider is prescribing a controlled substance. This means no extra clicking or navigating to a different system, which saves time and keeps the provider focused on the patient. Imprivata Confirm ID also supports multiple DEA-approved two factor authentication modalities for prescription signing. This includes fingerprint biometrics, hard and soft tokens, and Imprivata hands free authentication. The EMR integration and the support for multiple two-factor authentication modalities are very important because they

23 Benefits for IT: low total cost of ownership
Release: Tokyo Benefits for IT: low total cost of ownership One system of EPCS deployment for multiple EMRs One identity proofing event One set of credentials to enroll One central system for reporting The complete solution for identity proofing, supervised credential enrollment, two-factor authentication, and auditing & reporting From an IT perspective, Imprivata Confirm ID helps IT meet the DEA requirements for EPCS in a cost-effective, efficient and easy-to-manage way. Imprivata Confirm ID supports multiple EMR systems, so if your organization uses a more than one EMR, you only need to deploy Imprivata Confirm ID once. This gives providers a consistent experience which will drive satisfaction and adoption.

24 Benefits to Legal & Compliance: Reducing Risk
Supports DEA and State Regulations Validated by independent DEA auditor Supports DEA mandated identity proofing Enforces FIPS-compliant authentication factors End to End Auditing and Reporting User activity for signing transactions, including workflow, modality and device Admin activity tracks policy changes and overrides Configurable audit record retention (NY’s I-STOP law requires five years) Anurag

25 Imprivata Confirm ID customers
Release: Tokyo Imprivata Confirm ID customers

26 Cambridge Health Alliance
Why EPCS? Increase patient safety Improve prescribing workflows Why Imprivata Confirm ID? Hands Free Authentication Seamless EMR integration (Epic) Comprehensive solution to meet DEA requirements and drive physician adoption

27 Why Imprivata Confirm ID?
Kelsey-Seybold Why EPCS? Eliminate dual work Improve patient safety Why Imprivata Confirm ID? Single, comprehensive platform Individual identity proofing Seamless EMR integration Imprivata’s EPCS expertise EPCS

28 Imprivata Confirm ID customers
These are just a few Imprivata Confirm ID customers.

29 1,200 3m About Imprivata healthcare organizations care providers
Healthcare Informatics 2015 Leading Edge Award for Workflow Enhancement 3m care providers Imprivata is a leading provider of authentication, access management, secure communications solutions. Recently we acquired HT Systems and its Patient Secure technology, which some of you may know is a palm vein biometric based patient identification solution. We have more than 1,200 healthcare customers globally, and more than 3 million care providers rely on Imprivata solutions. And this is for a reason: Imprivata has the mission making sure that their customers are successful with their solutions. In fact Imprivata OneSign recently won a Leading Edge Award from Healthcare Informatics Magazine as the best solution for clinical workflow enhancement.

30 Premier healthcare customer footprint
IDN Academic Community Clinics / Specialties International

31 The challenge of dual prescribing workflows
38% of patient interactions in which prescriptions are written include mix of controlled & non-controlled substances What does this mean? Providers have to switch between electronic and paper, creating inefficiency and dissatisfaction Providers may revert to a single, paper- based workflow, which could impact Meaningful Use We surveyed physicians across the U.S. to understand their prescribing habits and the impact that dual workflows have on e-prescribing rates. We found that 59% of prescriptions involve controlled substances and 38% of the time physicians prescribe medications, there is a mix of controlled and non-controlled substances involved. If they are not using EPCS, this means that each one of these instances could involve two workflows – e-prescribing for non-controlled substances and paper-based for controlled substances. This magnifies the challenges of having dual workflows and providers may revert to a single, paper based workflow for all medications for the sake of efficiency. If this happens, e-prescribing utilization and possibly Meaningful Use targets are at risk.

32 Impact of hydrocodone reclassification
Hydrocodone combination drugs (i.e., Vicodin) now Schedule II, placing tighter controls on prescribing: No refills No verbal/faxed orders Potential 68% increase in number of prescriptions written for controlled substances, exacerbating challenges of dual workflows As mentioned, compounding the challenges of dual prescribing workflows and potentially impacting Meaningful Use numbers is the DEA’s reclassification of hydrocodone combination drugs such as Vicodin to Schedule II controlled substances. The reclassification puts tighter controls on how and how often these medications can be prescribed. For instance, no refills are allowed and prescriptions cannot be called or faxed to the pharmacy. These are among the most-prescribed medications in the U.S. with about 136 million prescriptions written in 2013, which means that the number of original prescriptions written for these medications will increase significantly,. Based on a survey we conducted of physicians about the impact of the reclassification, the number of original prescriptions for these medications is expected to increase from 7 to nearly 18 per provider, per week. Controlled substances will increase from 21% to 31% of all prescriptions, which translates into a 68% increase in the number of original prescriptions for controlled substances that physicians will need to write each week. In fact, we have a customer in California—Contra Costa Regional Medical Center—that accelerated its EPCS implementation when the reclassification was announced because the CMIO knew what a significant impact it would have on his clinical staff.

33 Identity proofing – individual
Imprivata Confirm ID performs NIST Level 3 identity-proofing of practitioners using social security number, date of birth, credit card information, valid address and mobile or home phone number Credential Service Provider Imprivata Confirm ID registers and issues tokens to practitioners via two channels Practitioners can optionally self-enroll fingerprints with Imprivata Confirm ID Imprivata Confirm ID automatically creates records of enrollment of credentials Synchronizes Imprivata Confirm ID with AD accounts of practitioners Information Technology AD accounts must include the full legal name of practitioners and valid addresses EMR Administrators must be a different entity/group than the Credential Service Provider EMR Administrator Sets EPCS access for practitioners in an EMR that has been certified for EPCS Approvers must be a different group than the EMR Administrators and are required to be DEA registrants EPCS Access Approvers Approves EPCS access for practitioners in the EMR using Imprivata Confirm ID two factor authentication EPCS For individual identity proofing, Imprivata Confirm ID integrates with Symantec to enable the credentialing service provider, or CSP, process. This includes the NIST assurance level 3 identity proofing, registration of tokens for providers, and issuance of the two-factor authentication credential to provider. Imprivata Confirm ID also gives the DEA registrant at the hospital or practice the two-factor authentication credentials necessary to sign the approval of a provider’s credential’s for EPCS, as mandated by the DEA.

34 Identity proofing - institutional
Synchronizes Imprivata Confirm ID with AD accounts of practitioners and enrollment supervisors Information Technology Synchronizes Imprivata Confirm ID with AD accounts of enrollment supervisors and assigns enrollment privileges Verifies practitioners are licensed and allowed to prescribe controlled substances Medical Credentialing Office Creates a list of practitioners that are allowed to electronically prescribe controlled substances Creates a list of users that can approve EPCS access in the EMR Creates a list of supervisors that are authorized to witness enrollment of practitioners in Imprivata Confirm ID EMR Administrators must be a different entity/group than the Medical Credentialing Office EMR Administrator Sets EPCS access for practitioners in an EMR that has been certified for EPCS Supervisors do not have to be DEA registrants and can be individuals from IT, clinical or hospital administration Enrollment Supervisors Verifies photo IDs of practitioners match those on the list from the Medical Credentialing Office Issues two-factor credentials to practitioners and supervises enrollment of credentials in Imprivata Confirm ID Imprivata Confirm ID creates records of IDs verified and enrollment of credentials Approvers must be a different group than the EMR Administrators and do not have to be DEA registrants EPCS Access Approvers Approves EPCS access for practitioners in the EMR (does not require two factor authentication) EPCS One of the first steps to EPCS enablement is identity proofing. The DEA requires care providers to complete an identity proofing process before they can be enabled for EPCS. This step ensures the provider is who they claim to be, they are authorized to prescribe controlled substances and they are given the necessary credentials to be enrolled in an EPCS system. The DEA allows institutional and individual identity proofing for EPCS, both of which are supported by Imprivata Confirm ID. If an organization chooses institutional identity proofing, Imprivata Confirm ID helps streamline some of the process by issuing the two-factor authentication modalities for a provider as approved by the organization’s credentialing office. Imprivata Confirm ID also automates the enrollment of those credentials into the EPCS or other workflow/application requiring two-factor authentication. To satisfy auditing and reporting requirements, Imprivata Confirm ID also creates a record of the issuance of the credentials.

35 Institutional ID Proofing & Credentialing
Forms of identity checked are stored IT will not need to create a manual process to store identities checked Enrollment Supervisor can take notes within Imprivata Confirm ID IT will not need to create a manual process to store notes Reports created for what forms of ID and notes entered IT can easily produce reports if audited

36 Supervised Enrollment
Depending on User preference User Accounts can have a combination of Signing policies: Fingerprint Password One Time Password (token) Hands Free Authentication Admin and User will sit together through enrollment

37 Supervised Enrollment
Supervisor witnesses to the Provider enrolling credentials

38 Imprivata Confirm ID benefits for IT
Release: Tokyo Imprivata Confirm ID benefits for IT Leverages the Imprivata platform Supports Imprivata OneSign and Imprivata Confirm ID Appliances, biometric devices, tokens etc. span multiple Imprivata Solutions Ease of deployment Imprivata Agent supports Imprivata OneSign and Imprivata Confirm ID One agent to maintain on every end point No extra software to be installed on the end points Ease of maintenance One admin console to manage all Imprivata products

39 Auditing and reporting
Enhanced auditing of user and admin activity User activity for signing transactions, including workflow, modality and device Admin activity tracks policy changes and overrides Configurable audit record retention Imprivata Confirm ID offers detailed reporting capabilities to establish a secure, auditable chain of trust for the entire EPCS process. Imprivata Confirm ID helps organizations demonstrate compliance with DEA and state-level EPCS requirements by delivering comprehensive reports that document the identity proofing, supervised enrollment and prescription signing processes, including any failed transmissions, unauthorized access attempts and other potential discrepancies. Imprivata Confirm ID also stores records for at least two years to meet DEA specifications, but organizations can customize based on their state requirements (for example, New York’s I-STOP requires that records are kept for five years).

40 Benefits to Legal & Compliance: Reducing Risk
Supports DEA and State Regulations Validated by independent DEA auditor Supports DEA mandated identity proofing Enforces FIPS-compliant authentication factors End to End Auditing and Reporting User activity for signing transactions, including workflow, modality and device Admin activity tracks policy changes and overrides Configurable audit record retention (NY’s I-STOP law requires five years) Anurag

41 Two-factor authentication considerations
This chart compares the different two-factor authentication options for EPCS and the benefits/challenges of each, which helps understand the importance of selecting the best two factor authentication methods to meet their providers’ needs.

42 Two-factor authentication considerations
Use Case/Workflow Examples Password FIPS Compliant Biometric FIPS Compliant Token Value/ Differentiation Relative Speed & Convenience Hard/Soft Hands Free Authentication Physician prescribing in patient exam room (shared workstation) or Physician prescribing in their office (dedicated workstation) X Fastest authentication – touch and done No disruption to workflow 5 Fast – type password and done Minimal disruption to workflow 4 Fast – type password and touch finger Slower than Hands Free Authentication, but fastest workflow when it is not available 3 Slow – type OTP code from token and touch finger 2 Slowest– type password and type OTP code from token Most disruptive to workflow 1 Physician prescribing in hospital on Windows Tablet (managed) Typically not available on mobile devices

43 Hands Free Authentication components
(Required in addition to Imprivata Confirm ID) Imprivata ID Imprivata ID iPhone App Downloaded from Apple App Store and activated on user’s phone Hands Free Authentication subscription/license Add-on to Imprivata Confirm ID license Imprivata ID USB Receiver Encrypted, secure communications channel only accessible to Hands Free Authentication application Deployed on each Hands Free Authentication enabled end-point Low power, very compact, plugs into USB port Symantec VIP or NSL subscription/license* Required for iPhone App, DEA compliance * Many Imprivata Confirm ID customers will have already widely deployed Symantec tokens which can be transferred for use with Hands Free Authentication

44 Hands Free Authentication supported configurations
Hands Free Authentication feature of Imprivata Confirm ID 1.1 Workaround if Endpoint not enabled Phone iPhone 4S and later Phone OS iOS 8.x Tokens (FIPS Compliant) Symantec VIP Tokens Symantec NSL Tokens (includes VIP) USB Receiver Imprivata ID USB Receiver Enter token code manually (just like a soft token) Endpoints Windows 7 & 8 Windows Embedded VDA integration With a Windows Agent on endpoint: Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop VMware View EMR All the EMRs which Imprivata Confirm ID supports, that also support tokens Sales and SEs refer to the Supported Configurations guide for full details

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