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Development of a Functional Model as part of a review of Australian Emergency Preparedness and Response arrangements for visits by nuclear powered vessels.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of a Functional Model as part of a review of Australian Emergency Preparedness and Response arrangements for visits by nuclear powered vessels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of a Functional Model as part of a review of Australian Emergency Preparedness and Response arrangements for visits by nuclear powered vessels to Australian ports G.Hirth, S. Muston, M. Grzechnik, S. Solomon, L. Castle (ARPANSA) & M. Uzzel (Department of Defence)

2 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)
ARPANS Act CEO RHC, RHSAC & NSC Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne Offices (approx 130 FTE) Protection of People and the Environment from the Harmful Effects of Radiation Mission statement underpinned by good science

3 ARPANSA’s responsibilities in EPR
Australian Government Regulator “...advisor to government and response organisations…” National Competent Authority (NCA) for: Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Response and Assistance Network (RANET) National Capability Advisor for Australia. Australian representative for EPReSC. Collaborating Centre for Radiation Protection, Member of Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network (REMPAN). Radiation capacities to respond to WHO International Health Regulations events via IHR Focal Point (OHP in DoH). Nationally, promote National Uniformity GSR2 recommends that; “In planning for, and in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency, the regulatory body shall act as an adviser to the government and response organisations in respect of nuclear safety and radiation protection”. With IAEA/ICRP/WHO promote International Best Practise IHR Focal Point in Australia is the Office of Health Protection, IHR events include “radionuclear” events (WHO to be notified within 24hours of assessment of public health info). ARPANSA capability to detect, assess and respond to acute public health events when they occur.

4 ARPANSA EPR Capabilities
Preparedness ARPANSA EPR Manual National Uniformity Codes & Guides Local Plans & Arrangements National EPR Planning Reference Accidents NPW Functional Model Response Liaison & Advice Field Teams Assessments & Modelling IMP International best practice… Liaison and advice includes media, international liaison and advice to Government

5 Nuclear Powered Warship Visits
Overseen by VSP(N) Current arrangements first implemented in 1975 Plans include… OPSMAN1 COMDISPLAN Health CBRNINC Plan State & Territory Fire & Police response ARPANSA and other stakeholders currently reviewing arrangements Relevant State/Territory OPSMAN1 - Defence Operations Manual COMDISPLAN - Aus Govt Disaster response plan CBRNINC – Chem, Bio, Rad or Nuc Incidents of National Consequence EMA Surge Plan

6 Functional Model for NPW Visits “What needs to be done?”
Workshop held Oct , Jervis Bay Included Navy, ARPANSA, EMA, DoH, Qld Health ‘Top Down’ Linear Model describing process required for a visit Second path dealing with response to an incident

7 VSP(N) Functional Model – L0

8 VSP(N) Functional Model – L1
1.1: Port Specific Suitability Assessment OUTPUT Suitability Assessment (Including recommendations to make it suitable) 1.2: Develop Standing Plan Validated, Exercised Standing Plan (Port Specific) 1.3: Visit Operation Orders (Rad specific, warning order also) Distributed, Harmonised, Radiation Specific Visit Operation Orders (Consequence Management) 1.4: Execute Visit [Radiological] Hazards/Risks to the people and the environment are eliminated or (where that is not reasonably practicable), minimised SFAIRP

9 VSP(N) Functional Model – L1.1
INPUT: Expressed Interest to Visit 1.1.1: Socio/Political Assessment 1.1.2: Practicability Assessment (Navigation/Physical) 1.1.3: Radiological Assessment 1.1.4: Compile Report Output: Suitability Assessment and Report

10 Business Process Notation Model “Who needs to do the what (and how)?”
Sits ‘below’ functional model Head of Agency Support given for process Work Commenced at (bi-annual) NPW Seminar Descriptions on each function and responsibility for executing Reference to individual documentation Completion expected by end of calendar year Outcome feeds into OPSMAN1 revision Work has commenced on the BPNM and good progress was made discussing the details of the model at the bi-annual NPW seminar held in July. BPNM is expected to be completed by end Calendar year With the aim to have: Head of agency agreement that regains support for the program (basis is the senate inqury) Below this sits the Functional model, which will have the BPNM as a high level set of descriptions on each function and who is responsible for executing. These will reference individual documentation on how the process is carried out (similar to Part 3 IMP)

11 Summary The Functional Model and Business Process Notation Model provide a ‘top down’ development to…. Provide the complete description of the roles and responsibilities for NPW visits Detail the ongoing resource commitments required Apply to Commonwealth, State and Territory entities

12 THANK YOU Email:
Website: Telephone: General Fax: Will revamp this… contact details, etc.

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