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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Quiz (Day 3) List the marketing mix for goods and for services.
What is the difference between brand awareness and brand loyalty? Supply a synonym: half price Cut the price What is defined here? “The amount of money the company aims to invest in the marketing of its products and services.”

3 Quiz (Day 3) What are these images called?

audience (number, knowledge, register, etc.) venue/location (size, equipment, set-up) objectives (to entertain, teach, persuade, etc.) topic (be selective, well researched, organized) visual aids (know language for describing graphs) notes (DO NOT READ) rehearsal

5 Organization: Introduction Body: the subject itself Conclusion
Welcome your audience Introduce yourself and the topic Explain the structure of the presentation Explain the rules about questions Body: the subject itself Conclusion Summarize Thank the audience Invite questions

6 Signalling or signpost language:
Words and phrases that help you organise your presentation these help the listener: they make your presentation easy to follow E.g.: I’ll start by..., First of all..., Then..., Next..., Finally/Lastly...

7 How to make an effective presentation
Listen and make notes of the structure of this presentation

8 Listen again and write down the signposts
I’m going to talk about 3 things in this presentation. First…, Then…. , And finally… Let’s first talk about … I’ll tell you about … For example … Let’s look now at … I’ll recap what I’ve covered… I looked at … And finally showed you… So what sort of people are Kiva lenders? (a repetition of the title of one of the subsections)

9 What is wrong with these presentations?

10 VISUAL AIDS The slides are there to help your audience NOT you!
clear and big layout only key words / ideas/ pictures / charts /graphs maximum 2 slides/minute fallback plan: printouts, OHP, board?

11 How to make good slides? Look at the next slides and explain how you could improve them.

12 The marketing mix The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing products. The marketing mix is often synonymous with the 'four Ps': 'price', 'promotion', 'product', and 'place'. However, in recent times, the 'four Ps' have been expanded to the 'seven Ps' with the addition of 'process', 'physical evidence' and 'people'. (source: Wikipedia)

13 The marketing mix The 4 Ps Recently: 7 Ps Price Promotion Product
Place Price Promotion Product Place Process Physical evidence People

14 Hawaii is a great place to go on holiday because ...
they have: sandy beaches beautiful sunsets and an interesting culture!

15 Visit Hawaii!

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