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Tinting Eye treatments.

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Presentation on theme: "Tinting Eye treatments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tinting Eye treatments

2 Demonstrate set up for tinting Carry out eyebrow tint
Aims Introduce tinting Demonstrate set up for tinting Carry out eyebrow tint

3 Functions of brows and lashes
Stop debris entering eyes Keep germs out of eyes Protect eyes from excessive light damage Did you know one eyebrow contains approximately 900 individual hairs?

4 Types of hair Lanugo – soft downy hair found on a foetus before birth
Vellus – soft downy hair covering most of the body, normally without colour and rarely grows longer than 2cm Terminal – grows from deep follicles which go down to the subcutaneous layer of the skin. They are strong hairs which contain pigment and can be curly, wavy or straight

5 Tinting colours There are 5 main tinting colours, can you name them?
Black Brown Blue Blue/Black Grey

6 Safety Patch test 24-48hrs prior
Tests client for sensitivity or allergies Insurance policy void if not done Remember – always note the date and results of the patch test on client record cards Positive reaction - inflammation, irritation, itching, swelling and in severe cases they will feel unwell Advise to remove the tint immediately with water and apply a soothing lotion

7 Safety & Hygiene Check for contra-indications
Ensure all equipment is clean, sterile and in good working order Ensure client removes contact lenses Fill out record card before & after Protect clients clothing and hair Ensure make-up is removed with non- oily products Do not leave the client whilst tint is developing Remove excess tint from the skin Ensure client keeps eyes closed Apply barrier cream

8 Contra-indications Inflammation Swelling Conjunctivitis Stye
Tired watery eyes Eczema/psoriasis in eye area Cuts & abrasions Allergies Positive reaction to skin test Undiagnosed lumps Blepharitis Bruise or swelling Ringworm

9 How tint works The selected dye and hydrogen peroxide are mixed to produce a chemical reaction When applied to the hair the molecules of pigment are tiny and are able to penetrate the cuticle, and enter the cortex The molecules of pigment swell and group together so they are fused in the cortex layer, this is known as oxidisation The swelling prevents the colour from coming out when washed and so becomes permanent

10 Selecting a tint The choice of colour is a matter of personal preference and is based on: Age of client Colours of eye make-up Clients overall skin and hair colouring Discuss with client and use your professional judgement General guidelines are as follows: Fair hair – brown tint Red hair – brown tint Dark hair – black tint Grey hair – grey tint

11 Mixing the tint Always check and read manufacturers instructions before mixing and using tint – this is done to meet insurance requirements and to ensure the correct ratio of tint to peroxide is mixed Never use metal dish– hydrogen peroxide reacts with metal A guide is a 5mm length of tint with 2-3 drops of 3% or 10vol hydrogen peroxide mixed in a tinting bowl with a disposable brush to create a smooth paste Never pre-mix tint, replace caps on tint and peroxide – oxidisation occurs When using two colours of tint mix together then add peroxide Note processing time on record card

12 Applying the tint Apply barrier cream or petroleum jelly with a cotton bud, around the area as close to the hairs as possible without touching them Is applying to eye use eye shields to protect skin from staining Apply the tint as close to the roots as possible without touching the skin Use a disposable brush or a clean sterile fine brush After one minute check the colour by removing a small amount of tint from the inner corner of eyebrow, re-apply tint and re-check at one minute intervals Tip – red and white hair are more resistant to tinting allow one or two extra minutes

13 Removing the tint Use separate pieces of clean damp cotton wool for each eye/eyebrow to prevent cross-infection Never rub back and forth, always wipe towards outer corners Be sure all tint has been removed The tint will not have coloured the lashes or brows successfully if: There was grease, make-up or barrier cream on the hairs / Old tint was used / The hydrogen peroxide lost its strength / The tint and peroxide were mixed incorrectly / Tint was removed too early

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