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Accent Marks Español 1 CP Señora Johnson

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1 Accent Marks Español 1 CP Señora Johnson

2 Accent Marks Accent marks can be very frustrating
because they seem random and difficult to memorize. You might even want to cry. There are actually patterns and rules to follow for accent marks. Turns out they are not random at all. This should make you happy. Once you learn the rules, you will be an expert at spelling words in Spanish.

3 Accent Marks and Pronunciation
Rule #1: Words ending in a vowel (-a,-e,-i,-o,-u), -n, or -s are stressed/ emphasized on the next to the last syllable: nada (NA-da) chico (CHI-co) examen (e-XA-men) joven (JO-ven) zapatos (za-PA-tos) promesas (pro-ME-sas) Rule #2: Words ending in any consonant (not vowel) except -n or -s are stressed on the last syllable: hablar (ha-BLAR) animal (a-ni-MAL) azul (a-ZUL) ciudad (ciu-DAD) reloj (re-LOJ)

4 Accent Marks and Pronunciation
If a word does not follow Rule #1 or Rule #2, an accent mark is used to show which syllable to stress/emphasize: cómico (CÓ-mi-co) también (tam-BIÉN) canción (can-CIÓN) simpática (sim-PÁ-ti-ca) lápiz (LÁ-piz) Accent marks can differentiate between words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings: el – the / él - he si – if / sí - yes All interrogatives (question words) have accent marks. Ex:¿Cómo?

5 Quiz Friday 4/21 Part 1: Fill in the sentences with the missing words.
Example Rule #1: Words ending in a vowel (-a, -e, -i, -o, -u), -n, or –s are stress/ emphasized on the ___________ syllable. Part 2: Write out the following words and underline the syllable that is stressed / emphasized. Example ciudad (ciu-dad)

6 RULE #1 Rule #1: Words ending in a vowel (-a,-e,-i,-o,-u), -n, or -s
are stressed/ emphasized on the next to the last syllable: nada (NA-da) chico (CHI-co) examen (e-XA-men) joven (JO-ven) zapatos (za-PA-tos) promesas (pro-ME-sas)

7 Rule #1 Divide the words into syllables and circle the syllable stressed. 7. malo (bad) 8. hija (daughter) 9. toro (bull) 10. rico (rich) 1. mesa (table) 11. alto (tall) 2. hijo (son) 12. sala (living room) 3. gato (cat) 4. rojo (red) 13. boca (mouth) 5. niño (boy) 14. luna (moon) 6. nota (note) 15. baño (bath)

8 Rule #1 Divide the words into syllables and circle the syllable stressed. 7. mucho (a lot) 8. lunes (Monday) 9. joven (young) 10. carta (letter) 1. calle (street) 11. plumas (pens) 2. perro (dog) 12. dulce (candy) 3. silla (chair) 13. flores (flowers) 4. leche (milk) 14. nuevo (new) 5. padre (father) 15. tienda (store) 6. libro (book)

9 Rule #1 Divide the words, circle the stressed syllable.
7. pelota (ball) 8. hermano (brother) 1. bonita (pretty) 9. comida (food) 2. mañana (tomorrow) 10. familia (family) 3. dinero (money) 11. papeles (papers) 4. amigo (friend) 12. hermosa (beautiful) 5. zapato (shoe) 6. pizarra (board)

10 Rule #1 Read the words, divide into syllables and circle the stressed syllable. 1. señorita (young lady) 2. carretera (highway) 3. escritorio (desk) 4. presidente (president) 5. chocolate (chocolate) 6. mexicano (mexican) 7. secretaria (secretary) 8. americano (american) 9. apartamento (apartment) 10. inteligente (intelligent)

11 RULE #2 Rule #2: Words ending in any consonant (not vowel) except -n or -s are stressed on the last syllable: hablar (ha-BLAR) animal (a-ni-MAL) azul (a-ZUL) ciudad (ciu-DAD) reloj (re-LOJ)

12 Rule #2 Divide the words into syllables and circle the stressed syllable. 8. reloj (watch) 9. local (local) 10. motor (motor) 11. central (central) 1. papel (paper) 2. mujer (woman) 12. salud (health) 3. plural (plural) 13. doctor (doctor) 4. feliz (happy) 5. ciudad (city) 14. señor (man) 6. hotel (hotel) 15. nariz (nose) 7. ayer (yesterday)

13 Rule #2 Divide the names into syllables and circle the stressed syllable. 7. Vidal 8. Feliz 9. Daniel 10. Raquel 11. Gabriel 1. Abel 12. Manuel 2. Eloy 13. Ortiz 3. Fidel 14. Samuel 4. Omar 15. Miguel 5. Ines 6. David

14 Rule #2 Divide the words into syllables and circle the stressed syllable. 7. capital (capital) 8. libertad (liberty) 9. superior (superior) 1. general (general) 10. nacional (national) 2. regular (regular) 3. Navidad (Christmas) 11. amistad (friendship) 4. singular (singular) 12. director (director) 5. español (Spanish) 6. profesor (teacher)

15 Rule #2 Divide the words into syllables and circle the stressed syllable. 6. humanidad 7. felicidad 8. enfermedad 9. universidad 1. calculador 10. administrador 2. residencial 11. investigador 3. ferrocarril 12. personalidad 4. televisor 5. dificultad

16 Rule #1 AND Rule #2

17 Rule #1 or #2? Write which rule the words follow. 9. plural 10. hijos
11. ciudad Example: chico 12. mujer Answer: rule #1 13. salud 14. dulce 1. usted 15. Fidel 2. lunes 16. reloj 3. hablan 17. comen 4. doctor 18. ayer 5. Julio 19. azul 6. arroz 20. Carmen 7. David 8. joven

18 Rule #1 or Rule #2? Write which rule the words follow. 8. mujer
9. plural 10. flores Example: chico 11. Patricia Answer: rule #1 12. salud 13. hotel 1. joven 14. familias 2. nariz 15. Marisol 3. felicidad 16. secretaria 4. hermanos 17. dulces 5. Esteban 18. feliz 6. ayer 19. Armando 7. Carmen 20. chicos

19 Rule #1 or Rule #2? Write which rule the words follow. 9. calles
10. pluma 11. nariz Example: chico 12. Ricardo Answer: #1 13. Sandoval 14. padre 1. altos 15. mujer 2. Gabriel 16. Graciela 3. pizarra 17. americano 4. doctor 18. ciudad 5. presidente 19. Ortiz 6. azul 20. tienda 7. señor 8. David

20 Not Rule #1 or Rule #2 If a word does not follow Rule #1 or Rule #2, an accent mark is used to show which syllable to stress/emphasize: cómico (CÓ-mi-co) también (tam-BIÉN) canción (can-CIÓN) simpática (sim-PÁ-ti-ca) lápiz (LÁ-piz)

21 Break Rule #1 These are examples of words that end in a vowel, n, or s and still have the emphasis on the last syllable. Write out the following words and add the accent marks. 1. papa (father) 2. violin (violin) 4. millon (million) 5. aqui (here) 6. jardin (garden) 7. sofa (sofa) 8. frances (French) 9. alli (there) 10. café

22 Break Rule #1 -These are examples of words that end in a vowel, n, or s and still have the emphasis on the last syllable. -Write out the following words and add the accent marks. 1. japones 2. aleman 3. corazon 4. algodon 5. ojala 6. calcetin 7. almacen 8. pantalon 9. cinturon 10. ademas

23 Break Rule #2 These are examples of words that break rule #2 and are stressed on the next to last syllable instead of the last syllable. Write the word and apply the accent mark. 1. dolar (dollar) 2. arbol (tree) 3. angel (angel) 4. util (useful) 5. huesped (guest) 6. carcel (jail) 7. lider (leader) 8. debil (weak) 9. sueter (sweater) 10. cancer (cancer)

24 Stressed on the 3rd to Last Syllable
If a word is ever stressed on any syllable other than the last or next to last, it MUST have an accent mark. The following words are stressed on the third to last syllable. Write out the words with accent marks. 1. pajaro (bird) 2. medico (doctor) 3. musica (music) 4. numero (number) 5. platano (banana) 6. sabado (Saturday) 7. faciles (easy) 8. silaba (syllable) 9. maquina (machine) 10. jovenes (youngsters)

25 Stressed on the 3rd to Last Syllable
If a word is ever stressed on any syllable other than the last or next to last, it MUST have an accent mark. The following words are stressed on the third to last syllable. Write out the words with accent marks. 1. mecanico (mechanic) 2. politica (politics) 3. hispanico (hispanic) 4. examenes (exams) 5. periodico (newspaper) 6. catolico (catholic) 7. historico (historic) 8. gramatica (grammar) 9. republica (republic) 10. democrata (democrat)

26 Questions?

27 Practice for Quiz Part 1: Fill in the sentences with the missing words. 1) Rule #1: Words ending in _____ are stressed/ emphasized on the next to the last syllable. 2) Rule #2: Words ending in _____are stressed on the last syllable. 3) If a word does not follow Rule #1 or Rule #2, an accent mark is used to show which syllable to _____. 4) Accent marks can differentiate between words that are pronounced the same but have _____. 5) All interrogatives (question words) have _____. Part 2: Write out the following words and underline the syllable that is stressed / emphasized. 6) zapatos 7) examen 8) animal 9) nada 10) azul

28 Practice for Quiz-Answers
Part 1: Fill in the sentences with the missing words. 1) Rule #1: Words ending in vowel, n, s are stressed/ emphasized on the next to the last syllable. 2) Rule #2: Words ending in consonant not n, s are stressed on the last syllable. 3) If a word does not follow Rule #1 or Rule #2, an accent mark is used to show which syllable to stress/emphasize 4) Accent marks can differentiate between words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. 5) All interrogatives (question words) have accent marks. Part 2: Write out the following words and underline the syllable that is stressed / emphasized. 6) zapatos (za-PA-tos) 7) examen (e-XA-men) 8) animal (a-ni-MAL) 9) nada (NA-da) 10) azul (a-ZUL)

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